2022 02 13 96
언니들 제발 ㅜ ㅜ💖
Sisters, please 💖
언니 하이띵 괜찮아
It's okay.
Oh my god.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Oh my god.
언니들 사랑ㅎㅐ
I love you.
왜케 잘해?????. . .
Why are you so good?
You must be drunk.
하 난 한게 없는데
I didn't do anything.
왜 힘든거야
Why are you having a hard time?
난 예의상 서서 봤어
I watched it standing up as a courtesy.
하 기분도 좋은데
I feel good.
우리 다시 만나쟈
Let's meet again.
우리 헤어졌었자나
We broke up.
아 안 받아준다고? ㅡ.ㅡㅋ
You won't accept it? - (Laughs)
그런게 어딧서
Where did that come from?
내가 다시 만나자면 만나는 거야
If I want to meet you again, I'll meet you.
모 해주면 만나줄건데
I'm going to meet you if you do something.
어떤 셀카 원해 ㅡ.ㅡ
Which selfie do you want?-ㅡ
여기 영상 올려지나?
Is the video going up here?
셀카 찾다가 옛날 댄스영상 찾았따 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
I found an old dance video while looking for a selfie.
으아 영상은 안되는구너 킼킼은 다른 사람들도 보자나ㅜ ㅜ
Oh, you can't watch the video, can you watch the other people?
쫌 부끄러운ㄷㅔ
I'm a little embarrassed.
언니들 시상식 보는 중 웃는 거 넘 이뿌다 ㅡㅜ
I'm so proud of you laughing while watching the awards ceremony.
펩 선생님! 영상도 되게 해주세요(--)()
Mr. Pep! Please make the video work. (--) ()
고럼 댄스영상은 잠깐 킵
Let's keep the Gorum dance video for a bit.
뉴 때 셀카?
New's selfie?
나 그때 아이돌이 처음이라 셀카가 소중한 지 몰랐어... 없어... 날라가써
I didn't know selfies were precious because it was my first time being an idol. It's gone. It's gone.
아이돌은 다 처음이지? 맞아
It's your first time being an idol, right? Right.
근데 일단 옛날 거 다 쭉 보고있어
But I'm watching all the old ones.
근데 너도 이달의소녀 멤버인데 왜 셀카 안 올려?... 팬들이 싫어하겠다
But you're also a member of LOONA. Why aren't you uploading a selfie? The fans won't like it.
에버랜드 많네 ... 그 땐 휴대폰 없을 때 일걸?
There are a lot of Everland... I think it was when I didn't have a cell phone.
아 신비주의구나 어쩐지 익숙하네•••
Oh, you're mysterious. No wonder I'm used to it.••
그 때 컴케언니 폰으로 찍었던 것 같은데 그 언니는 나가셨어 ㅜ.ㅜ
I think I took it with Comke's phone, but she left.ㅜ
와 펩선생님이 댓글을 적어주셨어요
Wow, Pep wrote a comment.
진짜 이렇게 피드백 빠른 펩,,, 최고다
Feedback is so fast. Pep... It's the best.
맞다 펩선생님도 이달의 소녀예요
Right, Pep is LOONA, too.
나 지금 펩이랑 펩한다
I'm doing Pep with Pep right now.
펩선생님 덕에
Thanks to Pep.
영상 올리고 온다 ㅋ
I'm going to upload a video.
저기 펩선생님 영상 허용길이가 좀 짧 아 서 ㅜ ㅜ
The allowable length of Pep teacher's video is a little short.
나눠서 올려볼게
I'll post it separately.
나눠서 올리고 왔어
I shared it and uploaded it.
연결해서 볼 수 있지? ㅎ ㅎ
Can we connect it and watch it? Haha
우아 그럼 이제 여기다 짧게라도 노래 부른 거 올릴 수도 있네
Wow! Then I can post a short video of me singing here.
새삼 좋다아
It's so nice.