2022 09 01 2972

애기한테 눈물 냄새난다ㅠ
The baby smells like tears.

Long time no see.


향기가 나네
It smells good.

설명할 수 없는 냄새랄까
I can't explain the smell.

말티즈가 심하대
They say Maltese is bad.

까망이는 괜찮았거든
Blackie was fine.

애기 눈물이 멈추게 내가 잘 해줘야지
I'll do my best to stop the baby from crying.

"나도 사춘기때 많이 울었는데… 두부도 나랑 같나보다"
"I cried a lot when I was in puberty... Tofu must be the same as me."


애기가 조용하면 찾아봐야해
If the baby's quiet, we need to look for it.


집에 들어가서 자고 있네
He's sleeping at home.

"오늘은 진이 일정 없나? 집에서 편안히 쉬는 날?"
"Jin, do you have any plans today? A day when I rest at home?"

조금이따 병원 가!
Go to the hospital soon!

"루비 한국와서 병원만 가다가 다시 유럽가겠네.."
"Ruby will come to Korea and go to the hospital and go back to Europe."

우웅 마자,,.
As soon as...

한참 남아써…
There's a long way to go.

"이누야샤 그립 들어주세요"
"Inuyasha, hold up the grip."

아.. 아쉽게도 병원을 가는 중이라…
Oh, unfortunately, I'm on my way to the hospital...

"언젠가 두부 사진도 올려줘!"
"Please post a picture of Tofu someday!"

Whoo! Whoosh!

"두부사진 올려주면서 여진이 사진도 함께 부탁할게"
"Please post a picture of Tofu and Yeojin, too."


다들 모해?
What are you all doing?

썸패 어때?
How about flirting?

"No way."

That's right…

"여진아 솔직히 채팅 치기 귀찮아서 음성 보내고있지 너..."
"Yeojin, you're sending me a voice because you're too lazy to chat."

It's not...

"오빛이 음성 좋아해서 해주는거 아니여써??"
"Orbit likes voice, so you're not doing it for him?"

That's right!

짐 반에 반 남았는데
Half of the luggage is left in the class.

싸기 너무 귀찮아
I'm too lazy to pack.

"두부 시키자"
"Let's order tofu."

그게 더 큰일이야
That's more of a problem.

나는 샵 갔다가 염색하고
I went to the salon and dyed my hair.

지금 병원 왔어
I just came to the hospital.

다들 뭐해?
What are you all doing?

똑같은 색!
The same color!

"병원 왜 가써"
"Why did you go to the hospital?"

내 병원 아니고 두부 병원..
Not my hospital. Tofu hospital.

"두부 아파??!"
"Tofu, does it hurt?"

건강검진… 공주님 견생 처음 건강검진 받는 날이야
Health check-up... It's the first time a dog has had a health check-up.

얼마나 건강한지 몰라…
I don't know how healthy I am...

"두부 아무런 데도 안 아플거야"
"Tofu won't hurt anywhere."

아파 보이지도 않아 지금은 무릎에서 주무시는 중…
He doesn't even look sick. He's sleeping on his lap now...

너무 잘 잔다 깨우기 미안할 정도로..
I sleep so well that I feel sorry to wake you're sleeping so well.

"보고싶어 보고싶어 보고싶어 그 무릎에 누워서 쿨쿨 자고 있는 모습을 보고싶어"
"I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I want to see you lying on your lap and sleeping."

I miss you.


공주 주무셔요
Princess, go to sleep.

오늘 샵에 갔는데 아이키님께서 두부 귀엽다고 좋아해주셨어..💖
I went to the shop today and Aiki liked tofu because it was cute.💖

"Tofu Gondu" (Tofu gondu)

두부는 아직 모르겠지 조금 이따 어떤 일이 있을지
I don't know what's going to happen later.