2022 03 12 407
이거만 얘기해줄게
I'll just tell you this.
I can't live.
이건 짧거든
This is short.
나 9살 때
When I was 9,
울 엄마 마트에서 옷가게할때엿음
When my mom opened a clothing store at the mart,
그때 당시 엄마 컬러링
My mom's coloring.
윤도현 선배님 사랑했나봐
I guess I loved Yoon Dohyun.
울 엄마 보통 전화하면 빨리 받는데
My mom usually picks up quickly when I call her.
엄마가 안받는거임
My mom didn't answer.
나 퍼피레드 충전해야되는데
I need to charge Puppy Red.
친구가 내 파크에서 기다리는대
My friend is waiting at my park.
그래서 포기하고 전화기 내려놓고 엄마 컬러링 새어나오는거 계속들으면서
So I gave up, put down my phone, and kept listening to my mom's ringtone.
사랑햇나바 잊을수업나바 자꾸생각나 견딜수가옶어 후회하나봐 널기다리나봐
또 나도몰래 가슴설레여와 저기 널 닮은 뒷모습에
I loved you. I can't wait to forget the class. I can't stand it. I must regret it. I must be waiting for you.
I'm also secretly excited to see the back that looks like you
저기 뒷부분 가성처리하는거부터 어렵단말임
It's hard to sing falsetto in the back.
근데 나 그때 스타킹 발라드소녀 꿈꿀때라
But I was dreaming of a stocking ballad girl.
I did my best.
At the beginning of the second verse,
전화기에서 갑자기 후~~~~ 하면서 꺄르륵거리면서 박수소리가 들려오는구임
I can hear the sound of applause from the phone.
알고보니가 내가 심취해서 노래 크게 부르는동안
It turns out that while I'm so into it, I'm singing loudly.
마트이모들이랑 엄마가 숨죽이면서 듣고잇엇던거임
My mom and aunt at the mart were listening while holding their breath.
그 날 창피해서 아엄마 왜 몰래듣냐고 ㅜㅜ 하면서
I was embarrassed that day, and I was like, "Mom, why are you secretly listening?"
퍼피레드 충전이고 머고 울었는데
I was recharged with Puppy Red and cried a lot.
그 뒤로 마트가면 입구에서부터
From the entrance to the mart,
이모들이 아이고 가수왓나~!?
The aunts said, "Are you a singer?"
Even if I go to the grocery store,
아이고 수영아 노래 함 불러바라!
Sooyoung, sing a song!
이모 안녕히계세요… 하고 마트 나가도
Goodbye auntie... Even if you go out to the mart,
어~! 목관리잘해라잉~!
Oh! Take care of your throat!
난 그래서 그 뒤로 그 노래 안들음…
That's why I haven't listened to that song since...
와 이거말고 겁쟁이 썰도 잇는데
There's a story about a scaredy cat.
이건 다음에 들려쥼..
I'll play this for you next time.
ss501선배님 겁쟁이라는 노래
It's a song called "Coward" by SS501.
아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 누가 나보고 미달이같대
Ah. (Laughs) (Laughs) Someone said I look like a student.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ와 대박
(Laughs) (Laughs)Wow, that's awesome.
어쩌면 그럴수도
나 알고리즘으로 계속 미달이 뜨던데
My algorithm keeps saying "I didn't get it".
??? 나도 엉덩이가 계속 간지러운 미달이 봤는데
??? I've seen a college student whose butt is itchy.
우리 똑같은 거 봣네…
We saw the same thing...
It was fun.
혼자 흐흐 거리면서 봄
Spring while sobbing alone.
나 그 뒤로 순풍산부인과 보는 중
I'm looking at Sunpung Obstetrics and Gynecology.
아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ미달이 학예회 지퍼 사건 진짜 웃김ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ케
Ah. (Laughs) (Laughs)The zipper incident at the university arts festival is so funny.(Laughs) (Laughs)K.
생각난김에 지금봐야지
I'm going to watch it now.
잘 자
Good night
난 이거 보고 잘래
I'm going to sleep after watching this.
Episode 92
Here we go.
하 재미따
It's so much fun.
근데 이입하니까 쫌 슬푸네
But now that I'm into it, I'm a bit sad.
잘쟈 흐흐 🖤🤓
Sleep well. 🖤🤓