2022 03 11 395

좋은 하루 ☀️😎
Good day ☀️😎

14시간 잔 하수영… 어케이래
Fourteen-hour Remaining Ha Soo-young. Oh, my.

잘 잤는데 또 자고싶당 ㅎㅎㅎ
I slept well, but I want to sleep again.

하지만 해주가 오눌 날씨 너무 좋다해서
But Haeju said the weather was so nice.

해 떠있을 때 산책해볼까해 😎
I'm thinking of taking a walk when the sun is up 😎

미세먼지 눈치챙겨~~~
Fine dust, get a sense!

오늘 울언니 생일🎂 흐흐
Today is my sister's birthday 🎂 Haha

언니 보러가야한다
I have to go see you.

ㅂㅏ솩이 귀여워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜ ㅜ
"Ba-Sook" is so cute. (Laughs) ㅜㅜ

점심은 먹어써?!
Did you eat lunch?!

아직 안먹은 바솩이도 있구낭
Some of them haven't eaten yet.

얼른 챙겨먹짜 ㅜ ㅜ🥺
Let's hurry up and eat 🥺

오늘은 먼가 날씨가 좋으니
Since the weather is nice today,

야외테라스에서 파스타먹는 상상😏…
Imagining eating pasta in an outdoor terrace 😏...

근데예전에 가로수길에서 파스타 밖에서먹는데
In the past, I was eating pasta outside at Garosu-

바람에 휴지 날라가구 난리~…
The wind is blowing tissues. It's crazy.

그때 느꼈지
That's when I felt it.

상상과 현실은 다르군 ㅋ
Imagination and reality are different.

아이고 휴지야 아이고 영수증아 다 날아가네…
Oh, tissue. Oh, receipt. It's all gone.

언니야 기다리면서 잠깐 잠들었는데
I fell asleep while waiting.

와 꿈에서 악몽꿨어 대박이야
Wow, I had a nightmare in my dream. It's amazing.

언니 전화와서 현실이어서 행복해써
I'm happy because my sister called me and it's real.

내가 꿈에서 팹을 하는데
I'm doing a fab in my dream.

내가 휴대폰을 킨 상태로 주머니에 넣엇는데 맘대로 키패드가 막 쳐져서
I put my cell phone in my pocket, but the keypad just fell down.

이상한 말들이 나간고야
Weird words have gone out.

근데 바솩이들이 다 ? ????????? 수영아 이건 쫌
But all the Basuks? Sooyoung, this is a bit...

수영아 그동안 고마웠어 안녕 수영앙 안녕
Sooyoung, thank you for all this time. Hello, Sooyoung-ang. Hello.

메시지 폭발
Explosion of messages

그래서 헉 안돼~~~ 내말을 믿어줘ㅠㅠㅜ 하는데 아무도 안믿거 슬펐지만
So I was like, "Oh no!"~~ Believe me.I was sad that no one would believe me.

깨보니 꿈이었어
When I woke up, it was a dream.


나 지금 개비스콘 짤 아저씨야
I'm a Gaviscon meme guy right now.

It's not a dream...?

No, I can't.

먼데 왜 다들 꿈처럼 떠나가
Why is everyone leaving like a dream when it's far away.


휴 ~~~~~~~😀

진짜진짜 끔찍했당
It was really, really terrible.

난 수영아이거먹어줘 해시보는 즁
Sooyoung, please eat this. Watching the hash.

여기서 골라서 가야지 흐흐…🤤
I'm going to pick one from here.🤤

When swimming 1🍎

역시 바솩이도 날 닮아 뻔뻔하군
As expected, Basuk looks like me. You' like me.