2022 11 08 3546

"여진이는 혹시 일반인 연애 프로그램도 보니..?"
"Yeojin, do you watch any relationship programs?"

저는 안 봐요 왜? 그냥 안 봐요 왜? 그냥
I don't watch it. Why? Why don't you just watch it? Just.

"늑대소녀와 흑왕자 이거도 봤어 ?"
"The Werewolf Girl and the Black Prince. Did you see this, too?"


"그럼 옆자리 괴물군 이것도 봤을거 같아"
"Then the monster sitting next to you. I think you've seen this, too."

Already 💖

"누나 나 이제 서울자취방에 도착했는데 열쇠를 원주에 두고와서 화장실창문 분해 하고 자취방 들어왔어....ㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅎ"
"Sister, I just arrived at the sleeping room in Seoul, but I left my key in Wonju, so I dismantled the bathroom window, and came into the living room...LOL. LOL."

경찰 아저씨 안 오시는게 다행이네
I'm glad the cop isn't coming.

그냥 원주로 다시 가
Just go back to Wonju.

What should I do?

그러게 잘 챙겨서 왔어야자
Yeah, I should've brought it well.


그건 누구 탓도 할 수 없어ㅠ
I can't blame anyone for that.

나 혹시 방금 T같았어?
Did I look like a T just now?

아니구나 다행이네
No, it's a relief.

"그래 ?? ㅋㅋㅋ극T같았는데😂"
"Really? LOL It was like extreme T. 😂"

🌟 Five

나도 이제 좀 변하는건가
Am I changing now?

"우리 막냉이 T로 변하고싶어??"
"Do you want to be our youngest T?"


"오 한번 시간날때 MBTI검사 다시한번 해보자 여진이 ENTP로 바뀌었을수도.."
"Oh, let's do the MBTI test again when we have time. Yeojin might have changed to ENTP."

미안하지만 나 I야
I'm sorry, but I'm I.

바뀐지가 백만년이다
It's been a million years since it changed.



Hold on.

🌟 No, it's not.


a wrong person


"머 틀릴수도 있죠"
"You can make a mistake."

아니야 요즘 나ㅜ이런거 예민해
No, I'm sensitive about this these days.

"바뀐 바낀 헷갈렸구나"
"You were confused about the change."


"마춤뻠 틀린거 보며눈 막 화가 나고 그레?"
"Are your eyes so angry when you see the mistake of Ma Chum Ppum's mistake?"

나 약간 애매하면 무조건 검사기에 돌리는 편
If it's ambiguous, I always turn it on the test machine.

"어 진짜 INTP로 바뀌는건가? INTP가 맞춤법 같은거 신경 많이 쓰는 편인데"
"Is it really changing to INTP? INTP pays a lot of attention to spelling."

? 진짜?
? Really?

아 나 방금 좀 웃긴 일 있었어
Something funny just happened to me.


"누군가요 😂"
"Who is it 😂"

팹 삼촌께서 물어보셨습니다
Uncle Fab asked.

제 친구 참 웃겨요
My friend is so funny.

오늘 쇼케 했던데
We had a showcase today.

"그분 구독하면 질투할꺼얌?"
"Would you be jealous if you subscribed to him?"

나 잠깐 구독했다가
I subscribed for a bit.

I canceled it.

메세지 두개 보내주고 취소함
I sent two messages and canceled them.

알려달라길래 직접 해줬어
He asked me to teach him, so I did it myself.

오빛이 질투할까봐 바로 구취했다ㅏ
I was afraid Orbit would be jealous, so I immediately got a bad breath.Yes.

나 잘했지???
I did a good job, right?


"어 이로치 미뇽이네? 근데 진아 이로치 신뇽까지는 이쁜데 망나뇽 되면 둘리 되버린다?ㅠ"
"Oh, it's Irochi Mignon. But Jin, Irochi Shinnyong is pretty, but if you become Mangnanyong, you'll become Dooly.(T)"

그래서 신뇽으로만 진화했지^^
So I evolved into a newbie. ^

"근데 나 유료소통어플 버블이랑 유니버스 다...써...봤...는데 팹만한거 없어 진짜 팹이 최고야 "
"But I've used all the paid communication app Bubble and Universe... I've used it, but there's nothing like Fab. Fab is the best."

누구야 버블은 누구고 유니버스는 누구야
Who is it? Who is Bubble and who is Universe?

"버블이랑 유니버스가 팹같은건가보네 거기도 팹아저씨 있나요 "
"Bubble and UNIVERSE must be like Fab. Is Mr. Fab there, too?"


다 과거야
It's all in the past.

이 사진도 다 과거야
These pictures are all in the past.

콘서트 참 예뻤지 의상
The concert outfit was really pretty.

"발망 탑 의상도 진짜 예쁘고 어른스러웠어"
"The Balmang top outfit was so pretty and mature."


"여진이 이제 애교 하기시르면 안해도 되겠다"
"If Yeojin doesn't want me to act cute, I don't think I need to."

애교 시키면 바로 하지
I'll do it as soon as you ask me to.

"애교 해줘😍"
"Please act cute. 😍"
