2022 10 03 3270

"사실 여진이는 지금도 미국에 있는거 아닐까"
"I think YeoJin is still in the US."

여기가 미국인가
Is this America?

"역시 아메리카 핫걸이었던건가"
"Was she a hot girl in America?"

그럴지도 모르겠군..흠
Maybe so.t know.Huh.

다들 오늘은 뭐 먹었ન???
What did you all eat today?

"Combat food..."

그만큼 많이 먹었다는거지?
That's how much you ate, right?

"저녁 아직 안 먹어써"
"I haven't eaten dinner yet."


"아직 한끼도 안먹었어"
"I haven't had a meal yet."

다들 왜 이래 누구 닮아가네
What's wrong with you? You're starting to look like someone.

"여진이가 저메추 안 해줘서 그래 얼른 해줌 먹을께"
"Yeojin didn't recommend dinner for me. I'll hurry up and cook for you."

김치나베 우동
Kimchi Nabe Udon

"그 가수의 그 팬 ,,"
"The singer's fan,"

이런거는 안 닮아가도 되는데..
You don't have to look like this.

"이거라도 닮아야지.."
"I'm gonna have to look like this."

웃어야해 울어야해
You have to smile. You have to cry.

"두부는 밥 잘 먹어?"
"Tofu, do you eat well?"

1분 컷
1 minute cut.

"Let's laugh."


"언니 밥 너무 잘 챙겨먹고 다녀 하루에 여섯끼먹어"
"Unni, make sure to eat well. I eat six meals a day."

좋아 좋아 잘 하고 있어
Good, good. You're doing great.

"여진이는 한끼 먹는 데 얼마나 걸려?"
"Yeojin, how long does it take to eat a meal?"

오래 걸려 나 진짜 느려
It takes a long time. I'm really slow.

"다이어트해야되는데 세상에 맛있는게 너무 많고 내 배는 항상 고파서 못하겠어요 그냥 살어야지"
"I have to go on a diet, but there are so many delicious things in the world and I can't do it because I'm always hungry. I'm just going to live."

그냥 살아 다이어트 힘들어
Just live. Dieting is hard.

"나도 여진이처럼 눈 두개 코 한개 귀는 두개 입 한개있다..."
"Like Yeojin, I have two eyes, a nose, two ears, and a mouth..."

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ​
(Laughs)̤̮͈̤͈̥̮̥̤̻͈̤͈͈̤̻̤͈̤̤͈̫̤̤̫͈̯͈̤͈̯͈̤̤͈̮͈̱̫͚͚̫̤̱̱̤̮̯̤̯̥̫̱̻͈̻̥̫͚͚̮̥̫͈̫̮͈͈̤̤̤̤̤͈͈͈̤̤͈͈̮꙼̎̐̑ㅋ̤͈̫͚͚ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̎̆ㅋㅋㅋㅋ̫̱̱ㅋ̯ㅋㅋ̮ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̯̥̫ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̻̮̥̻̊̈ㅋ̤̫͈̤ㅋ̈ㅋ̥͈̥ㅋㅋ̻꙼ㅋ.͈̫͚ ​

"다이어트 할 때 지금 먹는 양이 여진이 3일치 식단이라고 생각하면 도움이 좀 되지 않을까요 ?"
"Wouldn't it be helpful to think that YeoJin is on a diet for three days?"


"수능 끝나구 여지니 몸무게 손민수 해야 함 굿"
"After the college entrance exam, you have to weigh yourself. Good."


"한달이면 여진이 1년치 먹겠네요 이러다가"
"Yeojin will eat a year's worth in a month. And then..."

You must be drunk.

"여진이 소식좌네ㅋㅋㅋ😂"
"Yeojin is a news reporter. 😂"

그정도는 아니야
It's not that bad.

많이 먹을때는 많이 먹어
When I eat a lot, I eat a lot.

"여진이랑 공통점찾기 생각보다 재밌네요"
"It's more fun than I thought to find something in common with Yeojin."

네 좋아요 저 찾아보죠
Yes, good. I'll look for it'

"일단 이름 세글자인거 같네"
"I think it's three letters."


"햄버거 최대 몇개인가요?"
"How many hamburgers do you have at most?"

햄버거를 두개나 드세요?
Do you eat two hamburgers?

"헐 언니 프링글스 한 통 먹을 수 있어? 과자 세 봉지 목을 수 있떠? 갑자기 너무 궁금해짐"
"Can you eat a bottle of Pringles? Can you strangle three bags of chips? I'm suddenly so curious."

어 일단 물려서 못 먹어
I can't eat it because I'm sick of it.

"여진이 불고기버거 반개아니묘??"
"Isn't Yeojin half a bulgogi burger?"


"포켓몬 마스터가 꿈인게 같네"
"It's like my dream is to become a Pokemon master."


"안물린다는 가정하에 프링글스 한통 먹기 가능?"
"Can I eat a bottle of Pringles on the assumption that it won't bite me?"


"미안해 여진아 라지세트 2개 먹은 적도 있어.."
"Sorry, Yeojin. I ate two large sets."

음 많이 먹는구나
You eat a lot.

"영화관 팝콘 한통 다 먹기 가능?"
"Can I eat a whole box of popcorn at the movie theater?"

한번도 혼자 먹어본 적이 없는데 엄마랑 같이 먹어도 반이 남아
I've never eaten alone, but I have half of it left even if I eat it with my mom.

"약간 근데 햄버거 사면 나만 감자튀김 남기나 ? 햄버거는 2,3개 더 먹을 수 있는데 감자는 물려서 더 안 들어가"
"If I buy a hamburger, will I be the only one who has fries left? I can eat 2 or 3 more hamburgers, but I can't eat more potatoes."

감튀는 원래 남겨야지 짜 그거
You're supposed to leave french fries. That's salty.

"아무리 생각해도 이대로라면 공통점을 찾기보단 다른 생물이라고 생각하는게 빠를거 같다.."
"No matter how much I think about it, it would be faster to think of it as a different creature than to find something in common."

No, it's not.

아 맞아 나 엄마가 적게 드셔
Oh, that's right. My mom doesn't eat much.

아빠는 많이 드시는데
My dad eats a lot.

엄마가 적게 드신다
My mom doesn't eat much.

엄마 살 찌우신다고 한참 라면에 치즈 넣어 드시던 시절이 있어
There was a time when I ate ramen with cheese to make my mom gain weight.

"집에 음식 아빠가 다 해치우시겠네요"
"Your dad's gonna finish all the food at home."

맞아 내가 아빠 나 라면 하면 아빠가 끓여주시거든? 근데 내가 한입만 먹고 아빠 나 배불러 하면 아빠가 한숨 쉬면서 드셔
Right, my dad cooks ramen for me. When I say I'm full, he sighs and eats it.

엄마 그렇게 먹어도 살 안 찌시더라..
My mom doesn't gain weight even if I eat like that.

"You must be born with it."

as soon as soon as possible.

엄마 다리보면 부러질까봐 걱정이야
I'm afraid I'll break your leg.

"어머니는 혹시 여진이보다 키카 크셔?"
"Is your mother taller than Yeojin?"

엉 당연한거 아닐까??
Isn't that obvious?

"어머니두 살 안 쪄서 스트레스 받으셔 ?"
"Mother, are you stressed because you didn't gain two years?"


근데 엄마 지금은 좀 통통하더라
But my mom is a bit chubby now.

뿌듯해 하시던데
He was so proud of it.

"그래두 좋은 소식 소식하는 사람이 오래 산대"
"But people with good news live long."

…나 짧고 굵게 살고 싶은..하하
I want to live a short and strong life.Ha ha.

"Do you want to get in trouble?"


"아냐 절대 오래살아 콘서트에서 100살잔치 해주고싶단말야"
"No, I'll live for a long time. I want to celebrate my 100th birthday at the concert."


"씁 오래살아야지 할미앞에서 그게 뭔소리야"
"What are you talking about in front of grandma?"

in silence …

"2100년 가요대제전 나와야징 바보야"
"You have to appear at the 2100 KBS Song Festival."

와 까마득해
Wow, it's so far away.

"나 가기 전엔 못보낸다"
"I can't let you go until I leave."


"2100년이면 가요대제전아니고 다른 이름이려나"
"2100 is not "Music Awards Festival". Is it a different name?"

A memory trip festival.