2022 04 01 612

정은이랑 울집에서 밥먹구
I ate with Jungeun at my house.

여진이 집 왔어
Yeojin's home.

마자 4명있어~~~
Right, there are four of us.~~

정은이랑 초밥, 닭강정 나눠먹구
I ate sushi and sweet and sour chicken with Jungeun.

놀러와서 김정은이 빙수먹고싶다해서
I want to eat ice flakes with Kim Jong Un.therefore

I ordered fruit salad.

오 빙고
Oh, bingo.

정은이랑 누워잇슴 ㅋ
I'm lying down with Jungeun.

아이써틴 선배님 원몰타임 보는 중
I'm watching "One More Time" by iSertin.

이거 내 애창곡이었삼
This was my favorite song.