무어 요즘 감자가 없다고오...?!?!?!?!
What do you mean there are no potatoes these days?!?!?!?!
와 충격이네
Wow, that's shocking.
in a pendulum
하 진자 대박.... 그런거면 어쩔 수 없지
Ha Jinja is awesome... If that's the case, there's nothing we can do.
ㅜㅜ 코로나......
시대가 많은 걸 뺏네............................
You're taking away a lot of the times...................................
코로나는 언제 없어질까?
When will COVID-19 disappear?
이런 날이 올 줄 상상도 못했는데
I never imagined this day would come.
흑 흑
마자마자 그러니 우리가 지금 겪는 일상들도 언제 어떻게 뺏기게될지 모르니까 일상에서 사소한 행복을 찾자다들
As soon as we get there, we don't know when and how we're going to lose our lives, so let's find small happiness in our daily lives.
오늘도 고생많아써~~~~~~❤🤓
Thank you for your hard work today~~~~~~~~~~~~~❤🤓
나 원래 평소에도 이런 얘기 많이해 갑자기 교훈적인....
I usually talk about this a lot. Suddenly, it's a lesson...
ㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 내 친구들도 다 이런듯
K, T.(Laughs) (Laughs) All my friends are like this, too.
얘기하다가 갑자기
While talking, suddenly...
근데머우야겟노~~~~~ 일단니 그까지 한거만해도대단한거다 힘내쟈 야~~!!!
But what are you going to do? You're amazing. Let's cheer up!
I know what you mean.
But it's too much.~~~~
로 시작해줘야함
You have to start with
아니 나 중고등학교때부터 친구들은 거의 다 t야
No, since I was in middle and high school, most of my friends are T.
근데 이제 나를 너무 오래지내와서 하수영 한정 f인간들
But they've been with me for so long that they're only f-people for Ha Sooyoung.
그런가... 정말 프로그래밍 된걸까?...
Is it... Is it really programmed?
아무렴어때 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 내가 좋음 됐다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Whatever. [Laughing] If you like me, that's enough. [Laughing]
마자 힘들땐 근데머우야겟노~ 라구생각해봐
When you're having a hard time, think about it.
아니면 #mooooood
Or #mooood
mood #치킨옴
mood #chicken omg
내가 너무 쌩 가서... 삐져써...?
I went too fast... Are you upset?
아니아니 먹다가 다시옴
No, no. I ate and came back.
너무심했나? 해서 😎
Was it too much? 😎
어.. 나 2521 메이킹 보고있었어....
Uh... I was watching 2521 making...
드라마라면 자고로 메이킹을 봐야 한다고 생각해
If it's a drama, I think you should watch the making film.
난 모든 드라마의 메이킹을 더 조아해.....🤭
I like the making of all dramas more...🤭
그해우리는 메이킹 ㅇㅈ...
That year, we made...
아니ㅜ다들 눈이부시게는 봤냐고요
Did you all see it so bright?
그거 메이킹까지 보라고요
Watch the making film.
하 나중에 일찍볼걸 하지말구 지금보세요
I should've seen you earlier. Don't do it now.
근데 소년심판은 피 같은 거 나와???
But there's blood in the boy referee?
헉.... 안 보길 잘했다
I'm glad I didn't watch it.
마자 나같은 사람이 보면 계속 놀라고 잔상남아서 잘 때 악몽 꿔
When someone like me sees it, I get surprised and have nightmares when I go to sleep nightmares.
마자... 내가 젤 싫어하는 거 좀비,피묻은귀신..등등
My least favorite things are zombies, bloody ghosts...and so on.
비위상하는 ..
누가 누우우가 고원이 대머리 프사했어
Someone lied down and took a profile picture of Go Won bald.
그럼 못 써 !!!!!
Then you can't use it!!!!!!
안 바꾸면 신고합니다!!!!!!!🚨
If you don't change it, I'll report you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🚨
고원이 보내줬더니 신고할거래여
Go Won sent it to me and he's going to report it.
내 프사 갖고싶어?
Do you want my profile picture?
별루 안예쁜디
It's not that pretty.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 난 블러셔 조아해
(Laughs) I like blusher.