2022 04 15 813

현실은 엄마 오백원만 아폴론 사먹게 하는 초딩
In reality, an elementary school student who makes his mom buy Apollo only 500 won.

내 사촌이랑 맨날 퍼피레드 같이할라고 전화해서 야 ㅇㅇ아 내 파크에서 만나자 했는데
My cousin and I always called to play Puppy Red together and said, "Hey, I'll meet you at my park."

One day...

전화해서 받자마자 야 안들어오냐 ㅋ 머하냐 ㅋ오늘은 롤러코스터 타자하며 이것저것 말햇더니 고무부가 받으신거였음
As soon as I called and picked up, he said this and that while riding a roller coaster today, the rubber club received it.

하 또 혼자 신나서 썰풀어서 죄송합니다
I'm sorry for telling you this because I was so excited.

늦은시간 얼른 주무시지요
Hurry up and sleep at this late hour.

Good night.

웅니는 꿈에서 먹은 삼겹살 아른거려서 고기 기다리고있어…
Woongni is waiting for meat because she feels like she ate pork belly in her dream...

웅니는 먹고잘게…
Woongni will eat and sleep...

하 이럴때 으른된거 실감
I realized that I became an adult at times like this.

먹고싶은거 먹고싶을때 시키기 ㅋ
Order what you want to eat when you want to eat haha

으른만의 특권
adult privileges

학교다닐땐 야밤에 가스렌지 불키면 엄마 바로 주무시다나와서 또 머묵노 했었는데ㅜ
When I go to school, when the gas stove turns on at night, my mom sleeps right away.I came out and did mukno again.

전자레인지도 띵!!!!!!🎤⚡️🧨💥 소리나기전에 잽싸게 꺼야하는데 그 조용한 새벽에 저 소리나면 게임오버인것임..
Microwave, too!🎤⚡️🧨💥 I have to turn it off quickly before the sound comes out, but if I hear that sound at that quiet dawn, it's game over.

근데 항상 저희 할무니는 새벽에도 부엌불 켜놓고 저 올때까지 기다렸다가 저녁밥 데워주고 했었어여 진짜ㅜ 울할매 최고🥺❤️
But my grandmother always left the kitchen light on even at dawn and waited until I came to heat up dinner. Really! Grandmother is the best 🥺❤️

아무래도 할무니가 보고싶나봄
I guess she wants to see my grandmother.

3차경연끝나거 후딱 다녀올까봐여 🤓❤️
I'm afraid I'll be back soon after the 3rd competition 🤓❤️

🍎락앤락통도 열려면 먼가 그 새벽엔 쿵코앜웈ㅇ쾅하는거같고
🍎 To open the lock and lock container, I think it's like kung-ko-a-koong at dawn.

하 ㅇㅈ 천지개벽하는 소리남
Ha, ha, j. Sound of heaven and earth opening up.

그릇꺼낼때 꼭 와장창 소리나줌
When you take out the dishes, make a crashing sound.

전 보통 라면을 먹었읍니다 아니면 비빔밥
I usually eat ramen or bibimbap.

🍎 그거 밤에 소리 크게 나는 이유가, 공기의 밀도가 낮과 밤이 달라서 밤에는 소리가 아래로 휘어서 아래에 사는 우리한테 더 크게 난다나 뭐라나
🍎 The reason it makes a loud sound at night is because the air density is different from day to night, so at night, the sound bends down, making it louder for us living below.

진짜루? 내공 드려도 되는 부분ㅍ?
Really? The part where I can give you experience.

하 근데 목에 담온거 어떻게 풀어요
But how can I untie the sore throat?

강제 겸손하지 않은 사람되었음
I became a person who wasn't forced to be humble.

벼는 익을수록 고개를 숙인다는데 저는 담와서 못숙인다구요
The more rice is cooked, the lower your head. But I can't because I'm soaked.

파스 붙여놨어 😍
I put on a pain relief patch. 😍

🍎 내가 안마 해주까?? 쿵💥💥💥쾅💥💥💥 쿵💥💥💥 쾅💥💥💥 어때‼️‼️‼️ 시워내??!!💥💥💥
🍎 Do you want me to massage you? Boom 💥💥💥 boom 💥💥💥 boom ‼ how about it ‼ ‼ 💥💥💥 💥💥💥️ ️️?!!💥💥💥

💀 : 응응 진짜 저세상갈뻔 (갔는데요)
💀: Yeah, I almost went to another world.

🍎 아픈쪽 겨드랑이를 반대편 손으로 살살 문질러보라는데
🍎 They're telling me to gently rub my armpit with the other hand.

…이거 맞아요?
Is this right?

🍎 🔥🔥🔥목 안돌아가는 쪽에 푹 파인데 바로 뒤에 근육 잡혀요 거기 잡거나 누르고 돌아가는쪽으로 회전운동 하고나서 온전히 목의 힘으로 쭉 펴주면되요 아픈쪽을 그걸 반복하면 금방 풀려요🔥🔥🔥
🍎 🔥🔥🔥 You dig deep on the side where your neck doesn't turn, but you get muscles right behind you. Hold or press there, rotate to the side where you turn, and then stretch it out with the strength of your neck. If you repeat the painful side, you'll be relieved quickly. 🔥🔥🔥

오 저 이거보고 목 만져봤는데 힘줄같은거 있어서 잡았더니 시원하요
Oh, I touched my neck after looking at this, and there was a tendon, so I grabbed it and it's cool.

여기가 아픈둣
It hurts here.

🍎 아 맞다 너무 오래하지마요!!이부 다음날 주거요...누른데😂
🍎 Oh, right! Don't do it too long!It's the next day of the week.Press it 😂

엇 이거 마치 블로그글 같아
Oh, this is like a blog post.

이미 목 포맷햇다구요 ㅜ ㅠ
I've already formatted my voice. ㅜ ㅠ

🍎 웅니는 폰 언제 충전해 1.100퍼센트여도 충전기 보이면 일단 충전 2. 중간보다 낮아지면 슬슬 함 3. 폰이… 잠이 들 때까지 놔뒀다가 충전
🍎 When will you charge your phone? Even if it's 1.100%, if you see the charger, charge it. 2. If it's lower than the middle, I'll start doing it' 3. The phone... Leave it until you fall asleep and then charge it.

  1. 1퍼일때 갑자기 우당탕탕 달려가서 충전기 꽂아줍니다
  2. When it's 1%, I suddenly run and plug in the charger.

🍎 웅니 그럼 보조배터리도 안 들고 다녀요 ?_?

🍎 Woongni, then you don't even carry a portable battery?_?


웅 무거워
It's heavy.

하지만 멤버가 많으니 한명쯤은 있어서 빌려버리기
But since there are many members, there's at least one person, so I'll rent it.

저희는 어디를 갈때에도 와 누구한명쯤은 챙기겠지 하며 안가져가요
Whenever we go somewhere, we don't take it, thinking that we'll take care of at least one person.

전 보통 제가 개인적으로 쓰는건 다챙기고
I usually take care of everything that I personally use.

아 열두명이 모두 안가져온적은 절대 없으뇨
Ah, there's never been a time when all 12 of you didn't bring it.

저랑 고원이는 바리바리스타라 오만거 다챙겨여
Go Won and I are varibaristas, so we take everything.

와 가면 책읽지안ㄹ응까? 맞죠 언니 카메라 챙길까요? 그래그래 와 마사지기 어때 챙겨야죠 언니 종아리링가져갈라구요 헐 나도나도
Wow, if you go there, you'll read a book, won't I? Right? Should I take the camera? Yeah, yeah. Wow. How about a massager? I have to take care of it. Take your calf ring. Me too! Me too!

보배는 고원이꺼나 해주꺼 쓰면돼요 ㄱㅊㄱㅊ
You can use GoWon's or Haeju's. C, c, c, c.

9.쌍둥이자리👫 (5/21~6/21)

노력해도 빠르게 성과가 나오지 않을 수 있어요. 느긋함을 가지는 것이 중요합니다. 몸의 힘을 빼고 기분을 편안하게 만들고 여유를 가지세요.

럭키 컬러:초록색 행운의 열쇠:패션디자인

금전운 💸💸💸 연애운 💘💘💘 학업운 📝📝📝 건강운 🏋🏋
9. Gemini 👫 (5/21–6/21)

Even if you try, you may not get results quickly. It's important to be relaxed. Relax, relax and relax.

Lucky Color: Green Key to Fortune: Fashion Design

Money luck 💸💸💸 Love luck 💘💘💘 Study luck 📝📝📝 Healthy luck 🏋🏋

오늘 날씨는 어떠한가요
How is the weather today?