2022 11 21 3772

나 운동하고 올게!
I'm going to go work out!

이제 끝나구 집에 간다!
I'm going home now!

"여진이 무슨 운동 해? 필라테스?"
"Yeojin, what kind of exercise do you do? Pilates?"

웅 마자!
That's right!

"혜주 한 손으로 제압하는 그날까지 정진하도록"
"I will do my best until the day I overpower Hyejoo with one hand."

죽을때까지 못하겠네
I can't do this until I die.

"건강해지기 위해 열심히 하자 다치지는 말고🧡"
"Let's work hard to be healthy. Don't get hurt🧡"

Yes. 💖

"가을 여진이 털슬리퍼 신었다는 거 방금 알았어"
"I just found out that YeoJin wore fur slippers in autumn."

요즘 내 최애 신발이야
These are my favorite shoes these days.

"발 안시렵니.."
"Your feet aren't cold."

짱 뜨뜻해
It's so warm.

"털신 엄청 따뜻하징"
"The fur shoes are really warm."

as soon as soon as possible.

"곱창머리끈이랑 바지랑 색 깔맞춤한거야?"
"Did you match the color of your hair tie and pants?"

의도한건 아닌데 어쩌다 보니깡
I didn't mean to, but it just so happened.

"핑크바지는 저친구뿐인가요 아니면 더 많이 있나요"
"Is he the only one with pink pants or do you have more?"

아마 하나 더 있는데 그건 버릴 예정이요
There's probably one more, but I'm going to throw it away.

"코트 vs 패딩"
"Coat vs padded jacket."


"여진이 보구싶따🥹"
"I miss Yeojin."

Me too.

"맞다 여진누나! 그 루비를웃겨라 3일정도 연장되는거 회사에 물어본다고 했었자나 어케됐어?"
"Right, Yeojin! You said you were going to ask the company about a three-day extension. What happened?"

아직 답이가 없네..
There's no answer yet.

"못본지 엄청 오래된 기분이네"
"It's been a long time since I saw you."

That's what?