2022 10 28 3502


피곤한데 잠을 못 자겠어
I'm tired but I can't sleep.

"일찍 자야 키커요.."
"You need to sleep early to grow taller."

잠시만요 이미.. 끝ㄴ.. 너무하다 정말로
Wait a minute. It's already... It's not the end. That's too much.

"배고픈거야 아님 외로운거야 둘다인거야"
"Hungry or lonely, both of them."

둘다 아니야
Neither of them.

"프사 먼 캐릭터야 귀여웡"
"He's a professional character. So cute."

농협 은행에 가니까 있더라
I went to Nonghyup Bank and it was there.