2022 02 16 149
나는야 부제굴능
I'm Boojegulneung.
Let's play the fizz.
Kimchi-jjigae (kim-jjigae (seaweed-jjigae.
이달의 소녀 봐이봐이와이봐이 홀리비아 예
LOONA, look, look, look, look, holivia, yeah.
망광랼이 삐삐
Beep beep.
Knock it off.
너 정말 2절 3절 하능구나?
You really can do the second and third verse, right?
나 정말 너 땜에 스트레스 받아서 역도성 식류염 걸릴 것 같아
I'm really stressed out because of you, and I think I'm going to get weightlifting esophagitis.
Even if I told you to stop.
진짜 그 아솩이에 그 바솩이네
It's really that Basak from Asak and Basak.
앗 근데 오늘 추천곡을 안줨ㅅ네
Oh, but you didn't give me a song recommendation today.
오늘의 추천곡🎧
Olivia O'Brien-Better than feeling lonely
Cheat codes-Hate you + love you(feat.AJ Mitchell)
bulow - you & jennifer
Today's song recommendation 🎧
Olivia O'Brien-Better than feeling lonely
Cheat codes-Hate you love you(feat.AJ Mitchell)
bulow - you
같이 듣쟈
Let's listen to it together.
한국 노래 추천 해 달라고해서 🤤
폴킴 선배님 - 사랑하는 당신께
원필 선배님 - 지우게
정승환 선배님 - 안녕, 나의 우주
(이건 반주만 나오는데 그림이 그려져서 좋아💖)
You asked me to recommend a Korean song 🤤
Paul Kim - Dear You
- Wonpil. - I'll erase it.
Jung Seung Hwan - Hello, My Universe
(This is good because it only plays the accompaniment and the picture is drawn💖)
신나는 한국노래?
An exciting Korean song?
Automatic remix
호피폴라 - Let's
Automatic remix
Hoppipolla - Let's
엇 automatic remix 는 아기바솩이들은 나중에 듣자... 아솩이가 미안...
Let's listen to automatic remix later. I'm sorry.
아기 바솩이들은 ...
🎧 들꽃이야기 추천!
Babies are...
🎧 Wild Flower Story Recommendation!
내가 아기 아솩이일때 제일 좋아하던 노래🤤
My favorite song when I was a baby ASAC 🤤
헉 아기바솩이 오토매틱 리믹스 들어버렸대
Oh, baby Basak listened to the automatic remix.
큰일 ㅜ ㅜ
I'm in big trouble.
아기바솩이.. 요상한 거 듣지말구
💗🎧넌 할 수 있어라고 말해주세요
이거 듣쟈
Baby Basak... don't listen to weird things.
💗🎧 Please tell me you can do it.
Let's listen to this.
나 그런데 바솩이가 봤을 땐 나 무슨 톤같아?
What tone do you think I am?
나는 내가 가을뮤트인 줄 알고 온통 뮤트톤만 사들였는데•••
I thought I was Autumn Mute, so I only bought Mute Tone all over •••
omg 팹선생님이 하이톤이래
Omg Fab teacher said he has a high tone.
팹 선생님 강퇴예요
Mr. Fab is kicked out.
헉 쿨톤 많네
There are a lot of cool tones.
이부 여쿨같다
아니다 이부는 가을뮤트다
아니다 이부는 플랑크톤이다
look like a summer jacket
No, this part is Autumn Mute.
No, this is plankton.
Please vote for me.
3번이 많네
There are a lot of 3s.
다 강퇴할게
I'll kick everyone out.
엇 그러면 나 다시 쿨한 립스틱사야하나
Then should I buy a cool lipstick again?
근데 진짜 카키나 노랑 주황 와인 이런건 안 받는 것 같긴해
But I don't think I get khaki or yellow or orange wine.
내가 어쩌다 가을뮤트라고 생각하게 됐냐면... 몬가 뮤트하고 채도가 낮은 색들이 찰떡이었던 거야 그렇게 하나 둘 사다보니 어느새 가을뮤트인줄
How I came to think of it as Autumn Mute... The colors with low chroma and monga mute were perfect. After buying them one by one, I thought they were autumn mute.
아는 형님 때 메이크업? 나도 맘에 들었어 🤤
Makeup for "Knowing Bros"? I liked it too 🤤
헉 근데 new때 그 연하늘색 백조의상 기억나?
Do you remember the light sky blue swan outfit from the new?
그거도 찰떡이라 생각햄ㅅ는데
I think that's perfect too.
나 정말 여쿨인걸까
Am I really a schoolgirl?
아무래도 고원이랑 퍼스널 검사를 하러가야겜ㅅ어
I think GoWon and I need to go check our personalities.
둘이 맨날 색깔 얘기하걸랑
You two always talk about colors.
근데 왜 뉴 때부터 날 좋아하지 않은거야?
But why didn't you like me since New?
그땐 누굴 좋아하고 있었던거야?
Who were you liking then?
음 아무튼 지금은 바솩이가 되었으니 용서할게
Well, anyway, I'm a bassok now, so I forgive you.
나 자랑할 거 있는데
I have something to brag about.
올려도되나 히히
Can I upload it? Hehe.
내가 부러울 수도 있어
They might be jealous of me.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아니글이 36분째 안 올라가는 중
(Laughs) The comments haven't been going up for 36 minutes.
아마 바쁘신가봐•••
I guess you're busy.•••
너무 기대하진 마 시간이 오래걸려서 기대하게 만들어버렸군 ㅜ ㅜ
Don't look forward to it too much. It took a long time to make you look forward to it.