2022 09 11 3058
"아까 비둘기가 전선에 앉아있는거 봤다 ? 다른 새는 전선에 앉아있는거 봤는데 비둘기 앉아있는건 처음봐서 놀래써"
"I saw a pigeon sitting on the wire. I saw the other bird sitting on the wire, and I was surprised to see the pigeon sitting for the first time."
이거 내가 어디서 본거거든 비둘기가 우리 한테 똥 싸는거 그거 그냥 싸고싶어서 싸는거래 얄미운 녀석들
I've seen this somewhere. Pigeons poop on us. They just want to pack it, you hate it.
좀 귀여울지도
It might be cute.
"나만 안맞으면 된다는 생각으로 살아볼게요"
"I'll live as long as I don't get hit."
오히려 좋을지도
It might be better.
"나는 까마귀가 내 머리 밟고 날라간 적도 있는데
이거도 진이가 보기에 좀 귀엽니?
좀 아팠는데 다행히 다치지는 않았었어ㅋㅋ"
"There was a time when a crow stepped on my head and flew away.
Do you think this is cute?
I was a little sick, but fortunately I wasn't hurt lol"
에? 그건 신고해야지
Huh? You have to report that.
"그러면 꼭 나만 맞더라… 중요한 약속 가다가 똥 맞은 상상함 방금 하"
"Then it's just me... I just imagined that I got pooped on my way to an important appointment."
아 아이스크림 먹는데 똥 떨어지는 상상
Oh, imagine pooping while eating ice cream.
"다른 새들은 괄약근이 없는데 둘기들은 괄약근이 있다고 알고있어 그래서 차 유리에다가 싸는 거는.. 일부러.."
"Other birds don't have sphincters, but I know they have sphincters, so wrapping them in the windshield... On purpose..."
맞아 이 녀석들 그게 이유야 맞아 그게 이유라고 근데 좀 귀여워 왜냐 아이 똥 마렵네 찍 하는거잖아
Right, that's the reason. That's the reason. But it's kind of cute. Why? I need to go to the bathroom. You dip it.
"점심먹고 돌아오는 길에 머리에 비둘기 똥 맞은 경험이 떠올랐어.. 다들 복권사라고 하셔서 샀다가 꽝이었던 것까지 생각났어.. 우울해졌어.."
"On my way back from lunch, I remembered the experience of getting pigeon poop on my head. Everyone said it was a lottery ticket, so I remembered that I bought it and it was a blank. I'm depressed."
아.. 둘기가 잘못했네..
Oh, it's your fault, Doogie's fault.
"나 비둘기하니까 생각난건데 소래포구였나 거기서 갈매기 날아댕기길래 새우깡사들고 바닥에 있는애들 손 내미니까 새우깡만 빼먹길래 신기해했는데 옆에 비둘기 한마리가 똑같이 따라먹더라😂"
"Speaking of pigeons, I thought it was Sorae Port, where seagulls flew, so I was amazed that they took out shrimp chips when I held out their hands, but one pigeon next to me ate the same thing. 😂"
이것봐 멍청해서 조금 귀엽다니까 나는 갈색 비둘기 예쁜 것 같아
Look at this. It's cute because it's stupid. I think brown pigeons are pretty.
"비둘기만 괄약근이 있다는 tmi까진 알고싶지않아.."
"I don't want to know that only pigeons have sphincter."
미안.. 그래도 이런거 알아두면 나중에 장나가 시집갈때 말하면 플러스 점수 받을지도 몰라..
Sorry... but if you know this, you might get a plus score if you tell Jangna when she gets married later.
"까마귀가 그렇게 똑똑하더라 까마귀는 사람 얼굴 기억해서 구분할 수 있다고 했어"
"Crows are so smart. They can remember people's faces and distinguish them."
괜히 공포 영화에 나오는데ㅜ아니라구
I'm in a horror movie for no reason.
"앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 플러스 점스 왜 받아"
"Oh, my.(Laughs) (Laughs) Why are you getting the plus jump?"
오 ㅇㅇ씨 많이 지식을 알고 계시네요~
하하 그럼요 예전에 누가 알려줬거든요~
어머 너무 재밌어요! 다른 지식은 없나요?
Oh, you know a lot of knowledge.
Haha, of course. Someone taught me before.
Oh my! It's so much fun! Do you have any other knowledge?
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 까마귀 사람 5살정도 지능이라서 자기 도와준 사람한테는 무조건 은혜 갚고 괴롭히면 끝까지 따라가서 복수한다더라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"(Laughs) A crow is intelligent at about 5 years old, so he unconditionally pays back his kindness to the person who helped him, and if he bothers him, he follows him to the end and gets revenge."
이런 지식 빨리 외우세요 그래서 소개팅때 써먹으세요!!
Hurry up and memorize this knowledge. So use it on blind dates!!
"비둘기 똥 맛이 어떤지 아시나요? 저는 압니다 하하. 어떻게 아냐고요? 저도 알고 싶지는 않았어요."
"Do you know what pigeon poop tastes like? I know haha. How do I know? I didn't want to know either."
Have you tried it?
"근데 막 상대방이 하스리처럼 새 싫어하는 사람이면 점수 까먹는거 아냐...?"
"But if the other person hates birds like Hasley, don't you forget the score?"
아니지 그러면 이제 바로 비둘기는 제가 다 처리해드릴게요 당신은 나만 믿고 나랑 살아요 나랑 결혼합시다 평생을 비둘기 안 보고 살게 해줄게요 이러면 가능
No, then I'll take care of all the pigeons right away. You trust me and live with me. Marry me. I'll let you live the rest of your life without looking at pigeons. This is possible.
오늘도 희진언니 둘기 무서워하길래 한 마리 날려보내쒀
She was scared to leave Heejin, so I sent her away.
"비둘기가 맺어준 사랑이네 감동이다"
"It's love from pigeons. I'm touched."
그래 그 선녀와 나무꾼에도 까치들이 해주잖아 연결다리 다 돌고 도는거야 다 똑같아
Yeah, magpies do it for the fairy and the woodcutter. It's all the same.
"원더월 인터뷰한 거 다 보고
새삼 마음 진지해져서 왔는데
팹에 비둘기 얘기와 비둘기 응가 얘기로 가득한 이 기분………😅"
"I watched all the Wonderwall interviews.
I came here because I was so serious.
This feeling full of stories of pigeons and pigeon nunga in fab...……😅"
나름 이 비둘기 이야기로 좀 진지했는데.. 재미쓰
I was kind of serious about this pigeon thing. It's fun.
"그거는 견우와직녀였던 것 같지만서도"
"I think it was Kyunwoo and Jingnyuh."
그래 내가 말하려고 했던 동화가 그거야 경우와 직녀
Yes, that's the fairy tale I was going to tell you. Kyungwoo and Jingnyuh.
"경우씨 처음뵙네요 안녕하세요"
"Kyungwoo, nice to meet you. Hello"
다들 알아들었으면 돼써
I just want everyone to understand
"사실 그 비둘기는 어릴적 다친 다리를 치료해준 비둘기였고... 커서 은혜를 갚으려고 사랑을 맺어준거였어"
"In fact, that pigeon was a pigeon that cured my injured leg when I was young... He made love to repay his kindness when he grew up."
그래 바로 그거야
Yeah, that's it.
"경우는 왜 직녀랑..."
"Kyungwoo, why did you..."
둘다 예쁘고 잘생기면 끝이야
If you're both pretty and handsome, that's it.
"비둘기만큼 착하고 귀여운 새 없구나"
"There's no bird as nice and cute as a pigeon."
That's right.
"흥부놀부가 비둘기아닌가 까치인가...."
"Is Heungbu Nolbu a pigeon or a magpie..."
그건 까치야
That's a magpie.
박 주잖아 까치가
The magpie is giving you a gourd.
He said swallow.
"착하고 귀여운데 왜 하슬이랑 희진이를 못살게 굴까"
"He's nice and cute, but why is he bothering Haseul and Heejin?"
입장 바꿔서 둘기들은 언니들이 소리지르고 도망가는 모습을 보고 얼마나 두려움에 떨까
I wonder how scared they would be when they saw the other members screaming and running away.
"여진님 포켓몬에서 콩둘기 좋아하실듯.. "
"Yeojin, I think you'll like bean doves in Pokemon."
싫어해 그거는
I don't like that.
"그래도 공작새가 박 준다고 안한게 어디야"
"But how could a peacock not give you a gourd?"
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ 아잉 그런건 안해 이거 웃기려고 농담한구애
(Laughs)̤̮͈̤͈̥̮̥̤̻͈̤͈͈̤̻̤͈̤̤͈̫̤̤̫͈̯͈̤͈̯͈̤̤͈̮͈̱̫͚͚̫̤̱̱̤̮̯̤̯̥̫̱̻͈̻̥̫͚͚̮̥̫͈̫̮͈͈̤̤̤̤̤͈͈͈̤̤͈͈̮꙼̎̐̑ㅋ̤͈̫͚͚ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̎̆ㅋㅋㅋㅋ̫̱̱ㅋ̯ㅋㅋ̮ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̯̥̫ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̻̮̥̻̊̈ㅋ̤̫͈̤ㅋ̈ㅋ̥͈̥ㅋㅋ̻꙼ㅋ.͈̫͚ Oh, I don't do that. I was just kidding.
"최애 새가 뭐야!"
"What's your favorite bird?"
"콩둘기는 눈에 광기가 보여;;;"
"The dove has madness in its eyes;;;"
그래서 싫어 눈이 묘해
That's why I don't like it. My eyes are weird.
"뻐꾸기는 왜 시계속에서 살까..?"
"Why does a cuckoo live in a clock?"
시간 맞춰서 울어야하니까
I have to cry on time.
"급조된 최애 새 같은데ㅋㅋㅋ"
"I think it's my favorite bird that's been improvised."
오빛 사랑해무새 이런게 급조야 훗~~
Orbit, I love you, Parrot. This is sudden.
"뱁새는 어때?? 귀엽지않아?"
"How's Babsae? Isn't that cute?"
하슬이잖아 그거는
That's Haseul.
"현실 팩트🌟
한국인의 최애새는 닭이다..🍗..
하슬이도 닭은 좋아하지..? 희진이도 아마.."
"Reality Fact🌟
Korean favorite bird is chicken.🍗..
Haseul, you like chicken too, right? Heejin is probably..."
생각해보니까 웃기네 치킨 닭갈비 닭볶음탕 닭발 삼계탕 다 먹으면서 새를 무서워한다는게
Come to think of it, it's funny that you're scared of birds while eating chicken, dakgalbi, braised chicken, chicken feet, and samgyetang.
"급조도 아무튼 조로 끝나니까 새일수도...?"
"It could be a bird because it ends in a group."
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚
"난 새 푸드덕거리는거 무서워😂😂"
"I'm scared of new flapping 😂😂"
우리도 침대에서 일어날때 우당탕 일어나잖아 똑같은거야
When we get out of bed, we get out of bed. It's the same thing.
"얼마전에 안 사실인데 펭귄도 새래."
"I just found out that penguins are birds."
주둥이가 뾰족하잖아 부리가 있으니까
The mouth is pointed because it has a beak.
"잠만 하슬이도 조씨라서 상징이 새인거야?"
"Hang on. Haseul's family name is Cho, so the symbol is a bird?"
It may be so
"닭발 먹고싶다"
"I want to eat chicken feet."
Me too.
"급조가 새면 푸드덕은 오리겠네..."
"If the tide leaks, the flounder will come..."
미취겠다 증말
I'm going to be drunk.
"음성 메세지 하루라는게 아쉽다 심심할때 마다 듣고 싶은데"
"I'm sad that it's a day of voice messages. I want to hear it whenever I'm bored."
화면 녹화라는 아주 좋은 방법이 있습니다👍
There's a good way to record a video.👍
"방금 정.말. 새.같.았.어."
"It was like a real bird just now."
기분이 묘하네 이 말
This feels weird.
비둘기 이야기 좀 힘드네
It's hard to talk about pigeons.
내 에너지를 둘기한테 다 쓴 것 같은 느낌
It feels like I spent all my energy on Doogie.
"공연에서 라떼 간식 그만 주라고 외쳤더라? ㅋㅋ"
"You shouted at the concert, "Stop giving me latte snacks." lol"
맞아 언니가 너무 많이 주더라고
Right, she gave me too much.
라떼 정말 귀여워
Latte is so cute.
"방금 저 댓글 하슬이가 단 거 같았어 ㅋㅋㅋ"
"I thought Haseul wrote that comment just now. LOL"
하슬언니 그 영상 봤으면 좋겠어 오빛들이 도와줘 조하슬만 검색해도 그 영상이 나오게
I want you to watch that video. ORBIT, help me so that the video comes out when I search for Jo HaSeul.