2022 10 29 3505

왜 자꾸 니가 신경쓰이지?
Why do I keep bothering you?

"에이틴 같은 건 우때?!"
"What about A-TEEN?"


"제 여자가 딸기를 좋아합니다. 어 여진이도 딸기 좋아하네?"
"My woman likes strawberries. Yeojin likes strawberries, too."

It's perfect.

"학생 역할 하기에는 너무 성숙한데"
"I'm too mature to be a student."

나 21살이야..
I am 21 years old.

Cool, cool.

"단발하니까 좀 어때? 어색하진않아?"
"How do you feel with short hair? Isn't it awkward?"

긴머리 하고싶어
long hair I want to do it.

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 이 금쪽이를 어째 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"(Laughs) (Laughs) What do I do with this gold? (Laughs) (Laughs)"

long hair


I want to.

long hair

하고 싶어
I want to do it.

"임여진 긴머리해 동호회 가입하실분"
"Who wants to join Im Yeojin's long hair club?"

Me please

"왜 잘랐어.."
"Why did you cut it?"

It's disconnected.

진짜 생일선물 내 예전 머리 받고 싶어
I really want my old hair as a birthday present.

"염색해도 찰랑이는 머릿결 유지되는 능력 갖기 vs 긴머리 하고싶다고 생각하면 다음날 바로 머리 자라는 능력 갖기"
"Having the ability to maintain smooth hair even if you dye your hair vs having the ability to grow your hair right away the next day if you want to have long hair."

흠냐 지금 더 간절한건 후자
Hmm, what I'm more desperate for now is the latter.

"차라리 가발 써라"
"Put on a wig."

You're so mean--

"루비 생일 선물로 가발 사줄 분 모집 1/999999"
"Recruitment of people to buy a wig for Ruby's birthday gift 1/999999"

가발은 무서워ㅜ심야괴담회ㅜ보고 기절할뻔
I'm scared of wigs. I almost fainted after watching the late-night ghost story.

"머리위에 두부올려서 복슬머리하자"
"Let's do curly hair with tofu on top of our heads."

두부 직모야
Tofu is straight hair.

"머리 빠지는것도 스트레스 많이 받겠다... 근데 스트레스 받으면 더 빠진다는데 그냥 단발해서 머리건강 챙긴다음에 기를까?"
"It must be very stressful to lose hair... But I heard that you lose more weight when you're stressed out, but you just cut Should I grow it out after I take care of my hair?"

매일 매일이 스트레스야 씻으면 바닥에.. 하
Every single day is stressful. When I wash up, the floor... Ha

자 여러분 탈색 때문에 머리가 없어졌다
My hair is gone because of bleaching.


언제까지 끊기는지 아는사람
Does anyone know how long it's going to be cut off?

"머리는 10개 빠지면 5개 나오는거임 5개 안되면 탈모야 그런거야 "
"If you lose 10, you will get 5. If you don't get five, you're going to lose hair loss."

빠진다기 보다는 끊어지는겨
It's not falling out. It's breaking off.

"이미 손상된 모발이 끊기는 거고 새로 나는 애들은 건강하지 않을까? 두피에 손상이 간 거면... 그래도 2~3개월은 지나야 안정되려나? 두피마사지를 받거나 찜질 그런 것도 받고 두피에 좋은 음식도 먹어야 할 거야"
"The damaged hair will be cut off, and the new ones will be healthy, right? If your scalp is damaged... But will it take two to three months to calm down? I got scalp massage or a sauna. You'll have to eat food that's good for your scalp."

Beer yeast 👍

"예전에 염색했을때도 그랬어?"
"Was it like that when you dyed your hair before?"

I mean...

"맥주효모 사줄까?"
"Do you want me to buy you beer yeast?"

이미 많아!!
There's already a lot!

"맥주효모 효과는 있는거같애?"
"Does beer yeast work?"

잘 모르게써..
I don't know.

"끊긴다는게 모낭(머리뿌리)이 끊기는거야? 아님 머리카락 중간이 끊기는거야?"
"Does it mean that the hair follicle breaks off? Or is the middle of your hair breaking off?"

The middle...


"누워서 노래부르고 있어? 밤에 갑자기 노래는 왜 부르는거야"
"Are you lying down and singing? Why are you suddenly singing at night?"


"안녕하세요 아랫집인데요 밤에 노래를 그런식으로 부르시면 어떡해요 앞으론 좀 더 크게불러서 더 잘들리게 해주세요 더 듣고싶으니"
"Hello, I'm downstairs. How could you sing like that at night? Please sing louder from now on so that I can hear you better. I want to hear more."

나 진짜 식겁했다 아랫집 사람인줄 알아쪄
I was so surprised. I thought you were from downstairs.

"요즘 이런노래에 꽂힌거야?"
"Are you into this kind of song these days?"

나 중학생때 얼마나ㅜ많이 들었다고 추억여행이야
When I was in middle school, I listened to it a lot. It's a memory trip.

"여진아 이제 목 애끼지 밤에 노래 잘 못 하다가 나간데이 ㅜㅜ"
"Yeojin, it's your neck now. You went out after not singing well at night."

괜찮아ㅜ나에겐 지금이 오후야
It's okay. It's afternoon for me.

"Let's move."

왜 내 게시물은 안 올라오지
Why isn't my post coming up?

chewing sound