2022 11 09 3566

"생각해보니 누나도 현실자각타임을 느끼지 아참.. 누나는 진짜 대단혀👍"
"Come to think of it, my sister also feels real self-awareness time. You're really amazing. 👍"



"애교할때 뭔생각 하면서해? 이건일이다...같은생각?"
"What do you think about when you act cute? This is work...The same thought?"

별생각 없는데..이런거 하면 오빛이 좋아하겠지?!? 이런 생각?
I don't really think about it'Orbit will like this, right? That's what I think.

"여진이는 본투비 아이돌 성격이다/아니다 어떤것 같음?"
"Yeojin is born to be an idol. What do you think?"

Never mind.

태생부터 나는 털털한 사람이기 때문에
Since I was born easygoing,

"근데 유치원때부터 하고싶었다며"
"But I wanted to do it since I was in kindergarten.and"

이런분도 계시네요
There's someone like this.

"여진아 나 지난주에 노래방에서 키스는 다음에 불렀어! 일본 노래방에 키스는 다음에 불수 있는게 알아???"
"Yeojin, I sang a kiss next time at the karaoke room last week! Do you know that you can kiss Japanese karaoke next time?"

우와 한국에도 없는데..
Wow, they don't have it in Korea either.

"감기 걸렸어??? "
"Did you catch a cold?"

아니 자다 일어났어
No, I just woke up.

Cool, cool.


곧 크리스마스군
It's Christmas soon.

"아니 곧 여진이 생일이야"
"It's Yeojin's birthday soon."


"크리스마스엔 루비할아버지가 선물 주시는데"
"On Christmas, Grandpa Ruby gives me presents."

? 나???
? Me??

"근데 루비는 콘서트 때 울어서 산타할아버지가 선물 안 주신대"
"But Ruby cried at the concert, so Santa won't give her a present."

선물이라 나 아빠한테 스마트 밥통 사달라했어 두부선물
It's a gift, so I asked my dad to buy me a smart rice cooker as a gift for Tofu.

안 사주겠지만ㅡㅡ
I won't buy it for you, but--

"스마트 밥통???"
"Smart rice cooker??"

애견인들의 필수템 시간에 딱 맞춰서 밥이 나오는 스마트 밥통
A smart rice cooker that serves the dog's must-have item just in time.

아빠한테 사달라고 조르면 사줄거야 룰루 기대된다 내 생일선물
If you ask your dad to buy it for you, I'll buy it for you. I'm looking forward to Lulu. My birthday present.

"생일 선물로 두부 용품이면 괜찮아 ?"
"Are tofu items okay for your birthday?"

두부는 내 딸이니까 하하 괜찮아 나는 어른이니까
Because tofu is my daughter haha It's okay because I'm an adult

아빠돈은 내돈이랬어ㅜ아빠가
My dad said my money is my money.

"진짜 딸바보 😂"
"Real daughter fool 😂"


"혹시 동생 안필요하시요 아빠?"
"Don't you need a younger brother, dad?"

All right.

"동생은 까망이가 있어요"
"My younger brother has a black one."

That's right.


"아 밥먹기 귀찮다"
"I don't want to eat."

Me too.