2022 10 05 3287

"와 언니 등근육 미쳤네?😍"
"Wow, your back muscles are crazy.😍"

하나도 없는데..
I don't have any.

"운동끝나고 집가는데 저메추 해줘"
"I'm going home after working out. Please recommend dinner menu."

제발 쭈꾸미
Please, webfoot octopus.

"등근육 ㄷㄷㄷ 근육루비"
"Ruby's back muscles."

I don't have any.

나도 했다
I did it, too.

쌔삥 챌린지
Ssaping challenge.

어때 다들
What do you think?

"하입보이 불러주세요🧡"
"Please sing "Hip-ip-boy".🧡"


"니 생각에 세벽 세시 그 구간 불러줘"
"Please sing that part at three o'clock in the morning."

Hold on.

"내가 아는 새벽 세시는 오늘도 새벽 세시 밖에 몰라.."
"As far as I know, it's 3am. I only know 3am today.."

Me too.

"여진아, 네가 영어로 사랑한다고 말하면 정말 기분이 좋을 것 같아."
"Yeojin, I think you'd feel really good if you said you love me in English."


"징아 너무 우울한데 어쩔까!?"
"I'm so depressed. What should I do?"

Let's do the jumping challenge.

"우리가 하면 중고야"
"If we do it, it's used."


"여진이 영어말고 일본어로도 가능해?"
"Yeojin, can you speak Japanese instead of English?"


"누르면 소리나는 곰돌이인형같아 ㅋㅋ"
"It looks like a teddy bear that makes a sound when pressed."


"오리에게 무슨 짓을 한거야 여진"
"What have you done to the duck, Yeojin?"

I'm sorry.

"오리씨 쾌변해서 시원하실듯"
"Mr. Duck, you'll feel refreshed."

그걸 노린거야
That's what I was aiming for.

"영상에서 여진이가 쓰고있는 헤어밴드 저 오리꺼라는데 저건 왜 뺏은거야 ㅋㄱㅋㄱ😂"
"In the video, Yeojin's headband is saying that it's duck's, but why did you take that away? 😂"

나도 헤어밴드 가지고 싶어서~
I also want a headband.

"오늘 나 연남동 놀러갔다가 루비생각나서 곰돌이 수세미샀어"
"Today, I went to Yeonnam-dong and thought of Ruby, so I bought a bear scrubber."

I'm jealous 😭😭😭

Good morning!

다들 모해
What are you all doing?

"김치붕어빵 부럽디"
"I'm jealous of kimchi bungeoppang."

It looks delicious.