2022 02 18 175

딱감 죄없어 ㅜ ㅜ
I'm not guilty.

감은 딱딱해야 감이야
Persimmons need to be hard.

나 초등학교때 수박씨 모아서 아파트 화단에 친구랑 심고 에이포용지랑 자 붙여가지고 세워뒀었는데 갑자기 떠올랐어
When I was in elementary school, I collected watermelon seeds, planted them on the flower bed of an apartment with a friend, and put APPO paper on it, and it suddenly came to mind.

아니... 그거 세워놓고 뒤에서 친구랑 보는데 어른들이 지나가면서 쿸쿸 웃는데 너무 창피해서 다시 뽑아서 집가서 속상해햏던 기억이... 슬펏어
No... I was watching it with my friend in the back, and adults were laughing while passing by, and I was so embarrassed that I took it out and was sad when I went home. I was sad.

심지어 비싼 자 붙였었거든 자가 슬라이드 형식으로 펼치면 길어지고 다시 접을 수도 있고 그런거라서
I even put on an expensive one. If you open it in a self-slide format, it'll get longer and fold again.

에이포용지에 막 적었었어 ㅇㅇ이랑 수영이의 수박밭! 하고 꾸밈 싸인펜으로
I wrote it down on the A4 paper. With a pen that says, "Oh and Sooyoung's watermelon field!"

푯말? 그런거
Signs? Things like that.

그러게 내가 지금 커서보니 애기들 귀여워도 함부로 웃으면 안되겠다 싶어
When I grow up, I think I shouldn't laugh recklessly even if the babies are cute.

진지하게 하는 말인데 그게 속상 할 수도 있을 듯
I'm being serious, but it could be upsetting.

마자 할무니가 나 씨 심는다고해서 수박씨 모아서 주시고 내가 밖에 나갔다왔는데 잘 심었냐는 물음에 속상해서 대충 얼버무리고 방 들어간 기억
As soon as Grandmother said she was planting Na seeds, she collected them and asked if I planted them well outside, so I roughly glossed over the memory of going into the room.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

그치? 저런거 하나하나가 애기들 성격이 형성되는거에 되게 큰 영향을 미치는 것 같아
Right? I think each and every one of those things has a big impact on the formation of babies' personalities.

애기들한테 잘해주쟈
Let's be nice to the kids.

결론이야 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
That's the conclusion. [Laughing]

왜 할무니 때문에 다 울고있는거얔ㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Why are you all crying because of your grandmother?(Laughs)

징ㅁ짜 바솩이들 다 F다
They're all Fs.

하 세상의 모든 할머니 할아버지께서는 건강만 해주세요
All grandmothers and grandfathers in the world stay healthy.

우는 거 하니까 나 스우파메가크루 촬영하고 새벽에 숙소거실에서 혼자 곱창전골먹으면서 금쪽이 보는데 진짜 너무 오열해서 코막혀서 숨쉬기 불편했던 기억
When I was crying, I was eating gopchang hot pot alone in the dorm living room and watching it, and it was so hard to breathe because my nose was stuffy.

금쪽이 너무 슬푸다 진짜로 ㅡ ㅜ
I'm really sad about the gold side - ㅜ

가시나들? 그거 찍을 때 나는 매회 매순간이 고비였어
Gashinadeul? Every moment was a critical moment for me.

그냥 계속 옆에서 눈물 훔침 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
He keeps wiping away tears. ㅜㅜㅜ

길 가다가 할무니랑 꽃만봐도 할머니가 아이고 꽃 참 예뿌다 우리 아저씨도 같이 봤으면 참 좋았을텐데... 이러시니까 그저 나는 오열
When I saw the flowers with my grandmother on the street, it would have been nice if my uncle saw the flowers with me. Because of this, I'm just crying.

긍데 할머니들 뿐만 아니라 가시나들 피디님 작가님 스텝분들 모두가 그냥 다 너무 착하셔서 나는 진짜 기억에남아 ㅜㅜ
Not only the grandmothers, but also the producers, writers, and staff were all so nice that I really remember.

내가 데뷔하고 얼마 안돼서 찍은 리얼예능이라 카메라는 너무 많은데 그저 할머니랑 나랑 단둘이 덩그러니 있으니까 너무 막막하구 어려웠거든 근데 할머니도, 스텝분들도 나를 너무 친손녀처럼 잘 챙겨주시고 방송에도 예쁘게 담아주셔서 진짜 너어어어어어무 감사한....기억....💖
There were so many cameras because it was a real entertainment show that I filmed shortly after my debut, but it was so frustrating and difficult to be alone with my grandmother and me. But my grandmother and staff took good care of me like my granddaughter and captured me pretty on the show. I'm so thankful... Remember...💖

아마 나는 그 프로를 다시 못볼듯...ㅜ 기억나서 좀 슬퍼
I don't think I'll ever see that show again.I'm a little sad because I remember

제일 생각나는 부분? 카메라를 모두 철수하고 남순할머니랑 나랑 정말 단둘이 산중턱 할머니집에서 잤었는데 너무도 고요하고 그 고요함이 참 외롭고 적적하더라고... 그래서 할머니의 매일밤은 이렇겠구나 내가 가면 또 할머니가 외로워하시지 않을까싶고 오만 생각에 혼자 누워서 울었어 ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The part that comes to mind the most? After withdrawing all the cameras, Grandmother Namsoon and I slept alone at my grandmother's house in the middle of the mountain, and it was so quiet and lonely... So every night is like this for my grandmother. I thought she would be lonely again if I went, so I cried while lying down alone thinking of arrogance.(Laughs) (Laughs)

아니... 할머니는 너무도 시원하게 코를 골고 계셨어........눈물이 쏙 멎었지...
No... My grandmother was snoring so coolly... My tears stopped...

그러게 지금이라도 그때 느꼈던 감정들을 얘기할 수 있어서 너무 좋다
I know. It's so nice to be able to talk about how I felt then.

응 가끔은 친구한테도 말하지 못하는
Yeah, sometimes I can't even tell my friends.

사소하지만 그날따라 버거웁게 느껴지는 그런 고민들은 내게 털어놔도 좋아!!!! 뭐든 들어줄게 여기서☺
It's trivial, but it's okay to tell me those worries that you feel overwhelmed on that day!!!! I'll listen to anything here ☺

응응 내가 하나하나 답 해줄수는 없겠지만 나는 털어놓기만해도 감정을 흘려보내서 조금 나아지더라구요 그렇게라도 하면 좋을 거 같아서!
Yes, yes, I can't answer them one by one, but I feel a little better because I let go of my emotions just by telling them off. I thought it'd be nice to do that!

시간이 될때엔 정말 답해줄게요 하나씩💖
I'll really answer you when I have time. One by one 💖

편한대로 해😀
Do whatever you want 😀

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 왜 이 방의 분위기가 자꾸 바뀌냐면...
(Laughs) The reason why the atmosphere in this room keeps changing...

너무 개그만 하면 '엇 너무 장난스러웠나 ...' 너무 진지하면 '엇ㅅ 너무 진지했나...' 이렇게 내가 왔다갔다 해•••🙄
Whenever I make jokes, I think, "Was it too playful?" If you're too serious, "Oh, was I too serious?"' I go back and forth like this.•••🙄

나도 어쩔 수 없능 인프제 인가봐
I can't help it. I guess it's INFJ.


엇 여기가 인싸방이라고...?
Oh, this is the insider room?

아니 그럼 내가 나가야지....... 안녕
No, then I'll go out... Hi.

방장이 나가서 대화가 종료되었습니다
The room manager left and the conversation ended.

아 왜 또 초대하냐?!?!?(입꼬리올라감ㅁ)
Why are you inviting me again?!?!?

진솔이는 차단으로.... 난리났군 ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
JinSoul is blocking... It's a mess. LOL.

나도 차단 해본적있냐구?,,,
Have I ever blocked myself?

글쎄 ~~~~~~~? ㅎ ㅎ
I don't know~~~~~~~~~? Haha

에이 착한 바솩이 왜 차단해 ㅡ.ㅡ
Why are you blocking me?-ㅡ

가끔 나쁜말 하는 사람들있어 그런사람들은 진짜 오빛들이랑만 얘기하려구 얼른 차단해버리징
Sometimes there are people who say bad things, and those people just want to talk to the real ORBITs, so they quickly block them.

ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ이미 🔫 탕탕탕 하고 있었다구 ^.^
[Laughing]🔫 I was already banging on.^

하지만 난 강하다고~~~
But I'm strong.

Don't worry

나에겐 바솩이가 있따 ㅋ
I have Basuk.