2022 11 23 3806

"집에서 화장하고 있는거야?"
"Are you putting on makeup at home?"

입술만 바르면 화장 끝이지
I'm done with my makeup if I put on my lips.

"루비사진보니깐 가을이 더더욱 느껴진다💖"
"Looking at Ruby's picture, I feel autumn even more.💖"


두부 인스타 스토리 많관부
Please look forward to Tofu's Instagram story.

"여진이 대구가?"
"Yeojin is going to Daegu?"

과거야 며칠전
A few days ago.

다들 모해!
What are you all doing?

I'm sleepy.

지금 포켓몬 고 하다가
I was playing Pokemon Go.

초염몽이 보고싶어졌어
I want to see your dream.

찾아본다 초염몽
I'm looking for it.

예전에 아르세우스 할때 거대 초염몽 잡았었는데
When I played Arseus before, I caught a giant super-dye dream.

"전부터 궁금했는데! 혹시 이번에 새로 나온 스칼렛 해보셨나요..🥹"
"I've been curious for a while! Have you tried the new Scarlet?🥹"

No, it's not.

"긍데 이번에 오류가 좀 많아서 아쉬워.. 하다가 게임 팅겨서 나 2시간동안 했던 거 다 날라감.."
"It's a shame that there are a lot of errors this time. while doing I was so excited about the game that I lost everything I played for 2 hours."

인생을 날린 기분이겠다 나였다면 그랬을거야
You must feel like you lost your life. I would have done that if I were you.

"언니 동숲도 해?? 나랑 같이 포켓캠프하장"
"Do you play Animal Crossing, too? Do a pocket camp with me."

동숲은 너무 슬픈 게임이야..
Animal Crossing is... It's such a sad game.

"슬픈게임이지 평생 빚을 갗아야하니까...."
"It's a sad game, because I have to lock up my debt for the rest of my life."

현실에서도 게임에서도
In real life, in games,

"동숲 세계관이 저승이라는데 여진이도 그렇게 생각해?"
"The worldview of Animal Crossing is the underworld. Yeojin, do you think so?"


"루비를 웃겨라 아직도 도전 가능한고야 ?!"
"Make Ruby laugh, can you still try?!"

아쉽게도 안된다고 합니다…
Unfortunately, they say no...

하라하하하핳 당발은 회사가 해주시겠지요
The company will do it for you.

"당첨자는 루비가 고르는거양?"
"Ruby will pick the winner?"

회사와 함께 고르도록 하겠습니다
I'll pick one with the company.

"루비 사진이 안들어간건 제외하고 뽑는거야?"
"Except for the ones that don't have Ruby's picture?"

그냥 웃기면 냅다 뽑을게요
If it's funny, I'll just pick one.

다들 맛점하시길
Enjoy your lunch.

나는 짬뽕 먹어야지
I'm going to eat jjamppong.

방금 두부 산책 시키고
I just walked Tofu.

집에 왔다 힘들다
I'm home. I'm tired.

"두부는 산책할 때 잘 걷는 편이야? "
"Does Tofu walk well when she walks?"


짬뽕은 무슨 힘들어서 입맛 떨어졌어
I don't like jjamppong because I'm tired.

마라탕 시킴요
Order malatang.

I'm full.