2022 10 25 3471

"크 여진아 머리 쓰리톤이야??"
"Jin, is your hair three-tone?"

너무하다 정말..
You're so mean.

Good morning 💖

아 나

어제 새벽에 체해서
I had an upset stomach last night.

Did I scare you?


어제 새벽에 배고파서 많이 먹었거든
I ate a lot last night because I was hungry.

"새벽이라 소화제 살곳도 없었겠네ㅜㅜ"
"It's early in the morning, so there's no place to buy digestive medicine.ㅜㅜ"

엄마가 사둔 비상약 있어서 그거 먹었어
My mom bought emergency medicine, so I took it.

위에 뭐 껴있는거 같은 느낌 아뉘?
Doesn't it feel like there's something stuck on top?

그래서 새벽에 못 와써..
So I couldn't come at dawn.

"두부도 지금은 같이 없지 않나아.. 혼자서 어떡했대🥲"
"Tofu doesn't have it now, right? What did you do by yourself?🥲"

쓸쓸하게 약 먹었어..
I took my meds for loneliness.

"저혈당엔 포도주스가 제일 도움이되고 망고주스같은것도 괜찮아"
"Grape juice is the most helpful for low blood sugar and mango juice is also good."

👍💖 Oh 👍👍

생일날 집 가니까
I went home on my birthday.

엄마한테 어리광 부려야지
I'm going to act like a baby to my mom.

"금송김밥집 생일분식집하는거 알어? 갈 생각은 있어?"
"Do you know the birthday snack bar at Geumsong Kimbap restaurant? Do you want to go?"

Let's go!

아마 12일에 가지 않을까?
I think I'll be there on the 12th.

"헉 그걸 말하면 서프라이즈가 안되자나"
"If I say that, it won't be a surprise."

그거 별로 좋지 않아 왜냐하면 생일은 함께 보내야해
It's not very good because we have to spend our birthdays together.

"후 점심 뭐 먹지 아침도 안먹었는데말야"
"What should I eat for lunch? I didn't even eat breakfast."


"김치찌개에 계란말이에 흰쌀밥으로 드세요"
"Kimchi stew, egg roll, and white rice."

Wow. 💖💖

"오늘 점심 만둣국"
"Today's lunch is dumpling soup."

Wow. 💖💖💖

"임여진 취향표 할사람~ 이라고 말좀"
""Who wants to do Lim Yeojin's preference tag?" Please say that."

그렇다고 하네요 있으신분?
That's what they say. Anyone?

"생카때 뽑을려고 "
"I'm going to take it out during the fan cafe."

That's what they say!

"생일때 대구 가면 거북이들도 데리고 오는거야????"
"If you go to Daegu on your birthday, do you bring turtles?"

????그거 동물 학대야
That's animal cruelty.

"그럼 두부 간식 선물해주고 동물확대는 해도 돼 !?"
"Then can I give tofu snacks as a gift and enlarge the animal!?"

매일 하는 일이지 그건
It's something I do every day.

"흠이 함이는 지금 출발해도 여진이 생일까지 간당간당 할 것 같은데?"
"Even if Ham leaves now, I think Yeojin's birthday will be almost over."

은근 빨라
It's pretty fast.

"여진이 집에 다시 데려오냐는 말이 아닐까"
"I guess he's asking if he's going to bring Yeojin home again."

Oh, what?

"두부 실제루 함 보고싶어ㅜㅜ 대구 생카에서는 못 보겠지 ..?"
"I want to see tofu in real life. We can't see each other in Daegu San-Ca, right?"

본가에 있으니까 아마 볼 수 있지 않을까..?
Since I'm at my parents' house, I think I'll be able to see it.

"두부 개쪽이인데 데리고 다니기 가능해....?"
"It's a dog of tofu, but can you carry it around...?"

A... Possible.

"많은 사람을 보면 두부가 놀래지 않을까 ?"
"Wouldn't tofu be surprised when many people see it?"

사람 좋아해서 좋아할듯..
He likes people, so he'll like it.

"너구리 좋아한데?"
"I like Neoguri."

어 뭐.. 비슷하네..꼬리랑 귀 있으니까
Well, it's similar.I have a tail and ears.

"여진이 언니 남자친구 생겻다 6살 연상이야 어때 6살차이는 괜찮지 않아?"
"Yeojin has a boyfriend. She's 6 years older. What do you think? Isn't a 6 year difference okay?"

어허.. 누구야 그 사람
Who is that person?

"아 여섯살차이 에바에요 언니 안돼"
"Oh, six years older than me. You can'"

사랑에는 국경도 없으니 뭐ㅠ인정
There's no border in love, so I admit it.

"두부랑 까망이 산책갈까? 들었을때 반응 궁금하다ㅋㅋ"
"Should we go for a walk with Tofu? I'm curious about your reactions.lol"

두부는 아직 잘 모르고 까망이는 나가자고 다리 벅벅 긁어
Tofu doesn't know yet. Blackie, let's go. Scratch your legs.

두부 곤듀님
ID Tofu Gondyu.

what are you doing

난 이제ㅜ네일이랑 패디 다 끝났다
I'm done with my nails and Paddy.

모퉁이 냠냠
Around the corner. Yum yum.