2022 10 12 3341
"사실 난 저 쌓인 톡 184개가 더 신경쓰여 미치겄어"
"Actually, I'm going crazy because I care about 184 more of those messages."
나 원래 카톡 잘 안 보잖아..
I don't usually look at Kakao Talk.
"상대방 속 터지는 중😂"
"The other person's heart is exploding 😂"
급하면 전화하지 않을까..
I think he'll call me if he's in a hurry.
뭐해 난 이제 퇴근
What are you doing? I'm going home now.
I'm sleepy.
저 혹시
By any chance...
제 폰트 궁금해 하시는 분들이 많아서 그런데
There are a lot of people who are curious about my font.
The font...
카톡 테마 말하시는건지
Are you talking about the Kakaotalk theme?
글씨 모양을 궁금해 하시는건지
I don't know if you're curious about the shape of the handwriting.
이거 그 카톡 들어가면 있는
If you go into Kakao Talk,
It's a heart signal.
I'm sleepy.
빨래 끝나려면
To finish the laundry,
40분이나 남았어..
I have 40 minutes left.
너무 졸려..
I'm so sleepy.
"건조는 자고 일어나서 하면 안되나😂"
"Can't you dry your hair after you wake up? 😂"
건조가 40분 뒤에 끝나..
The drying ends in 40 minutes.
너무 졸리다
I'm so sleepy.
나 그냥 이불이고 뭐고 그냥 자고 싶어
I don't care about blankets. I just want to sleep.
아 미취겠다
Oh, I'm not drunk.
There are four minutes left.
Good morning
"하지만 난 내일모레 이달소 콘서트 가는 사람이니까 힘내서 살아볼게"
"But I'm going to LOONA's concert the day after tomorrow, so I'll cheer up and live my life."
넵 우리 모두 힘내보자!
Yes, let's all cheer up!
나 산리오 키링
I'm Sanrio's key ring.
I'm going to buy it.
그 편의점에 파는거 있잖아
You know the one they sell at the convenience store.
It was cute.
"알 까는거 ?"
"What do you know?"
"모야 모야 그게 몬데?!"
"What's that?!"
알 키링! 그 푠의점에 파는거?
Al Ki-Ling! The one they sell at the store?
"뭐가 제일 갖구시퍼??"
"What do you want the most?"
I'm going to collect it.
"나 편의점 알바할때 그거 진짜 막 10개씩 사가는 사람들도 있었어"
"When I worked at a convenience store, there were people who bought 10 of them."
That's what I'm saying.
인기쟁이네 그거
That's popular.
다들 모하니
Everyone, what are you doing?