2022 10 25 3465
다들 뇽안
Hello, everyone.
"한창 피곤한 타이밍에 귀신같이 비타민이 등장했어 ㅠㅠ👍👍💖💖💖 채고다 임루비"
"Vitamin appeared like a ghost at the time when I was tired. 👍👍💖💖💖 Chaegoda Im Ruby"
come on.
"밥 먹 었 냐 고 ㅡ ㅡ ."
"Did you eat?"
Not yet...
"여진이는 내 비타민 ABCDE중에 뭐 할래"
"Yeojin, what do you want from my vitamin ABCDE?"
나 오늘 잠깐 나왔는데
I came out briefly today.
앞 안 보고 가는 어떤 분이
Someone said, "I can'm
핸드폰으로 내 눈 찔러서
You poked my eyes with your phone.
눈이 좀 아파
My eyes hurt a bit.
어우 죄송합니다 하셔서 할 말 없더라
Oh, he said sorry, so I had nothing to say.
괜찮아 앞이 보이니까 대충 살자
It's okay. You can see ahead, so let's live roughly.
좀 아프면 어때..
What if it hurts a little.
요즘 서울은 사람이 많아서
There are a lot of people in Seoul these days.
치고 가도 아무 일 없다는 듯
As if nothing happened even after hitting it.
It's passing by.
"야 당장 안과가야지"
"Hey, you need to go to the eye doctor right now."
어.. 그정도 아닌뎀!
Oh, it's not that bad!
앞에 계시는 어르신들 넘어지실까 난 그게ㅜ더 무서워
I'm more scared if the elderly in front of me fall down.
슬금슬금 손으로 잡아드리는중..
I'm slowly holding it with my hands.
아니 저번에 서울역에서 넘어지신거보고 깜짝 놀랐어
I was surprised to see you fall down at Seoul Station.
어르신 전용 에스컬레이터를 만들어야해 그 좀 넓은걸로 나도 좁은데..
I need to build an escalator for the elderly. I'm a little narrow with that wide one.
"어르신분들 에스컬레이터 탈 때 손잡이 꼭 잡고 타셨으면..."
"I hope you hold the handle when you ride the escalator."
안 다치시는데 우선이지
You don't get hurt. First of all.
That's right, that's right.
"ㄹㅇ 좀 넓혓으면 좋겠음"
"I wish I could widen it a bit."
제발.. 캐리어가 넘어가니까 뒤에 계신 사람들이 줄줄이 넘어지는걸 내가 보고나서부터
Please... Since I saw the people in the back fall down one after another,
It was scary.
"임여딘 폰하면서 걷지마 방금 넘어져서 필름이랑 케이스 깨졌어ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Lim Yeodin, don't walk on your phone. I just fell down and broke the film and case lol."
Be careful...