2022 09 27 3225

하 이런
Oh, my.

산책이라도 해야하나
Should I go for a walk?


Hold on.

티비 꺼졌다
The TV is off.

이게 무슨 일이냐 이거
What's going on?

갑자기 다시 켜졌다
It suddenly turned on again.

"머야 ?? 정전이야?"
"What is it? Is it a blackout?"

아니 그건 아닌 것 같아
No, I don't think that's the case.

"두부가 리모컨으로 껐나? "
"Did Tofu turn it off with the remote control?"

에이 아니라규ㅠ
No, it's not.

매니저 오빠가
Our manager...

티비도 졸려서 그런거라는디
It's because the TV is sleepy, too.

이게 맞나?
Is this right?

그니까 이런..
I mean, like...

일찍자고 일찍 일어나는 금쪽이가 되라는데
"Be Geumji who sleeps early and wakes up early."

매니저 오빠도 안 자면서
Even our manager is not sleeping.


Good morning!

졸려.. 흠냐 흠냐
I'm sleepy. Hmm. Hmm.

"체한건 좀 괜찮아졌어?"
"How's your upset stomachache okay?"

아직도 껴있어
It's still stuck.

"진이는 근데 맨날 졸려라고 쓰네? 잠 온다고 안해? 잠 온다가 더 귀여운디"
"Jin always writes, "I'm sleepy". Aren't you going to say you're sleepy? You're cuter when you're sleepy."

하도 놀려서
Because you teased me so much.

"체했을때 크리맥액 이라는 약 먹어봐바 좋아"
"When you have an upset stomach, take a pill called cream juice. It's better."

오늘 사서 먹어봐야겠다
I should buy it and eat it today.

가족들이랑 밥 먹으러 왔어
I came to eat with my family.

Rung bean paste stew earthen pot 💖

밥 먹고
I ate.

관람차 타러 가
Let's go ride a Ferris wheel.


여기에 신기한 머리 나밖에 없네
I'm the only one with interesting hair here.

"연예인 티 팍팍 나는거 아니야? ㅋㅋ"
"Isn't it obvious that you're a celebrity? lol"

오늘 후리하게 입고 나왔는데 맨투맨
I'm dressed casually today. A sweatshirt.

"머리 존재감이 너무 클거같애"
"I think my hair is going to be too big."

다 뽑아버랴
I'll pull them all out.

"그래도 여진이는 머리색만 눈에 띄잖아요 저는 머리크기가 눈에 띈답니다"
"But YeoJin's hair color stands out. My hair size stands out."

might be good

"두공주도 같이 나왔써??"
"Did the two princesses come out together?"

두공 집에 이쑤
Doo-gong's house, toothpick.

"근데 두부가 공주면 까망이는 뭐야?"
"If Tofu is a princess, what's Kkamang?"


I'm getting nervous.

생각보다 높네
It's higher than I thought.

I want to go home.

"낭만을 즐겨"
"Enjoying romance."

It's romantic.

별로 안 무섭네
It's not that scary.



I recognized it.

난지 어떻게 알았지?
How did you know it was me?

내가 말했구나
I told you.

나 왕 뾰루지 있었는데
I had a big pimple.

I'm embarrassed.

이제 집 가야지
I have to go home now.

총알 같이 집에 들어가야지
I'm gonna go home like a bullet.

"두공까왕이 기다리고있대🥹"
"Dugongka Wang is waiting for you."

엄마랑 누나가 간다💖💖
My mom and sister are going 💖💖

다들 뭐해
What are you all doing?