"‘ㅋㅋ 아 ㅋㅋ 침대에서 자란다고 바로 자네 ㅋㅋ’ 이건 아니지?"
""LOL. You're sleeping right away because you're growing up in bed." This isn't it, right?"
희진언니 그런 사람 아니야ㅡㅡ 언니가 얼마나 착한데!!!
Heejin isn't that kind of person... She's so nice!!!
다음 썰 듣고싶은 사람
Who wants to hear the next story?
"여지니 곧 생일이니까 기억에 남는 생일썰 풀어줘.ᐟ.ᐟ "
"Since it's your birthday soon, tell us a memorable birthday story.ᐟ.ᐟ"
두부 심장사상충 맞으러 가야하는데
I have to go get Tofu's heart attack.
"두부 병원가면 얌전한편이야?"
"Is Tofu quiet when she goes to the hospital?"
"애기 예방접종 처음 아니지 않아??"
"It's not the first time for a baby to get vaccinated, is it?"
처음 아니야! 그냥 약만 바르는거라 그리고 한달에 한번씩 건강검진 받게 하고 있어! 혹시나 어디 아프면 큰일이자나!
It's not my first time! I'm just applying medicine, and I'm getting a medical checkup once a month! If you're sick, you're in big trouble!
"하이하이 때 헤어스타일은 전멤 무조건 고정이였나요"
"My hair style during "Hi Hi" was always fixed."
"나 얌전하고 배변훈련도 잘 되어잇는데 너의 멍멍이가 되면 안되는걸까?"
"I'm calm and well trained to defecate, so can't I be your dog?"
It's a butterfly. 💖
"그건 좀;;"
"That's a bit;;;"
나 그래서 두피에 피 나쪄ㅜ 실핀을 너무 많이 넣어서 아파쪄ㅠ
That's why my scalp bled out. I put too much bobby pins in it, so it hurt.
"멍멍이인데 나비야?"
"It's a puppy, but it's a butterfly?"
그거 편견이야!
That's prejudice!
"두부는 오자마자 여진이 막 따라다니고 그랬써??"
"Tofu followed Yeojin around as soon as she came?"
웅! 내가 엄마니까!
Yes! Because I'm your mom!
공주 지금 내 팔에 사이에 들어와서 팔베개하고 자는 중이야!
Princess is sleeping with her arm in between my arms!
"팔 안저려?!"
"Your arm doesn't fall asleep?"
왜 저리지…? 무거워서?
Why do I feel numb...? Because it's heavy?
"두부는 여진이 일어날때까지 옆에 있어..?
우리집 고양이는 나 재우고 사라지는데..🥲
잘때까진 다리위에 혹은 다리밑 이불속에 들어가서 따뜻하게 딱 붙어있는데...
일어나면 항상 없어 ㅠㅋㅋㅋ"
"Is tofu next to you until aftershock?
My cat disappears after putting me to sleep.🥲
Until I go to sleep, I stay warm on the bridge or under the blanket...
When I wake up, I always don't have it."
옆에서 자고이써 두부는
Tofu was sleeping next to me.
두부 코곤다
Tofu snores.
두부랑 까망이랑 같이 찍은건 쌩얼이라
The one I took with Tofu and Blackie was bare faced.
얼굴이 망했는데
My face is ruined.
두부랑 둘이 찍은건 팬싸 끝나고 찍은거라 나쁘지 않아
The one I took with Tofu was after the fan signing, so it's not bad.
"저사진으로 생일트윗 하면 되는거야?"
"Can I tweet my birthday with that picture?"
웅! 첫번째 사진으로!
Yes! The first picture!
"루비 생일 해시태그 모야"
"What's Ruby's birthday hashtag?"
*"Whoosh 🧡
Tofu, today is my mom's birthday.
If you wish me a happy birthday, I won't eat you."*
This is it!
센스있게 누가 올려주셨네 너무 길어서 자주 까먹어
Someone posted it. It's so long that I forget it often.
*"여진아 나 궁금한거 있는뎅 화이트머스크 향같은건 보통 호불호가 쎄려나..? 어머니 선물해드리려고 하는데
여진이는 호야 불호야?"
"Yeojin, I have a question.
Do people usually like or dislike white musk scents?
I'm going to give it to my mom as a present.
Yeojin, do you like or dislike it?"*
나는 별로 안 좋아하긴해..
I don't really like it.
"어머니 향수 선물은 비추 드립니다..(저희 어머니 왕깐깐쟁이라 시도했다가 너무 많은 퇴짜를.. 기본 화장품 추천드립다 로션 토너 이런거..)"
"I don't recommend perfume for my mother.(My mother tried to be picky, but she rejected me too much. Basic makeup recommendations. Lotion toner. Things like that..)"
그렇다고 합니다!!!
That's what they say!!!
"여진이는 어떤 향 좋아하니?
여진이가 향수 좋아하니까 예전부터 궁금했는데"
"Yeojin, what scent do you like?
Since Yeojin likes perfume, I've been curious about it for a long time."
Sweet scent!
"샤넬 넘파 꼭 써봐ㅏㅏㅏㅏ 진따 달달구리하고 포근해"
"Make sure to use Chanel. It's sweet and cozy."
나 이거 있었는데 떨어져서 깨졌어.. 잘가라 작년인가 재작년인가 그랬어 안타깝지
I had this, but it fell and broke. Goodbye. Was it last year or the year before? Too bad.
"어제 여진이 썰 들으면서 잠자서 전부 못 들어서 다시 듣고있는데 '이게 뭐람~¿' 할때마다 웃기네 ㅋㅋ 귀엽다🧡"
"I slept listening to Yeojin's story yesterday, so I couldn't hear it all, so I'm listening to it again, but it's funny every time I say, "What is this~¿" LOL. Cute.🧡"
What's this?
"으이구 조심하지... 병 깨진거에 다치진 않았었어?"
"Oh, be careful. Didn't you get hurt from the broken bottle?"
잘 치웠어..!!!
You cleaned it up well...!!!
"디올이나 랑방(잔느, 모던프린센스), 아리바이 edp 향수 많이 쓴다고 했던거 같은데
요즘도 이 향수 자주 써???"
"I think you said you use Dior, Lanvin (Zannne, Modern Princes) and Arivai edp perfumes a lot.
Do you still use this perfume often these days?"
Correct 🧡
"여진아 혹시 생일브이앱 몇시쯤에 할예정이야?"
"Yeojin, when are you going to do your birthday V LIVE?"
그건 예정이 업ㄹ느엠…
That's a plan.
"여진이 생일때마다 빼빼로 많이 받았을거 같은데 제일 좋아하는 맛이 뭐야?"
"You must have received a lot of Pepero on Yeojin's birthday. What's your favorite flavor?"
Honey butter almond flavor.
"빼빼로 한봉에 이제 9개들어있데..."
"There are 9 Pepero in one stick..."
"갑자기 든 궁금증
여진이는 사탕 vs 초콜릿
뭐가 좋아?"
"a sudden question
For YeoJin, candy vs chocolate.
What's good?"
"Candy vs jelly."
라임맛이랑 포도맛 제일 좋아했는데
I liked lime and grape the most.
"여진이 썬키스트 사탕 알아? 안에 과일잼? 같은거
"Yeojin, do you know Sunkist candy? Fruit jam inside? The same one.
What's in it!"
그거 맛있어
That's delicious.
I fell asleep.