2022 04 01 615
나 사과잼 조아해
I like apple jam.
땅콩버터 인기많네
Peanut butter is popular.
어렸을 때 그거 많이 먹엇능데 땅콩잼인데 막 과일잼섞여잇능거 소용돌이모양
I used to eat that a lot when I was young. It's peanut jam, but it's mixed with fruit jam. It's a spiral shape.
That's right! 😍
엄마가 발라주던 식빵
The bread my mom used to put on me.
엄마생각나서 커피시켜주고올게여
I'll order coffee because I think of my mom.
근데 울동네에는 맛있는게 많이 없으여…ㅠ
But there are not many delicious things in my neighborhood...(T)
웅 양산
mass production of Woong
할무니 카페모카 휘핑겁나많이
Grandmother Cafe Mocha Whipping So Much
어무이 디카페인돌체라떼 2개 하나는 얼음빼달라함 낼먹으라구 🤘😎🤘
Eat two decaffeinated dolce lattes without ice 🤘😎🤘
요청사항 고마 최선을 다해주이소
Thank you for your request. Please do your best.
효녀가수 현숙 sbn 보다 더 현숙
Hyunsuk, the filial daughter singer, is more Hyunsuk than Sbn.
대박 바솩이가 이 말하니 생각나는 썰
Wow, this reminds me of a story.
초딩 때 한창 할무니가 보는 티비에서
When I was in elementary school, my grandmother used to watch TV.
훌라 춤을 춘다 탬버린~ 이노래 부르시는 현숙선배님 자주보다가
I'm doing the hula dance, tambourine. I saw Hyunsuk singing this song a lot.
어느날 공부방갓다가 언니야랑 집비번 안누르고 벨을 눌러봣으요
One day, I went to the study room and rang the bell without pressing the house password with my sister.
그니까 엄마가 놀래서 누구셔요 누구세요~~~?
My mom was surprised. Who is it? Who is it?
햇는데 내가 은녕하세요 효녀가수~ 현숙입니드아~ 성대모사하면서 훌라춤을 춘다 탬버린~~! 노래 열창햇으요
I said, "Hello". A good daughter singer! Hyunsook! Do the hula dance while impersonating! Tambourine! I sang my heart out.
그래서 엄마가 어이없어서 문열어줌
So my mom opened the door for me.
훌라훌라라는 가사가 입에 익은 건 태초에 현숙s선배님이 계셨기때문…
I'm familiar with the lyrics of hula hula because Hyunsuks sunbae was there in the beginning...
s 눈치챙겨 낄끼빠빠
S, be sensible. Kkilkkkippappa.
내 동생도 엄마 앞에서 트로트 열심히 부르고 댄싱머신임 밖에선 조신하고 참한 우리집 둘짼데;; 소름인게 걔도 infj임
My brother also sings trot hard in front of my mom and is a dancing machine, and outside, he is the second child of my family who is gentle and true;; the creepy thing is that he is infj.
대박 울언니가 적은줄
Wow, I thought my sister wrote it.
와 커피 도착했대 🔥
Wow, the coffee is here. 🔥
저희 언니 ㅇ엠비티아이요?
My sister is OOOBITI?
아마도 entj
Maybe entj
엉 울언니한테 상처받은적 왕많어요
I've been hurt a lot by my sister.
좀 안맞아요
It doesn't fit me.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
infj는 자책인간이라 이미 그 말을 상대방한테 털어놓는 이유도 자책하다가 위로받고 싶어서 말하는건디 울언니는 그르게 잘좀하지 라고해요
Infj is an self-made person, so the reason why she already confides that word to the other person is because she wants to be comforted while blaming herself, but my sister tells me to be good at it.
전형적 t 인간
a typical t-human being
그면 이제 저는 아니내가 잘안하고싶러서 잘안햇냐고!!!🔥🔥🔥 😡
Then, I... Did I not do it because I didn't want to do it well?🔥🔥🔥 😡
근데 저도 이제 언니한정 t인간이 돼버려서 언니가 뭐 실수하면 에헤이 와이라노 ; 하면서 서로 뭐라함 ㅜ ㅜ
But now that I'm only a t-person for my sister, if she makes a mistake, she's like, "Hey, why don't you say something to each other?"
자매란 서로에게 가장 무뚝뚝하지만 밖에 나가면 세상 다정하단 소리 듣는사람
Sisters are the most blunt to each other, but when they go outside, they hear that they are sweet.
아 근데 이거 말하다 생각났는데
Oh, but I thought of this while I was talking about this.
팬분들이 올려주신 멤버들 엠비티아이 영상 있자나요
Are there any MVI videos of the members that the fans uploaded?
그런거보면 우리끼리 그냥 장난친다고 더 오버해서 소심한 척 하구 더 오버해서 화내는 척 하구 그러는건데
When we see that, we act like we're more timid and angry just because we're playing around.
댓글 하나하나보니까 다들 너무 진심이시더라구요…?
Looking at each comment, everyone was so sincere...?
그래서 보다가 상처 쪼꿈 받았어요…ㅜ ㅜ
So I got hurt while watching it...ㅜㅜ
언젠가 해명해야지 했었어
I wanted to explain it someday.
우리 오빛들은 뭐라구 안하지!!!
Our ORBITS don't say anything!!!
그냥 이달소를 잘 모르는 사람들이 툭 뱉은 말이 속상하드라구요
It's just that I'm upset that people who don't know LOONA said it.
그래서 해주랑 어느날 차에서 언니 그거봤어? 하면서 어나두봤어… ㅋㅌㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
So one day, Haeju and I were in the car, and did you see that? While doing it, I've seen... (Laughs)(Laughs)
마자여 그래서 그 뒤로 멤버들끼리 엠비티아이 얘기는 자제하구있어여 😂
That's right. So after that, the members have been refraining from talking about MBT I. 😂
근데 오빛들이 댓글로 대신 말해줘서 너무 고맙고 미안하구 고맙구 속시원하구 그랬어😍
But ORBIT said it on behalf of me in the comments, so I was so thankful and grateful. 😍
암튼 해주랑 저는 엄청 친하다구요…? 그 영상을 봤지만 이달소를 모르는 분들한테 말하고싶었어
Anyway, Haeju and I are very close...? I watched that video, but I wanted to tell people who don't know LOONA.
K, T.(Laughs) (Laughs)
근데 그런것도 제가 다 이겨내야죠 🤓 할수있어~~~~~~🖤
But I have to overcome all that. 🤓 I can do it.~~~~~🖤
또 이르케 위로를 받아버렸군
I've been comforted again.