2022 09 10 3049

"여진이누나는 피자에 올라간 따.뜻.한 파인애플 좋아해?"
"Yeojin is on the pizza.Do you like Han pineapple?"


"김치 피자 어떨거 같아?ㅎㅎ"
"How about kimchi pizza?Haha"

Jea 💖

"지니 김피탕 먹어봤니...김치피자탕수육....?"
"Genie, have you tried Gimpi-tang?Kimchi, pizza, sweet and sour pork...?"

It's spicy after eating it.

"김치는 김치붕어빵까지만 용서하시죠..(단호)"
"Please forgive kimchi until kimchi bungeoppang. (Firm)"

It's delicious.

"요즘은 김피탕보다 김피치래~! 김치 피자 치킨 근데 진짜루 맛있어💖"
"These days, people call me "kimpeach" more than "kimpeach." Kimchi, pizza, chicken. But it's really delicious. 💖"

요즘 뭐가 많이 나오네 요즘 젊은이들 대단해
There's a lot of stuff coming out these days. Young people are amazing.

"여진이 독일 날씨는 어때?? 춥진 않아??"
"Yeojin, how is the weather in Germany? Aren't you cold?"

밖에 안 나가봐서 모르게떠
I don't know because I haven't been outside.

"문득 여지니한테는 침대가 크지 않을까 ..? 라는 생각을 했어.. "
"Wouldn't the bed be big for you? That's what I thought."

360도 회전도 가능
360-degree rotation is also possible.

침대가 크다기 보다
It's not that the bed is big.

내가 작다…응
I'm small... Yeah.

"으아 숙취땜에 머리아파"
"My head hurts because of hangover."

적당히 마시라니까 웅니..
Don't drink too much, Woong.

나 이제 다 씻고 이제 일기 쓴다!
I'm going to wash up and write a diary!

"와아아 일기 투어 가서도 꾸준히 쓰는구나 대다내에👍 오늘은 또 어떤 좋은 일들을 적는걸까아"
"Wow, you're constantly writing on your diary tour. 👍 What good things should I write down today?"

오늘은 이것 저것 아까 휴게소에서 만난 강아지가 너무 귀엽더라 뭐 이런거??
Today, this and that. The dog I met at the rest stop earlier was so cute. Something like this?

"갑자기 오늘의 여진이 tmi 궁금하다"
"I'm curious about today's TMI."

오늘은 어니언 링을 먹었다 근데 생각보다 별로라 조금 아주 조금 실망했다ㅠ
Today, I ate onion rings. But it wasn't as good as I thought, so I was a little disappointed.(T)

우리 한국가면 도전 케이팝 골든벨 꼭 하자 갑자기 하고 시퍼!!
Let's try K-pop Golden Bell when we go back to Korea. Suddenly, we do it and it's sipper!

"루비를 웃겨라는 결국 모두가 승자인거야...??"
"Make Ruby laugh and everyone is the winner in the end...?"

아 이건 투어 끝나고 다시 한번 생각해보자
Let's think about this after the tour.

"골든벨 너무 좋아아 꼭이야 꼭-! 여진고사도 기다릴게!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و"
"I love Golden Bell so much. It's definitely! I'll wait for the aftershock exam! (๑̀•́)و)ㅂ"

이것도 조만간에 다시 할게!!
I'll do this again soon!

"난 루비 웃기는거 포기했어.."
"I gave up making Ruby laugh."

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나도 나를 모르겠다 웃긴게 없어… 다들 화이팅!
(Laughs)I don't know myself. There's nothing funny... Fighting, everyone!

"시간 여유 있거 마음의 여유 있을 때 다 즐기자💖"
"Let's enjoy everything when you have time and mind.💖"

Let's do that 💖

쉽게 볼 수 없는 내 오른쪽 얼굴
It's hard to see my right face.

"성은히 망극"
"a happy ending"

음 하지만 다시 이 각도로 찍을 일이 있을까? 이것도 찍으려고 찍은게 아니라 찍힌거란 말이지..?
Well, but will I ever take it from this angle again? You didn't take this to take it, but you took it, right?

그래도 난 왼쪽 얼굴이 더 쥬아💖
But my left face is more Jua💖

"그럼 오른쪽 얼굴이 속상하지 않을까...?🥺"
"Then wouldn't the right side of my face be upset?🥺"

I'll try!

"여지니는 브이로그 찍어볼생각 업써?? 유럽 간 동안 짧게라두.. ? 해달라는거 아니구 그냥 !! 해달라는거 진짜 아님 !!"
"Are you thinking about shooting a vlog? I'm not asking you to do it briefly while you're in Europe. I really don't want you to do it!"

사실 영상은 찍기는 했능데 언젠가 꼭 편집해서 올릴게 정말로!
Actually, I did film a video, but I'll make sure to edit it and upload it someday!

나 미국 투어 초반에 몸 괜찮았을때 수영장 갔던 사진도 있는데 나중에 한번에 올릴게!
There's a picture of me going to the swimming pool when I was feeling well in the beginning of the US tour, and I'll post it all at once later!

근데 수영복이라 조금 그럴 수도..
But it might be because it's a swimsuit.

"지금 숙소는 수영장 있어??"
"Is there a swimming pool in the dorm now?"

모르겠다… 나 수영장 안 간지 .. 한참이라 어디가 있었고 없었는지 모르겠어 물론 여기도..
I don't know... I didn't go to the swimming pool... I don't know where it was or isn't. Of course, it's...

"희진이누나 브이로그에서 조금 본거같기도 한뎅"
"I think I saw Heejin's vlog a little bit."

아..웅 맞아.. 비키니라 좀 그럴수도…
Oh, that's right. Maybe it's because it's a bikini...

나중에 뒷모습 정도는 꼭 올려보도록할게!
I'll make sure to post at least my back later on.

요즘은 추워서 긴팔 긴바지만 입어
It's cold these days, so I only wear long sleeves and long pants.

"난 .. 여진이 길거리 사진이 조아.. "
"I like Yeojin's street pictures."

나두 남찍사 좋아해💖
I like photographer Nam, too. 💖

그리고 나는 약간 자연스럽게 찍는게 좋아서 핸드폰 잘 안 보는 편이야
And I don't really look at my phone because I like to take pictures naturally.

그래서 내 사진이 다 비슷비슷해!
So all my pictures are similar!

"그런 분위기... 느낌... 온도... 습도... 아주 좋아해🧡🧡"
"That kind of atmosphere... The feeling... The temperature... Humidity... I love it. 🧡🧡"

나는 너
I'm you.

"난 이번 플립댓 C포카가 젤좋은거 같아💖"
"I think this Flip That C photo card is the best. 가"

뭐지 뭐지? 주황색 착장인가?
What is it? Is it an orange outfit?

그거지 그거 빤히 보는거
That's it. The staring thing.

아니면 미안~
If not, I'm sorry.

"맞아아 주황색 볼하트!!"
"That's right. Orange cheek heart!"

그거 그 착장 최애 사진이야
That's my favorite photo of that outfit.

"여지나 오늘 하고 내일 살짝 비오고 쌀쌀해지니까 옷 단디 챙겨입고 따숩게 하고 자 알았제"
"Since it's going to rain today and it's going to be chilly tomorrow, make sure to dress warmly. Okay."

네에 고마워요오
Yes, thank you.

"니가 건강하면 행복해"
"I'm happy if you're healthy."

언니도 건강해야해 그래야 우리 서로 행복하지!!
You have to be healthy too so that we can be happy together!!

다들 굿모닝!!!
Good morning, everyone!

오늘 무대도 화이팅!
Fighting for today's performance, too!

다들 밥은 먹어써?
Did you all eat?

머리가 좀 띵하네
I'm a little dizzy.

감기다 감기야
It's a cold. A cold.

좀 춥다 했는데
I thought it was cold.

감기 걸렸나봐
I think I caught a cold.

약 먹어서 괜차나ㅏ
I'm okay because I took medicine.

이제 곧 공연이다 오늘도 힘내서 해야지!!
The concert is coming up soon. I'm going to cheer up today too!

끝나고 예쁜 사진 올릴게! 걱정하지말고 💖💖
I'll post a pretty picture after this! Don't worry 💖💖

Let's move!