2022 09 30 3252

"둘 다 약간 중고등학교 때 선생님들 별명 같다"
"Both of them sound like nicknames of middle and high school teachers."


"(´・ω・)・ω・) 너는 /  つ⊂  \  내꺼"
"(´···)···) You are / ⊂\ つ mine"

나는 니꺼
I'm yours.

대머리 독수리가 인기가 별로 없네
Bald eagles aren't that popular.

"나 중고등학생때 선생님들 별명은 쌍도끼 피바다 그런거였는데..."
"When I was in middle and high school, my teacher's nickname was double axe bloodbath."

..? 호랑이 담배피던 시절인가요?
..? Was it when tigers smoked?

"아 맞다 여진아 스칼렛 바이올렛 예약구매 나왔던데 난 아까 바이올렛으로 예약했어!"
"Ah right! Yeojin! Scarlet violet pre-purchase came out. I made a reservation for violet earlier!"

벌써 예약할 시간이구나
It's already time to make a reservation.

애플워치 쓰는 사람
Who uses the Apple Watch?

여기 있는 사람
the person here


애플워치 어때
How about Apple Watch?

Is it comfortable?

"애플워치는 감성으로 차는거야"
"Apple Watch is a game of sensitivity."


아니 어제 내 친구가 살까 말까 고민하다가 사더라고
My friend was thinking about whether to buy it or not and bought it.

근데 주변에서는 다 별로다 근데 좋다 이러는 사람들이 많아서
But there are a lot of people around me who say that it's not good but that's good.

"나는 밖에 나갈 때 스크랩 옷에 어울리게 갈아끼운 다음에 나가!! 악세사리로도 좋고 휴대폰을 백에 넣어놨을 때 못 듣는 알림들 알 수 있어서 좋아 난 되게 유용하게 쓰는중이야"
"When I go outside, I change it to match the scrap clothes and then go!! It's good as an accessory, and it's good to know the notifications you can't hear when you put your phone in a bag. I'm using it very useful."

좀 본세나 보이나?
Do I look like I'm in real life?

"근데 그냥 사놓고 핸드폰 쓰는사람 많더라"
"But there are a lot of people who just buy it and use their phones."

아 구래?
Oh, really?

"살까말까 고민할땐 사라고 했써👍"
"When I was thinking about whether to buy it or not, I told them to buy it. 👍"

I want to buy it.

Should I buy it?

"ㄹㅇ ganzi zaksal 용"
"For real ganzi zaksal"

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ​
(Laughs)̤̮͈̤͈̥̮̥̤̻͈̤͈͈̤̻̤͈̤̤͈̫̤̤̫͈̯͈̤͈̯͈̤̤͈̮͈̱̫͚͚̫̤̱̱̤̮̯̤̯̥̫̱̻͈̻̥̫͚͚̮̥̫͈̫̮͈͈̤̤̤̤̤͈͈͈̤̤͈͈̮꙼̎̐̑ㅋ̤͈̫͚͚ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̎̆ㅋㅋㅋㅋ̫̱̱ㅋ̯ㅋㅋ̮ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̯̥̫ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̻̮̥̻̊̈ㅋ̤̫͈̤ㅋ̈ㅋ̥͈̥ㅋㅋ̻꙼ㅋ.͈̫͚ ​

쪼매난거 없나
Do you have anything small?

사이즈도 여러개 아니야?
Aren't there several sizes?

"요즘엔 오버핏이 유행이야"
"Overfit is the trend these days."

그럼 손목 다 가리는거 아니냐구
Then you're covering all your wrists.

"40이 작은거"
"40 is small."

이게 있네
There's this.

What shall we do?

It's a dilemma.

엄마 가지고 있단데
My mom said she has it'

엄마꺼 슬쩍할까
I'm going to sneak my mom's.

등짝 아프겠네
Your back must hurt.

"be sprinkled with chocolate pink"

핑크 예뿌겠다
Pink will be pretty.

with a little bit by bit

"근데 스트랩 여러개 쓰려면 본체는 무난한 색이 낫더라"
"But if you want to use multiple straps, a normal color is better."

나는 귀여운 마이멜로디 케이스 달려있는거 쓰고싶어
I want to use the one with a cute My Melody case.

뭔지 아뉘!
You don't know what it is!

"진아 애플 유저인 동생이 그러는데 애플워치 사고 싶어지는 애플워치병은 사야 낫는데 그리고 어머니꺼 훔치면 나중에 더 좋은거 사드려야한다고 그냥 하나 사래ㅋㅋ"
"Jinah's younger brother, who is an Apple user, said that it's better to buy an Apple Watch bottle that makes you want to buy an Apple Watch. And if I steal my mother's, I have to buy her something better later, so just buy one."

캬 이거 또 나에게 큰 고민을 주는 구만
Wow, this is giving me a big worry.

"여진이 아이픈 14 색상 추천해주라 오빛들 깔맞춤하고 다니게 ㅋㅋㅋ 색상은 딥퍼플, 골드, 실버, 스페이스 블랙 네가지야🌟"
"Yeojin, please recommend 14 colors for IPEN. So that ORBITs can wear matching colors. Colors are deep purple, gold, silver, space black It's four 🌟"


"너 바이올렛도 사야되고... 애플워치도 사야되고... 옷도 사야되고... 지출이 크다"
"You need to buy violet. I need to buy an Apple Watch... I need to buy clothes... have a large expenditure"

It's a disaster.

나 요즘 돈 안 쓰는뎀..
I don't spend money these days.

"딸 키우느라 돈 많이 나갈텐데"
"It'll cost you a lot of money to raise your daughter."

Yeah, that's right.

"그래도 딸만큼 예쁜게 없잖아🧡"
"But there's nothing prettier than a daughter.🧡"

That's true, but...


"더 공부 많이해서 루비 위한 시계 만들어줄게!!!"
"I will study more and make a watch for Ruby!!!"

It might be good 💖

"여진아 워치8 이달초에 나올건데 좀만 더 기다료봐"
"Yeojin, Watch 8 will come out early this month. Please wait a little longer."

넹.. 제가 그때까지 한번 기다려볼게요.. 나온거 보고 마음에 들면.. 살게요..
Yes... I'll wait until then. If you like it when it's out... I'll buy it.

"10월7일에 나와유,,"
"It will come out on October 7th."


"(모양은 지금꺼랑 똑같아요)"
"(The shape is the same as this one)"

정말요?! 그럼 뭐가 다른거지
Really?! So what's the difference?

"(아 뒷면은 다릅니다)"
"(Oh, the back side is different)"

뭐가 달라요???
What's the difference?

"I heard you can check the temperature."

나 냉철인간인뎀
I'm a cold-hearted person.

"가격이 다르네"
"The price is different."

Yes, indeed

"신상 샀다는게 기분이 째져"
"I'm so happy that I bought a new product."

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ​
(Laughs)̤̮͈̤͈̥̮̥̤̻͈̤͈͈̤̻̤͈̤̤͈̫̤̤̫͈̯͈̤͈̯͈̤̤͈̮͈̱̫͚͚̫̤̱̱̤̮̯̤̯̥̫̱̻͈̻̥̫͚͚̮̥̫͈̫̮͈͈̤̤̤̤̤͈͈͈̤̤͈͈̮꙼̎̐̑ㅋ̤͈̫͚͚ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̎̆ㅋㅋㅋㅋ̫̱̱ㅋ̯ㅋㅋ̮ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̯̥̫ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̻̮̥̻̊̈ㅋ̤̫͈̤ㅋ̈ㅋ̥͈̥ㅋㅋ̻꙼ㅋ.͈̫͚ ​

오늘의 노래
Today's song.

묘해, 너와
It's weird with you.

들으면서 자세여~
It's a posture while listening to it.