2022 02 14 105

안돼 나만 부를 수 있어
No, I'm the only one who can sing it.

원래 이부도 해주가 시작했는데
Originally, Haeju started it.

갑자기 매니저님들이 이부씨 이부님 하시기 시작했어
All of a sudden, managers started calling me Lee Boo.

예 제가 이부긴한데...
Yes, I do have teeth...

하지만 너도 이부라고 부르게 해줄게💋
But I'll let you call me Ibu too 💋

엇 이부가 다른나라 말로 엄마라는 뜻이래
"Ubu" means mom in another language.

Oh, my.


Part status 💖

엄마아냐... ..
Mom, no...

지금부터 엄마라고 하면 강퇴시킬거야~^.^
I'll kick you out if you say mom from now on.^




I can't stop you...ㅜ.ㅜ

ㅎ ㅎ

집 가는 중
On my way home.

미안 ㅜ ㅜ
I'm sorry.

what are you doing

Where are you.

나도 보고싶어써 ㅜ ㅜ
I miss you too.

난 일하구 이제 집가는주우웅
I worked and now I'm going home.

나 야식 안먹기루했는데
I didn't want to eat late night snacks.

집 가서 저녁먹을랭 ㅎ.ㅎ
I will go home and have dinner.Hah!

그 약속했긴했는데 오늘은 봐주라 ㅎ ㅎ
I promised that, but please let it slide today.

역시 최고야 바솩이 😢
As expected, Basuk is the best. 😢

호박죽 먹을거야
I'm going to eat pumpkin porridge.

A big...

Whoo... Whoo... Whoo...

엥 해주도 호박죽 먹었대?
Did Haeju eat pumpkin porridge too?

It's destiny.

딴 거 먹어두될까아
Can I eat something else?

나 어제 고원이랑 늦게 먹으니까 새벽에 속이 너무아팠어 ㅜ
I ate late with GoWon yesterday, so my stomach hurt so much at dawn.

그래서 죽 시킨건데 딴 거 먹으까?.?
That's why I ordered porridge. Should I eat something else?

너랑은 데스티니가 뭐야 사랑이지•••💋
What's Destiny with you? It's love.••💋

죽은... 아까 6시쯤시켜놔서 이미 죽은 죽이야... died 죽..
I ordered porridge at around 6 o'clock, so it's already porridge... Did you die?

이거먹을까 베이글구워먹을까?...
Should I eat this or bagel?

든든한 거 ㅇ업서ㅜ
It's reliable.

그럼 너가 와서 해줘
Then you come and do it.

우리집 올래 ~~~~~~? ㅎ.ㅎ
Do you want to come to my house? h.h.h

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다 집앞이면
(Laughs) If it's all in front of the house,

지금 우리집앞에 바글바글하다는거네...
It's crowded in front of my house.

ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
Lol. Lol. Lol.

너 없어서 나 혼자 들어와서 호박죽 먹음
I ate pumpkin porridge by myself because you weren't there.

너 지금 다른집 가 있는 것 같아...;
I think you're at another house...;

ㅋ 질투유발하는거임...?
Are you making me jealous...?


밸런스게임은 또 몬데
It's a balance game.

너가 재밌는 거 보내주면 생각해볼게
If you send me something funny, I'll think about it.