2022 09 19 3139

"여진이 먹을거는 고민없이 골랐는데 장인어른 장모님 드신다니까 고민이 좀 되네"
"I chose Yeojin's food without hesitation, but I'm a bit worried because my father-in-law and mother-in-law are eating it."


"뭐든 루비 입에만 들어가면돼"
"Anything goes into Ruby's mouth."

Yum, yum, yum.

두부 코곤다
Tofu snores.

"코에 뽀뽀 해버리고싶댜,,🧡"
"I want to kiss you on the nose, 🧡"

Cheek, chews.

미치겠다 정말
I'm going crazy.

My baby.

"애기 많이 피곤했나부네,,,"
"The baby must have been very tired."

I know.

근데 있잖아 좀 더워ㅠ
But you know what? It's a little hot.

두부가 너무 붙어이써
Tofu is too sticky.

"내일 점심 닭볶음탕 vs 돈까스"
"For tomorrow's lunch, braised spicy chicken vs pork cutlet."

Pork Cutlet

"여진아 피티 겁나 열심히 받는데 왜 살이 안빠질까......😂 슬프다"
"Yeojin, I'm working so hard on the PT, but why can't I lose weight... 😂 I'm sad."

그거 기분 탓이야 다이어트는 천천히!
That's just how I feel. Dieting slowly!

"여진이는 다이어트란걸 해본적이 있어"
"Yeojin has been on a diet before."

Of course it's carrot!

"여진이도 연습실 뛰었어???"
"Yeojin also ran in the practice room?"

당근이지 학교 끝나고 뛰고 체중 안 빠지면 학교 가기 전까지 뛰고 그랬는걸???
Of course, it's carrot. I ran after school, and if I didn't lose weight, I ran until I went to school, right?

다이어트 도시락이라고 애기 감자 두개랑 닭가슴살 1/3 자몽 2조각 싸서 애들 급식 먹을때 나 그거 먹고 조퇴하고 회사가서 패딩입고 달리기 하고
It's called a diet lunch box, so I packed two baby potatoes and two 1/3 pieces of chicken breast, and when the kids were eating school meals, I ate that, left school early, wore a padded jacket, and ran.

Slowing down.

그때는 37kg 까지 안 빠지면 열심히 뛰어야해!!!
If I don't lose 37kg then I have to run hard!!!

"지금은 더 먹어야할 듯"
"I think I need to eat more now."

그래서 살짜는거 싫어
That's why I don't want to lose weight.

"미친거아냐.............................사람 몸무게냐고"
"Are you crazy? Are you a person's weight?"

지금은 그거보다 더 빠져서 다행이야
I'm glad I lost more weight than that.

"지금 더 말라인간이야???????롸?!?"
"Are you a skinny human being now?!?!?"


나 이제 다이어트 안 해! 걱정마!
I'm not on a diet anymore! Don't worry!

"다이어트는 안 하지만 입이 짧지.."
"I'm not on a diet, but I don't eat much."


"여진이랑 밥먹고싶다 여진이가 남긴거 다 내꺼"
"I want to eat with Yeojin. Everything Yeojin left is mine."

그럼 어느순간부터 2인분 혼자 먹고있을걸??
Then at some point, you'll be eating two servings alone.

"It could be 3 servings."

나 음식 엄청 많이 시키잖아..
I order a lot of food.

아빠가 마사지 해주는 중이야
My dad's giving me a massage.


"외동은 좋은거구나..👍"
"Being an only child is a good thing.👍"

Of course!

"저번 2월 콘서트 때 여진이 아버님 뒤에 앉았는데 아버님 근육 장난 아니시더라……👍"
"I sat behind Yeojin's father at the concert last February, and his muscles were no joke...…👍"

우리 아빠 대구의 마동석 선배님이야
My dad is Ma Dongseok from Daegu.

"헐 무슨 운동하셨어?"
"What kind of exercise did you do?"

벤치? 밴치? 몰라 지금 100kg 드신다는데?
Bench? Banchi? I don't know. They're eating 100kg right now.

"아버님 3대 몇치시냐고 물어봐줄수 있어?"
"Can you ask me what your father's three-to three-to-one is?"

350이래 뭔 말인지 모르게써
350? I don't know what you're talking about.

"사위 될려면 아버님이랑 팔씨름으로 3분 이상 버틸 수 있는 근육 만들어야 하는 거 아냐?"
"If you want to be a son-in-law, don't you need to arm wrestle with your father for more than three minutes?"

그런거 필요없다는데 착하고 성실하기만 하면 오케이래
They said I don't need that, but as long as I'm nice and sincere, I'm okay.

대드140/벤치100/스쿼드 100~120
large 140 / bench 100 / squad 100–120

뭐야 이게
What's this?

"데드리프트: 종합 전신 운동 벤치 프레스: 상체 종합 운동 스쿼드: 하체 운동"
"Deadlift: General Exercise Bench press: Upper body comprehensive exercise Squad: Lower Body Exercise"

그래 오타가 많았네
Yeah, there were a lot of typos.

*"일단 조금 설명해보면…

데드(데드리프트) : 무거운 거 땅에서 뽑는 운동 - 허리, 등근육 등이 메인

벤치(벤치프레스) : 누워서 무거운 거 위로 미는 운동 - 가슴근육 메인

스쿼트 : 스쿼트는 알지??"
"To explain a little bit...

Deadlift: Pulling heavy things out of the ground. - My back and back muscles are the main points.

Bench (Bench Press): An exercise to push over a heavy object while lying down. - Main chest muscles.

Squats: You know squats, right?"*


"마즘 나 저번에 콘서트에서 엄청 우아한 여진이어무니 옆에 건장한 마동석 아조씨 있어서 봤는데 누가봐도 여진이아빠"
"witchcraft At the last concert, I saw Ma Dongseok Ajo next to Yeojin's mother, who was really elegant, and obviously Yeojin's dad."

우아..? 우아는 아닐텐데…
Woah..? I don't think it's woah...

아빠 지금 엄마 마사지 해주고 있어서
My dad is giving a massage to my mom right now.

정말 힘들다 힘들어…
It's really hard. It's hard...

"아버지 직업이 혹시 프로사랑꾼이셔?"
"Is your father a professional lover?"

..? 그건 확실하게 아니야
..? That is certainly not the case.

첫번째 나 두번째 엄마 마지막은 두부
First me, second mom, last is tofu.

아빠의 마사지 교실
Dad's Massage Class

지금은 두피 마사지 타임~~
It's scalp massage time right now.

"왜 아니야 외동딸이면 눈에 넣어도 안아프지"
"Why not? If you're the only child, it doesn't hurt even if you put it in your eyes."

아닐걸 정말루😢😢😢
I don't think so. Really. 😢😢😢

It's refreshing!

아니 근데 쟁이들 왜 안 자???
But why aren't you sleeping?

슬슬 졸리기도..
I'm getting sleepy...

엄마는 지금 자..
She's sleeping right now.