2022 03 22 516
고마워 봐줘서🤓
Thank you for watching 🤓
콘서트끝나구 곡받고 하루만에 외우고 찍어서 진짜 안무쌤도 우리도 너무 아쉬웠던 🥺
After the concert, I memorized the song and filmed it in a day, so the choreographer and we were really disappointed 🥺
하쥐만 오빛들이 좋아해줘서 기분조아~😆
I'm so happy that ORBIT likes it.😆
하루에 걍 끝까지 와닫다다다 나가버리구
I just go all the way to the end of the day and then I go out.
담날 바로 안보고 몇번 맞춰본 뒤에 찍어서 난 먼가 쫌 불안했쥐만 하수영은 해낸다
I was a little nervous because I filmed it after a few times without looking at it right away, but Ha Soo-young did it.
오 공트 바로올라왔네 흐흐
Oh, it came up right away. Haha.
어제랑은 다른날이라구
It's a different day from yesterday.
나 저 나시 검정 흰색잇삼 ㅋ
For me, that sleeveless shirt, black and white. It-sam.
내가 회사에 보낸 사진은 좀더 지글지글한 화질에 눈에 후레쉬 비친 사진이었는데
The picture I sent to the company was a picture with a sizzling resolution and a fresh reflection on my eyes.
자체 고화질을 돌려주셨어… 후레쉬도 없애주시구…
They gave us high definition... Get rid of the flash.
아쉽따리…… 난 전에색감이 조아…🤦♀️
It's too bad... I like the color before...🤦♀️
다음엔 원본 올려달라구 정중히 부탁드렸숴 🥺🖤
I politely asked you to upload the original next time 🥺🖤
뭔지알지 눈에 후레쉬 비쳐서 …
You know what I'm talking about. Fresh in my eyes.
오 마자 적목현상 ㅎㅋ
Red eye phenomenon as soon as you come haha
암튼 빨리올라왔네😍
Anyway, it came up fast. 😍
저때 진짜 너무추워써
It was so cold back then.
엉 언니랑 데이트한날
The day I went on a date with her.
밖을 안나가서 봄이 온 줄 알았어 😂
I thought spring came because I didn't go outside 😂
울언니는 나에게 훈련받은 포토그래퍼야
My sister is a photographer trained by me.
나 연습하고있었지이
I was practicing.
밤샜따 🤤
I stayed up all night 🤤
When do you change your day and night?
오늘도 조은하루 😍
Today too, Cho Eunharu 😍
오늘은 일찍 나와야해서 나와써여
I came out early today because I had to leave early.
아마 오늘 밤낮을 바꿀 수 있을 거 같애 🤤
Maybe I can change my day and night today 🤤
오늘 아침은 2샷추가 아이스티와 연어베이글
Two extra shots of iced tea and salmon bagel this morning.
참고로 3시쯤먹은 야식은 간계밥
For your information, the late night snack I ate around 3pm was Gangyebap.
간계밥에 엄마가 보내주신 멸치 깻잎 김치 ㅁ냠냠
Dried anchovies and perilla leaf kimchi that my mom sent me.
깻잎은 스스로 떼먹읍시다
Let's eat the perilla leaves on our own.
저도 제 오른손으로 떼서 스스로 먹었읍니다👍
I took it off with my right hand and ate it myself.👍
sammy wilk - saturday (the wedding song)
sammy wilk - saturday (the wedding song)
샵에서 듣는데 좋군요
It's nice to hear it at the shop.
Morning song.