2022 09 05 3009

Good morning

I'm sleepy.

"Korea's sky is pretty."

비는 안 와?
It's not raining?

I need to wash up.

What are you doing


나 라면 먹어써!
I ate ramen!

역시 불닭은 맛이써
As expected, buldak tastes bitter.

"불닭마라납작당면 맛있어"
"Spicy chicken mala noodles are delicious."

It tastes bitter.

Good morning!

"오늘 첫 유럽 콘서트 파이팅🔥🔥 너무 흥분해서 다치지 말고 머리는 차갑게 마음은 뜨겁게 우리 루비 재밌게 놀고 와🧡🧡🧡🧡"
"Fighting for today's first concert in Europe 🧡🧡🧡🧡 Don't get too excited and get hurt, your head cold and your heart hot, our Ruby. Have fun 🔥🔥"

네에! 걱정마요!
Yes! Don't worry!

유럽이 좀 춥네..히히
Europe is a little cold.Hehe.

"루비 들었을때 힘나거나 위로 되는 말 있어 ?!"
"Do you have any words that cheer you up or comfort you when you hear Ruby?!"

무슨 말이든 다 좋지 근데 사랑해가 제일 좋아!
Whatever you say is good, but I like "I love you" the most!

*"하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡ 하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡

하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡ 하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡

하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡ 하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡

하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡ 하트를 받아랏 (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞♡"
"Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞͞͞♡ Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞╮╮♡

Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞͞͞♡ Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞╮╮♡

Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞͞͞♡ Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞╮╮♡

Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞͞͞♡ Take the heart (っ'-')͟=͟͞╮╮♡"*

So cute. 💖

"여진이 불닭 먹었는데 조식 먹을 수 있써??"
"Yeojin ate buldak. Can you eat breakfast?"

안 머거!
It's not far!

"공연날 아침에 밥거르고 불닭먹는거 진짜 불횬데"
"It's really bad to skip meals and eat spicy chicken on the morning of the concert."

우리 엄마같다💖
She's like my mom. 💖

약간 쌀쌀하네
It's a bit chilly.

기분 좋은 날씨야!
It's a lovely day!

"따뜻한 옷 많이 가져갔어? "
"Did you take a lot of warm clothes?"


다들 많이 속상하겠지만
I'm sure you're all very upset,

우리가 더 좋은 무대 보여줄테니까 속상해마요!
We'll show you a better performance, so don't be sad!

하슬언니 위로도 해주고!
and comfort Haseul!

Got it?

언니 방으로 가서 꼭 위로 해줘요!
Please go to her room and comfort her!

지금은 언니가 제일 속상해 할거니까ㅠ
Because you're going to be the most upset right?

다들 기운차리고!
Everyone, cheer up!

Let's cheer up!!

It's over!

Good morning!

"새벽에 또 안깼나"
"Didn't I wake up early in the morning?"

방금 일어나써!!
I just woke up!

이제 밥 먹구
I'm going to eat now.

케이크 먹을거야!!!
I'm going to eat cake!

"일단 밥 먹었다는게 너무 좋네!! 그리구 나는 민초케이크 먹구 왔는데 여진이 케이크는 무슨 케이크일까아🤔"
"First of all, it's so nice that I ate! And I came here after eating mint chocolate cake. What kind of cake is Yeojin's? 🤔"

나!! 스트로베리 치즈케이크!!
Me! Strawberry cheesecake!

스트로베리 치즈케이크가 제일 좋아 케이크 중에서!
Strawberry cheesecake is my favorite cake!

나는 솔티드 캬라멜케이크도 좋아해!
I like salted caramel cake, too!

"딸기 라떼에 스트로베리 치즈케이크에 여진이 딸기를 진짜 좋아하는구나🍓💖"
"Strawberry latte, strawberry cheesecake, Yeojin really likes strawberries. 🍓💖"


"케이크먹을때 커피도 먹니?"
"Do you drink coffee when you eat cake?"

있잖아 커피 마셔도 괜찮을 줄 알았는데 괜히 마셨어…
You know, I thought it would be okay to drink coffee, but I shouldn't have...

나 이제 커피 안 마셔
I don't drink coffee anymore.

커피랑 절교야
I'm breaking up with coffee.

역시 딸기라떼가 맛있어
Strawberry latte is delicious.

"유럽 딸기라떼는 어때??😂"
"How about European strawberry latte?😂"

유럽에도 있겠구나 딸기라떼 더 맛있으려나?
There are strawberry lattes in Europe, too. Will they taste better?

쌀쌀하네 여기는
It's cold here.

"barley barley"

It's cute.

"오늘은 따숩게 입었엎"
"I dressed warmly today."

가디건 입기는 했는데 여기는 그래도 춥네ㅠ
I did wear a cardigan, but it's still cold here.

"감기 조심해🥺 여진이 아프면 안돼🥺"
"Be careful not to catch a cold 🥺 Yeojin, don't get sick 🥺"

우웅 고마버ㅠㅠㅠ
Thank you.

"여진이 발목은 괜찮아..? 어쩌다 봤는데 테이핑한거같던데,,,🥺"
"Yeojin, is your ankle okay? I happened to see it and it looked like taping...🥺"

웅 양쪽이 다 안 좋아져서 어제 무대 올라가려면 테이핑 해야하니까 해찌!
Both sides got bad, so I had to tape it to go on stage yesterday, so I did it!