2022 04 27 963
두개를 다 먹엇는데
I ate both.
속이 너무 느글거려오
I'm feeling so sick.
🍎 하수영씨 혹시 아이폰잉가요 건강앱-모든 건강 데이터 들어가서 보폭 얼마나 나오는지 봐주시술 있나요 나 53cm로 나와서 충격받음....총총 걸어다니나봐....... 남들은 얼마나 나오능거임
🍎 Ha Soo-young, are you an iPhone? Health App - Do you have a procedure to get all health data in and see how much stride you get? I was shocked because I came out 53cm...I guess he's walking around... how many people are there?
나는 87cm
I'm 87cm.
근데 제가 걸음이 겁나 크고 빠르긴해여ㅠ ㅠ
But I walk very fast and big.
저 항상 매니저님보다 먼저가고
I always go before our manager.
친구들이랑 다니면 친구들이 헉헉 거려요
When I hang out with my friends, they gasp.
오늘 96걸음
96 steps today.
생각보다 많이 걸엇네
I walked a lot more than I thought.
오늘 8563 걸음이요??????
8563 steps today?
등산 하셨어요?!!!
Did you go hiking?
🍎 96걸음이면 화장실 다녀오고 주방가고 끗
🍎 96 steps, go to the bathroom, and go to the end.
몬데 우리집에 cctv 잇습니까?
Do you have CCTV in my house?
걷기 달리기거리 0.05km
a walking distance of 0.05 km
보행속도는 어떻게돼요 다들
What's the walking speed? Everyone
66이요??!!! 치타야?
66? Is it a cheetah?
먼데 이러니 내가 길에서 오빛을 못보지 넘 빠르네
It's so far away that I can't see Orbit on the street. It's so fast.
저 어제는 2.8~6.3
Yesterday, I was 2.8 to 6.3.
월로 보면 2~8 이여
It's two to eight by the month.
단위는 kph요
The unit is kph.
8은 휴대폰들고 화장실갓다가 감독님이 스탠바이라고 하셔서 들고 대기실로 뛰엇을때 수치같은데여
8 is like a shame when I went to the bathroom with my phone and ran to the waiting room because the director said standby.
제가 평소에 뛸 이유가 없어요 …?
There's no reason for me to run normally…?
운동.. 해야되는데
I need to work out.
I have to.
근데 그 필라테스를 예로들면
But if I take pilates...
그 극한의 힘듦 막 토할 거 같은 그때가 넘 싫어요 ㅠ
I hate when I feel like throwing up. (T)
근데 그걸 이겨내면 너무 뿌듯한데
I'm so proud if I overcome that.
그 한시간동안 계속 이겨내는게 넘 힘드러
It's so hard to get through that hour.
그르게 그거 조아하는 바솩이들이 많네
There are a lot of Basak who like that.
나는 좀 힘들어 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I'm having a hard time.crying
It's a hell of a lot.
플라잉요가는 재밌어!!!
Flying yoga is fun!!!
거울보면서 하니까 안무하는 느낌도 들고
It feels like I'm dancing in front of the mirror.
물론 쉬운동작만 했지만 그거는 힘들단 생각이 안들엇어
Of course, I only did easy moves, but I didn't think it was hard.
저번에도 얘기햇는데 달리기도 재밌어❤️🫠
As I said before, running is fun ❤️🫠
초등학교 육상부할때 맨날 아침마다 학교옆에 산 달려서 올라가구 달려서 내려오고 핫는데
When I was in elementary school track and field club, I always ran up the mountain next to the school and came down.
그거도 재밌었엉
That was fun, too.
달리는거는 탄력받아서 점점 빨라질때 재밌엉
Running is fun when you gain momentum and get faster.
It's Basuk.
내가 고등학교때 사진을 올릴건데
I'm going to post a picture of me when I was in high school.
나 지금까지 친구인 친구들이랑 같이 찍은거거든?!
I took it with my friends until now.
다 여자인데 한 친구가 숏컷조아해서 저때부터 아직까지 숏컷인데
They're all women, but one of them liked short cuts. Since then, they're still short cuts.
나는 아 당연이 숏컷상관업지!!!!!! 주의라서 올리려구했는데
I was going to post it because I was careful of the short cut business!
회사분들도 오해하시더라구요?!..
The company staff misunderstood me, too.
그래서 오빛들도 오해할까봐 미리 말하는구야
That's why I'm telling you in advance because I don't want Orbit to misunderstand.
웅 저는 다 소중한친구들이라 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ힛
Yeah, I'm all precious friends hahaha.
올리구올게 ~~~~~
I'll post it and come back.