2022 11 20 3750

"누나 doogong_joo 아이디 없어졌당 바꿨나바"
"Noona doogong_joo's ID disappeared. Did you change it?"


"뺏은사람 계장다시 바꾸고 도망갔네 ㅋ"
"The person who stole it changed the chief and ran away."

Thank you.

"심지어 안녕하세오 저는 두부입니당인데 이거 지짜 여지니야?"
"Hello, I'm Tofu. Is this a fake?"

It's me.

엄마랑 함께 만들었어요
I made it with my mom.

엄마가 관리 함미다
My mom takes care of me.

"장모님께서 직접 관리하시다니"
"I can't believe your mother-in-law takes care of it herself."

엄마가 관리합니다 새벽에 띠링띠링 하지마세여 저희 엄마 예밈해요
My mom takes care of it. Don't ring in the morning. My mom is pretty.

엄마 아빠의 첫 인스타 입니다 다들 조심 조심
It's my mom and dad's first Instagram. Everyone, be careful.

난 아니니까 안 혼나겠지 뭐 내가 한게 아니니까
I won't get in trouble because it's not me. I didn't do it.

우리 엄마 신났다
My mom is excited.

"여진누나 방금 인스타 두부공주 게시물 여진누나가 올린거야? 아니면 어머님?"
"Yeojin, did you just post a post about Princess Tofu on Instagram? Or your mother?"

우리 엄마지 지금 신나서 폰만 보는뎀
She's my mom. She's just looking at her phone because she's excited.

우리 엄마 이런거 은근 좋아한다구
My mom likes this kind of stuff.

"스타의 삶을 동경하셨을지도"
"You may have longed for the life of a star."

You might enjoy it.

"여진아 어머님께 감사하다고 전해주세요…"
"Yeojin. Say thank you to your mother..."


"와.. 라떼는 원래 있었지만 두부까지 생기니까 이제 슬슬 콩주님 막시묘스묘끼까지 생길거같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Wow... There was a latte before, but now that I have tofu, I think I'm going to have Kongju's Maximilian rice cake. (Laughs)"

막시묘스묘끼 기대한다
I'm looking forward to it.

"묘끼 살아는 있묘...?"
"Is there a living thing...?"

내가 봤을때 하늘로 갔다 볼 수 있지
I think we can go to the sky.

"흠이 함이 소식도 궁금한데 혹시 만들어줄생각있어????"
"I'm curious about this news, but do you want to make it for me?"


"그래도 우리한테 제일 궁금한건 역시 여진이 소식이지"
"But what we're most curious about is about Yeojin."


"여진이도 나중엔 인스타 하겠지?"
"Yeojin will do Instagram later, right?"

죽기전에는 하지 않을까?
Won't I do it before I die?

"묘끼... 그 고원이가 묘끼 냠냠하는 짤 만들어서 누가 나무위키 만들었던데😂😂😂😂"
"Myokki... Go Won made a meme of meokki and someone made Namuwiki. 😂😂😂😂"


근데 나 좀 옛날에 묘끼 보긴 했어 살아 있더라
But I did see the seedlings a long time ago. They were alive.

"여진이 겨울 간식 중 최애는 붕어빵 vs 호빵 vs 전기장판 속에서 까먹는 귤"
"YeoJin's favorite winter snacks are bungeoppang vs hoppang vs tangerines you eat under the electric pad."


"누나 루비를 웃겨라 작품(?) 다 봤엉?"
"Sister, have you seen all the "Make Ruby Laugh" work?"

하나씩 다 보고 이쪄
I'm looking at everything.

기간 늘릴 수 있는지 물어봐야지
I'm going to ask if I can extend the period.

마음에 드는건 있는데 일 때문에 못했다는 사람도 있어서ㅜ
I like something, but there are people who couldn't because of work.

마음 아프잖아ㅜ 참여하고 싶은 그 마음
It breaks my heart. The desire to participate.

너무 예뻐..
It's so pretty.

너무 많이 늘리면
If you stretch it out too much,

기간 안에 한 오빛들이 서운하니까
ORBIT will be disappointed during the period.

한 2~3일?
About two to three days?

근데 회사에서 허락 안 해주면 안되는거야
But the company didn't allow it.

You know?

아직 확정 아니야!
It's not decided yet!

"근데 임여진 웃기기 좀 힘들다… 임여진 광대 씰룩 만들기 프로젝트"
"But it's hard to make Lim Yeojin laugh... Im Yeo-jin's project to make a clown look."

요즘 허파에 바람 들어서 많이 웃긴해
It's so funny because I've been having an affair with my lungs lately.

"누나 만약에 기간 늘어나면 17일 지나고 올린거도 포함인지 알려주면 좋을거 같앙"
"Sister, if the period is extended, it would be good to let me know if the post after the 17th is included."

당근 포함이지
Including carrots.


This is

회사랑 한번
With the company...

Let's talk. 💖

못한 사람이 생각보다 많에
There are more people who didn't do well than I thought.

All right.

부이앱을 못 보셨나봐
I guess you didn't watch the V LIVE.

"뭘 해야 웃길수있을까 고민 하다보니까 시간 훅 가있더라.."
"I was thinking about what to do to make it funny, and time flew by."

아.. 인정해드림요
Ah... I'll acknowledge it.

"지금까지 올라온 것 중에 빵 터진거 있엉?"
"Is there anything that's been uploaded that made you laugh?"


"그냥 내 셀카가 제일 웃기긴 할텐데 이건 못하겠다👍"
"My selfie would be the funniest, but I can't do this.👍"

저는 좋아요
I like it.

"루비야 아예그냥 웃기는거만 포함인거야 아니면 흐뭇한(?) 미소도 포함되는거야??"
"Ruby, is it just funny or does it include a happy smile?"

내 기준이라 그건 모르는거야
I don't know that because it's my standard.

다들 언능 자!!!
Everyone, sleep tight!

나도 까망이랑 이제 코 낸내 해야해
I have to play the nose with Blackie, too.

루비 서울 도착
Ruby arrived in Seoul.

"밥은 안먹었겠지?"
"You probably didn't eat, right?"

It's good.

"막 세숟가락 머근거 아니디"
"It's like three spoons of strawberry milk."

밥 먹어쪙 나물이랑
I ate rice with vegetables.