2022 09 21 3163

"구름이뻐서 여진이 보고시퍼🧡"
"The clouds are pretty, so I'm looking at Yeojin. 🧡"

나도 예쁜거 보면 쟁이들 보고싶던데 우리 똑같네
When I see pretty things, I want to see Jeans. We're the same.

"굿모닝 두부 배고프게따"
"Good morning, Tofu. You must be hungry."

두부 밥은 주고 자지..
I don't eat tofu before I sleep.

"글규 두부 몇키로인지 슬쩍 물어보겠ㅎㅓ"
"I'll ask you how many kilograms of dried tofu."

두뷰 2kg!
2kg of Dooview!

" 루비~ 나 네일아트 하고싶어! 색깔/디자인 좀 추천해줘💅😍"
"Ruby! I want to get my nails done! Please recommend a color/design.💅😍"


"두부가 라떼보다 가볍나??"
"Is tofu lighter than latte?"

그렇지 않을까,.? 아무래도 좀 더 애기니까…?
Don't you think so? Because I'm more of a baby...?

"색깔 얘기가 나와서 그러는데 여진님은 무슨 색 좋아해요?"
"Speaking of colors, what color do you like, Yeojin?"

나는 완전 베이비 핑크
I'm totally baby pink.

"여진아 내가 추석에 못찾아뵀는데 장인어른은 뭐 좋아하셔...? 소고기?"
"Yeojin, I didn't see you on Chuseok. What does your father-in-law like? Beef?"


"장인어른은 닭가슴살 좋아하시지💪💪"
"My father-in-law likes chicken breast. 💪💪"

안 좋아하던데? 고기 좋아해 근데
He didn't like it. I like meat.

"아버님 프로틴 드셔??"
"Dad, do you drink protein?"

그럴걸? 같이 안 살아서 모르겠네? 같이 안 산지 어느덧 6년 7년이니까
I think so. I don't know because we don't live together. It's been 6 or 7 years since we didn't live together.

"두부가 아가인데도 까망이보다 무겁네?😁"
"Tofu is a baby, but it's heavier than black.😁"

까망이는 왜 그렇게 작을까?
Why is Kkamang so small?

두부 놀아주기
Playing with Tofu.

"우리집 강아지는 그러면 👀 이러고 쳐다보던데..."
"My dog looked at me like this. "👀"."

두부도 무시해..
Ignore the tofu.

"팔자좋대 아 웃겨"
"They like the shape of my arms. So funny."


"프사 지금이야...??🥰🥰"
"Your profile picture is now...? 🥰🥰"

아니 이거 그거 한국 가는 날때
No, on the day I go to Korea,

"재밌는 얘기 해주세요"
"Please tell us something funny."

저 밥먹으러ㅠ갑니다
I'm going to eat.

It's Choi Ga-ne.

드디어 먹는다
I'm finally eating.

I'm hungry.

드디어 첫끼
Finally, my first meal.

두부 밥 다 주고 왔어
I gave all the tofu rice.

"누구랑 밥먹으러 가??"
"Who are you going to eat with?"

Dear Manizo.

헝그리 헝그리
Hungry, hungry.

사람 많다는데
There are a lot of people.

내가 먹을 정도는 음식이 남아있겠지?
I'm sure there's enough food left for me to eat, right?

"강아지밥이 먼저지 역시 ...."
"Dog food comes first."

Of course it's carrot!


Pick one for me.

"맥주는 없나요??"
"Do you have any beer?"

All right.

다들 힘을내
Everyone, cheer up.

"펩시 제로"
"Pepsi Zero."

에이 제로는 아니지~~~
No, it's not Zero.

"생각보다 더 치열하네..콜라 힘내!!"
"It's more intense than I thought.Coke, cheer up!"

Hmm. Nyaring.

딸기우유 마시고싶다
I want to drink strawberry milk.

나는 그거 뚱바 미니 버전 뭔지 알아?
Do you know the mini version of Fatty Bar?

쿠팡에 24개입 들어있는거
The one with 24 pieces in Coupang.

그게 딱 적당해
That's just right.

근데 있자나
But you know what?

투표에 맞들려서
in the vote

It's fun.

I'm hungry.

웨이팅이 상당히 기네
The wait is really long.

사이다에 홍초 타 먹으면 꿀맛인데
It's so delicious when you add red vinegar to Sprite.

"(앗? 투표 삭제하셨어요???)"
"(Oh? Did you delete the vote???)"

어 그러네여…
Oh, you're right...

"진아 나 고민이있어... 학생이 듣기를 하고 가야하는데 계속 아까했다고 하고 거짓말을 하거든.... 이걸 봐줘야해 어떻게 해....?"
"Jin, I have a concern... The student has to listen and go, but he keeps lying and saying that he did it earlier... I need you to look at this. What should I do...?"

잘 말해봐야하지 않을까ㅠ? 혼내지는 말고ㅠ
Don't you think I should say it well? Don't scold me.

"듣기 무슨 내용이었는지 물어보자"
"Let's ask what it was about."

I guess it's studying!!!!??

"웅 마자 영어듣기"
"Listening to Woongja English"

나는 그런 적 없어 왜냐면 우리는 그 기록이 남았거든
I've never done that because we have that record.

"내가 강사일 때는 그러면 바로 분필 날아갔는데"
"When I was a lecturer, chalk flew away."

I'm scared.

"헐 대박 신기하네....."
"Wow, that's amazing."

그 우리는 당근을 다 채워야 끝났어 캐럿이라고 불러찌
We have to fill up all the carrots to finish it. We called them CARAT.