2022 11 16 3699

자세 오바지 두부야..
The posture is too much tofu.

"Are you doing yoga?"

I guess so.

"유연하네 두부"
"Tofu is flexible."


"서공예 교복 진심 제일 잘 어울려! 👍"
"School of Performing Arts Seoul's school uniform looks the best on you! 👍"


Cool, cool.

잠이 오는데 잠에 안 들어
I'm falling asleep, but I can't.

다들 수능은 잘 봐쪄???
Did you all do well on the college entrance exam?

"웅! 4년전에"
"Yes! Four years ago."


다들 수능 잘 봐야지!!
Everyone, do well on your CSATs!

사실 나는 밥 먹으러 갔다왔어
Actually, I went to eat.

나는 수능 밥 먹으러 갔다와ㅛ는디
I went to eat for the college entrance exam.

다들 진지하게 잘 보고 와찌
Everyone, take it seriously and watch it well.

이제 왔디만 마음으로는 기도하고 있어써💖💖
I'm here now, but I'm praying in my heart 💖💖