2022 09 12 3067

꿈빛파티시엘 체험기
Dreamy Patissiel Experience

내 최애 가온이
My favorite Gaon.

I'm happy.

I love you.

날씨도 적당하고 좋다 나중에 여행 오고싶다
The weather is good and nice. I want to travel later.

It's pretty.

앞에서 버스킹하시는데 좋아
He's busking in front of me. I love it.

"여진아 아기야 루비야 갠답은 보통 어떨때 해? 너만의 기준?"
"Yeojin, baby, ruby, when do you usually do Gandap? Your own standard?"


오늘 필카 못 들고 나온게 실수다
It's a mistake that I didn't bring my film camera today.

"누구랑 나와써~?"
"Who did you come out with?"

매니저님이랑 회사 직원언니랑 컨디셔너 언니!
Our manager, our company staff, and our conditioner!

내 새로운 개인기
My new talent.

what about

Is it the same?

단비 성대모사
Impersonation of Danbi.

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ완전 똑같은데 혹시 단비가 마법의 공주 볼 거야 해주면 안될까?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"(Laughs)It's exactly the same. Can you say, "Danbi is going to see the magic princess?"(Laughs)"

I'll practice.

"What are you doing?"

이제 호텔 들어와써
I just came back to the hotel.

"저녁은 먹었니?"
"Did you have dinner?"

웅 아까 그 일식!!
The Japanese food before!

"오늘 하루 제대로 즐기고 온거같아서 다행이야🥰"
"I'm glad you had a good day today. 🥰"

마음이 뻥 뚤리는 줄 알았어!!
I thought I was flattered!

"에펠탑 위에는 올라가봤어??"
"Have you climbed the Eiffel Tower?"

그거는 내가 한 10년 뒤에 도전해볼게
I'll try that 10 years later.

"에펠탑을 배경으로 찍은 사진 기대된다"
"I'm looking forward to the picture taken with the Eiffel Tower in the background."

( •︠ˍ•︡ )….
( •︠ˍ•︡ )….

이제 다 씻었다아!
I'm done washing up now!

"자나 이제"
"I'm going to sleep now."

Not yet!

이제 머리 다 말렸다..
I'm done drying my hair.

머리 말라는데 삼백년
They're telling me to dry my hair for 300 years.

Hah, hah, hah.

"여진이 서울 숙소에 있는 드라이기는 짱짱하지???😂😂😂"
"Yeojin's hair dryer in the dorm in Seoul is amazing, right?😂😂😂"

이것보다는 뭐.. 빨리 마르지 않을까…?
More than this... Won't it dry quickly...?

머리가 끊어지다 못해 그냥 날려
I can't get my hair cut. I'll just blow it away.

"네가 대머리가 되어도 난 여전히 널 사랑할 거야🫶🫶🫶"
"Even if you go bald, I will still love you🫶🫶🫶"

I feel so reassured!

"에센스같은거 바르나?"
"Do you put on essence?"

아주 그냥 축축허게 바르지
It's very moist.

"자라나라 머리머리"
"Grow your hair."


"여지나 미역 먹으면 머리 빨리 자란대"
"They say your hair grows fast if you eat seaweed."

많이 먹는데 왜 이러지
I eat a lot. What's wrong with me?

그냥 흑발로 해야하나봐…
Maybe I should just dye my hair black...

아니 하지만 탈색한 머리가 너무 아까워ㅠ
No, but it's such a waste of bleached hair.


"근데 여지니두 탈색할때마다 아프지 않아..? 나 발레아쥬 한다고 한 3번? 뺏다가 진짜 그냥 머리 밀고 싶었어🥲"
"Doesn't it hurt every time you bleach your hair? I think I did balletage about three times? I really wanted to shave my hair while taking it away.🥲"

음 머리통을 그냥 들어내고 싶을 정도로 가렵고 따갑달까…?
Well, would it be itchy and stinging enough to just pull out the head...?

근데 뭐 참을만해..
But it's bearable.

예뻐지기 위해서라면
If it's to be pretty,

참을 수 있지!
I can hold it in!

"이미 예쁜데 더 예뻐질게 있써??"
"You're already pretty. What can I do to be prettier?"

Of course it's carrots!

"여진이 흑발도 엄청 예쁜데😍"
"Yeojin's black hair is really pretty, too. 😍"

Black hair><

"여진이 언제 자게?? 안졸려? 난 밖에 나갔다오면 바로 뻗는디"
"When are you going to sleep? Aren't you sleepy? I get tired as soon as I come back from outside."

조금 졸리긴 하지만 그래도 아직 잠은 안 와!!
I'm a little sleepy, but I can't sleep yet!

"여지니두 넷플 다운 받아온거 있어??"
"Did you download any Netflix?"

바비라인이랑 드라마랑 영화랑 이것 저것?
Barbie line, drama, movie, this and that?

"바비라인이 뭐야..?"
"What's a barbie line?"

바비의 숲속 친구들 이런거?
Like Bobby's forest friends?

"요즘은 쿠키런 안해??"
"Don't you play Cookie Run these days?"

I do it every day.

지금은 백일의 낭군님 보는듕
I'm watching "100 Days My Prince" right now.

"여진이 사극 좋아하나??"
"Yeojin, do you like historical dramas?"


나 한복 좋아하잖아ㅏ
I like Hanbok.