2022 09 15 3104
"여진이 햄최몇??? 맥도날드 불고기버가 기준으로"
"Yeojin, how many hams did you get? Based on McDonald's Bulgogi Burger,"
half a piece.
정말 많이 먹으면 하나에서 조금 남겨
If you eat a lot, you leave a little bit of one.
근데 일단 배가 부르고 안 부르고를 떠나서
Regardless of whether you're full or not,
한음식을 그렇게 오래 못 먹어
I can't eat Korean food for that long.
Bite it.
"아하! 반찬 조금씩 여러개 있는게 더 좋아??"
"Aha! Is it better to have several side dishes?"
웅! 그래서 나는 도시락 같은게 좋아 국있고 도시락
Yes! So I like things like lunch boxes. There's soup and lunch boxes.
그리고 나물이 많았으면 좋겠어!
And I hope there are a lot of vegetables!
"그럼 비빔밥 좋아하겠네?"
"Then you must like bibimbap."
좋아 죽디
I love it.
"여진이 뷔페가면 본전도 못뽑겠다"
"Yeojin can't get any money if she goes to a buffet."
뷔페는 많이 먹으려고 가는게 아니야 여러 음식을 먹으러 가는거야 하지만 비유티 난 엄마한테 혼나지
I don't go to a buffet to eat a lot, I go to eat a lot of food, but I get scolded by my mom.
"What's your favorite vegetable?"
시금치 콩나물 숙주 미역줄기 고구마줄기
Spinach bean sprouts, bean sprouts, seaweed stems, sweet potato stems.
"블베 앞에서 나물 백반집 장사해야하나…"
"Should I run a vegetable restaurant in front of Blackbe..."
매일 갈게
I'll be there every day.
"빼짝 마른 애들만 좋아하네😂😂"
"Only skinny kids like it. 😂😂"
It's not!
"고사리는 안좋아해?"
"You don't like bracken?"
"갑자기 쌈밥 먹고 싶다"
"I suddenly want to eat ssambap."
와 우렁된장 양배추 삶아서
Wow! Boiled soybean paste with cabbage.
갈치속젓 넣고 호롭
Add salted hairtail and slop.
*"가게 이름: 여진이만 고정메뉴: 시금치 콩나물 숙주 미역줄기 고구마줄기 (여진이의 요청사항에 따라 메뉴변경)
이런 가게 어때.. 매일 오고 싶을거 같아??"
"Store name: Yeojin only
Fixed menu: spinach bean sprouts, bean sprouts, seaweed stalks, sweet potato stalks.
(Change the menu according to Yeojin's request)
How about this kind of store? You think you want to come every day?"*
하루에 2번 간다
I go twice a day.
"여진이 옛날에
버섯, 콩나물,숙주,시금치,고사리, 고구마줄기,미역줄기,가지,두부 이거 좋아한다고 했던걸로 기억나는데…"
"In the past, YeoJin...
I remember you said you liked mushrooms, bean sprouts, host, spinach, bracken, sweet potato stems, seaweed stems, eggplant, tofu..."
That's right.
"명절 짱좋아했겠다 진이"
"You must have loved holidays. I'm so..."
매일이 명절이면 좋겠어
I wish every day was a holiday.
나 요즘 삼겹살 집 된장찌개 먹구시퍼
I'm eating doenjang-jjigae at a pork belly restaurant these days.
"이번 명절에 아쉬워서 어떡해 😂"
"What should I do because I'm sad about this holiday 😂"
엄마가 만들어주신다고 해써
My mom said she'd make it for me.
콩나물이랑 고사리 같이 구워서 먹으면 캬
If you grill bean sprouts and bracken together, it's crazy.
"아 배추전 먹고 싶다"
"I want to eat cabbage pancakes."
나는 김치전
I like Kimchi pancake.
"헐 임여진 진짜 완전 쩝쩝 박사…
고사리랑 콩나물 구워먹는거 얼마나 맛있는데…
미나리 구워먹는거도 맛있는거 알아??"
"Wow, Im Yeojin is really Dr. Bbbbbbbbbbbbb...
Grilled bracken and bean sprouts are so delicious...
Do you know how delicious it is to grill water parsley?"
Oh, my.
"여진이의 삼겹살 취향은??
두툼해서 육즙 살아있는 거
얇아서 바삭한 냉삼"
"What's Yeojin's preference for pork belly?
Thick and juicy.
thin and crispy cold ginseng"
말랑한 냉삼
soft cold pork belly
I'm going to sleep.
쟁이들도 빨리 자
Go to sleep, Jae Yoon.
Good morning!
다들 잘 자써???
Did you all sleep well?
나 이제 출근해!
I'm going to work now!
잘 하고 올테니까 너무 걱정마!!
I'll do my best, so don't worry too much!
"루비야 문득 220703이달소 쳐서 여진이 미니팬싸 직캠 보는데 왜 조회수가 높은지 이해되더라 너무 이뻐 어케???!!!!!!!!!세상사람이 우리아가 이쁜거 다 알았으면 ㅠㅠㅠ 그 직캠 다 봤으면!!!!!!🔥"
"Ruby, 220703 suddenly hit me, so I was watching Yeojin's mini fan signing, and I understood why the view count was so high. So pretty?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I wish the world knew that my baby was pretty. If you watched all the fan cams!!!!🔥"
그날.. 다시는 오지 않을 그 날…
That day... the day that will never come again...
"오늘 투어 마지막인데 다치지 말구 울지 말구 잘해🔥"
"Today is the last day of the tour, so don't get hurt and don't cry. 🔥"
나 어른이라 안 울어
I'm not crying because I'm an adult.
나 오늘 울지 않는다
I'm not crying today.
"루비야 울면 산타할아버지께서 안오신대"
"Ruby, if you cry, Santa won't come."
나 이제 어린 애 아니거든 산타 할아버지는 우리 아빠야써
I'm not a kid anymore. Santa Claus is my dad.
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ산타할부지 아버님인거 언제 알았어?"
"(Laughs)When did you know it was Santa Claus?"
좀 빨리 알았어..
I knew it sooner.
오늘 마지막 공연이니까 지금 밥 먹고 있다
It's the last concert, so I'm eating right now.
오늘 메뉴 군만두 스팸구이 닭강정 두부찌개 어묵탕 잡채 불고기 볶음김치!!
Today's menu is fried dumplings spam-grilled chicken gangjeong tofu stew fish cake soup japchae bulgogi stir-fried kimchi!
한식 좋다
Korean food is good.
"아가야 왜자꾸 그미팬날루 못돌아갈꺼라 생각하는거야ㅡㅡ 진이는 언제나 더 이뻐지는데💖"
"Baby, why do you keep thinking that you can't go back to the fanfare--Jin always gets prettier 💖"
이 날 돌아올 수 있을까…?
Will I be able to come back on this day...?
"오마이갓 리틀 소녀시대 이즈 히얼"
"Oh my God, Little Girls' Generation is Here."
오마이갓 유 쏘 큐트ㅠ
Oh my God, you're so cute.
"헤어밴드는 완벽했다. 그거 골랐어요? 아니면 스타일리스트가 골랐어?"
"The headband was perfect. Did you choose that? Or did the stylist pick it?"
근데 이날 내가 찍은 사진보다는 쟁이들이 찍어준 사진이 더 예뻐
But the pictures taken by Jae Yoon are prettier than the ones I took that day.
"인가 레드 착장도 마린룩 못지않게 레전드였는데.. 정말 아직까지도 인가 레드vs마린룩은 못고를 정도잖아😇 여진인 저 둘중엔 어느게 더 취향이야?"
"The red outfit was as legendary as the marine look. You still can't choose the red vs. marine look. 😇 Yeo Jin, which one do you prefer?"
Marine look 💖
"왕큰리본 진짜 좋아💖"
"I really like Big Ribbon. 💖"
나도 왕리본 쥬아
Me, too. Big Ribbon Jua.
"도대체 무슨 일이 있었던거야 그날.. 플립댓 활동 힘들았니😂"
"What the hell happened that day? Did you have a hard time during Flip That activities? 😂"
그러게 말이야…
I know...
나 오늘 변했어
I changed today.
뭐가 달라진지는 비밀이야
What's changed is a secret.
근데 많은 변화는 아니야
But it's not a lot of change.
"헉 심경의 변화"
"a change of heart"
그정도는 아닌데
It's not that bad.
Let's move!