2022 08 31 2956

마라탕 먹는듕
I'm eating malatang.

"나 지금 5분전에 친구한테 맥날 먹고싶다고 징징댔은데ㅜㅠㅜㅜㅜㅠㅜㅜ아ㅜㅜㅜ나도 한입만"
"5 minutes ago, I whined to my friend that I wanted to eat beer every day. Can I have a bite?"

내꺼 다 먹어!
Eat all of mine!

"마라탕에 꼭 넣는 거 있어?"
"Is there something you always put in malatang?"

Quail eggs!

"고기는 안넣어?"
"You don't add meat?"


"여진이 마라탕 메추리알, 숙주 분모자, 고기 x, 옥수수면 이케 먹지않아??"
"Yeojin's malatang. Quail eggs, bean sprouts, meat x, corn noodles. Don't you eat like this?"


Six tops!



"여진이 매운맛은 3단계 맞지?!?"
"YeoJin's spicy taste is level 3, right?"


"샹궈는 별로야??"
"You don't like Xiangguo?"


"제발 꿔바로우도 시켰다고 말해줘 현기증나;;"
"Please tell me you ordered guobaorou. I feel dizzy;;"

I ordered 💖


뭐해??? 다들????
What are you all doing?


"루비야 나 오늘 첫 알바 끝나고 왔어 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ 앞으로도 잘 할 수 있을까...? 너무너무 힘들었는데 우주체강귀요미 아기천사 임루비가 응원해주면 진ㅉㅏ 좋겠다...💖💖"
"Ruby, I finished my first part-time job today.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ Will I be able to do well in the future...? It was so hard, but I would love it if Lim Ruby, the baby angel of the universe, cheered for me.💖💖"

항상 무슨 일을 하든 긍정적인 생각이랑 자신감만 있으면 잘 할 수 있는 것 같아요 물론 하는 일이 모두 다 잘 안 풀릴때도 있겠지만 그래도! 그때 뿐일 테니까! 시간이 지나면 이 또한 추억으로 남게 되어있어요! 자신을 믿고 열심히 해봐요 제가 응원 할게요!
Whatever you do, you can do well if you have positive thoughts and confidence. Of course, there are times when everything you do doesn't go well, but still! Because that's the only time! Over time, this will also be remembered as a memory! Trust yourself and do your best. I'll cheer for you!


인생은 한방이여~
Life is one shot.

"여진이 모닝콜 음성메세지 듣고 싶은 사람 나야나 나야나!!!"
"Who wants to hear YeoJin's morning call voice message? It's me! It's me!"

My my

이걸 듣고 일어날 수 있을까
Will I be able to wake up after hearing this?

난 말이지 알람을 잘 못 듣거든…
I can't hear the alarm very well...

"그래서 유니버셜 스튜디오를 못갔지..."
"That's why I couldn't go to Universal Studios."

너무해 잊고 있었는데 그게 내 인생의 실수야
That's too much. I forgot, but that's my life's mistake.

"루비야 공주코스프레 또 하면 뭐하고싶어?"
"Ruby, what do you want to do if you do princess costume play again?"

Well, princess?

"이미 곰주님 아니야?"
"Isn't she already the bear?"

No, it's not. 😜

다음달 부터
from next month

김치 붕어빵
Kimchi fish bun.

먹을 수 있다

레전드 소식
Legendary news.

김치 붕어빵은 내 인생을 걸고
I bet my life on kimchi bungeoppang.

It's delicious.

I mean it.

진짜 JMT
Really, JMT.

"누가 총대메고 김치붕어빵 가게 오픈 안하시나..?"
"Who's not going to open a kimchi fish bun shop with a gun?"

내가 할게
I'll do it.

The name is

빛쟁이들이 먹는 김붕
Kim Bung that the light guys eat.

"어 그건 아닌거같아"
"Yeah, I don't think so."

내 맘이야
Let me have my way.

"잘못보고 빚쟁이들이 오면 어떡해?"
"What if the debtors come by mistake?"

그러면 나눠줘야지
Then I'll give it to you.

"가게이름 오늘 너 좀 붕어빵"
"Name of the store You look like a fish-shaped bun today."

오바지 아무도 안 올듯
I don't think anyone will come.

"그 가게 알바분 고생깨나 하시겠다.."
"The part-timer at that store must have a hard time."

고용할 생각 없는데
I don't want to hire you.

"내가 역앞에서 전단지 돌릴게 돈은 안줘도 돼"
"I'll hand out the flyers in front of the station. You don't have to pay me."


"여곰이의 뿡💨어빵 가게"
"Yeo Gom's Bboong 💨 Fish Bread Shop."

You must be drunk.

약간 옛날 바이브로
It's like an old vibe.

"붕어빵 디지버 디지버~~"
"Bungeoppang digiber digiber!"

오빛 나의 영감을 주는 뭐 그런 응
Orbit... Something that inspires me.

"내가 주유소 풍선인형마냥 앞에서 춤춰줄게"
"I'll dance in front of you like a gas station balloon."
