2022 09 16 3116
"두부 인중 쭉쭉 쓰담쓰담하기"
"Patting tofu on the philtrum."
Sniffing. Sniffing, Sniffing sound.
애기들 보고싶어 죽겠다ㅠ
I miss my babies so much.
"고앵한테 들었는데 미국 스탭분들한테 편지까지 써서 줬다면서... 너무 스윗하다"
"I heard from a cat that he even wrote a letter to the American staff. So sweet."
아 들었구나 맞아 소리나는 편지지랑 키링 사서 넣어드렸어ㅜ정말 감사하고 내가 너무 좋아했거든ㅠ 영어 물어보면서 써가지고 드렸어
Oh, you heard it. Right, I bought a sound letter paper and a key ring and put it in. Thank you so much. I liked it so much. I wrote it while asking English.
"요즘엔 소리나는 편지지도 있구나"
"There are letters that make sounds these days."
미국에는 있더라 신기해
They have it in America. It's amazing.
근데 그날이 하필 딱 손톱 빠진 날이라 쓰는데 아프더라 엉엉 눈물 날뻔..
But I wrote that it was the day I lost my nails, but it hurt. I almost cried.
다들 굿모닝!
Good morning, everyone!
"아기 잘잤닝💖"
"Baby, good night."
우우웅 잘자찌!
Woohoo! Good night!
루미너스 본 사람???
Who saw Luminus?
"당연히 봤지이!! 루비 빠빠삐빠두 잘 봤어😆 초초좋아요에 이은 또 하나의 킬링포인트야👍"
"Of course I did! I enjoyed Ruby Papapapadu. 👍 It's another killing point after "I like you so much". 😆"
팝업비팝 인데..
It's pop-up B-pop.
"하슬이랑 마주 보면서 노래 부르는 씬? 기억에 팍 꽂혔다 🌟 ㅋㅋ"
"The scene where I sing facing Haseul? It stuck in my memory 🌟 lol"
그거 진짜 열심히 찍었는데
I worked really hard on it.
2초도 안 나왔어
It didn't even come out.
올릴 사진이 잔뜩이네
I have a lot of pictures to post.
곧 올라갈겨
It's going to go up soon.
이게 내가 말한 레전드 사진
This is the legendary picture I mentioned.
언제 올라오지
When will it come up?
사진 언제 올라오지???
When will the picture be uploaded?
오늘안에 올라오지 않을까…?
Won't it be uploaded within today...?
"루비얌 실례가 안된다면 공트 사진 폰 화면 해도 돼? "
"Rubyyam, if you don't mind, can I use the phone screen of the official site photo?"
Yes, yes.
마음에 들어?
Do you like it?
좋아해주니까 다행쓰
I'm glad you like it.
"배경화면으로 하고 누가 여자친구냐고 물어보면 맞다고 대답해도 돼??"
"Can I answer yes if I set it as my background and ask who's my girlfriend?"
Yes, yes.
"그럼 임루비 애인 1억명 넘는데 감당 가능해??"
"Then can you handle over 100 million Lim Ruby lovers?"
나를 감당 못할걸
You won't be able to handle me.
"공트뭐야 귀엽고 이쁘고 사랑스럽네?😏💖"
"What's with the official Twitter? It's cute, pretty, and lovely.😏💖"
Thank you!
이제 한국 간다
I'm going to Korea now.
따뜻한거 마셔야지
I'm going to drink something warm.
"여진이누나는 핫초코가 좋아? 따뜻한 커피가 좋아?"
"Yeojin, do you like hot chocolate? Do you like hot coffee?"
Hot chocolate.
휘핑 올려야지
I'm going to add some whipped cream.
"누나 나 청소년 마지막 생일이야!!! "
"Noona, it's my last birthday as a teenager!!!"
You're a baby.
아기다 아기야
He's a baby.
"한국가면 두부사진 올려주기,,"
"Upload a picture of tofu when you go to Korea."
공쥬님 살 찌셨는데..
Princess gained weight.
"공주님은 진짜 살좀 찌셔야 할것 같던데.."
"The princess really needs to gain some weight."
우리 공쥬 그만…
Our princess, stop...
두부 보고싶다 정말
I really miss Tofu.
칼국수 까지
Including kalguksu.
all the way to the porridge
Queen's Garden
It's Choi Ga-ne 💖
with a thud
It's a dilemma.
엄마마와 아빠빠와 함께
With mom and dad.
"어무니 아부지와 직접 만들어 먹는 화채!"
"Hwachae that you make and eat with your mother and father!"
싸움나 안돼
Don't fight.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚
Have a fight.