2022 08 30 2947
깜빡 잠 들었네..
I just fell asleep.
소화도 안 시키고 바로 잠 들었네🥲
I fell asleep right away without digesting 🥲
"루비 나 오늘 생일이야 축하해줘!"
"Ruby, it's my birthday today. Please wish me a happy birthday!"
생일 축하해요~~ 생일 축하해요 사랑하는 땡땡땡 생일 축하합니다~~~~💖💖💖💖💖
Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!~~~~💖💖💖💖💖
속이 좀 더부룩하네
I feel bloated.
뱃속에서 닭발들이 헤엄치는듯한 기분
It feels like chicken feet are swimming in my stomach.
Oh, my God.
더부룩 더부룩..
I'm so bloated.
잠이 안 온다아..
I can't sleep.
잠 못자서 정신이 없네..
I'm out of my mind because I couldn't sleep.
"이제 점심시간이자나~
점심 먹어야지..
여진이는 밥 먹었어~?
여진이는 병원 안 가봐도 돼???"
"It's lunch time now.
I'm going to eat lunch.
Yeojin, did you eat?
Yeojin, you don't have to go to the hospital?"
내일부터 병원 투어 돌기로 해써!
I'm going on a hospital tour from tomorrow!
"손톱 발톱빠진건 소독 잘하고 있는거야?"
"How's the nail polish going?"
조금 이따가 네일샵 가야해!
I have to go to the nail shop later!
엄마가 나보고 걸어다니는 종합 병원이래…
My mom said I'm a walking hospital...
엄마 우셨어… 마음 아파
Mom cried... My heart aches.
엄마 내일 오셔!
Mom is coming tomorrow!
아빠는 늘 엄마와 함께지!
Dad is always with mom!
엄마 아빠 두분다 내 전화를 안 받아 주시네
Both my mom and dad are not answering my calls.
You are mean.
"통화해서 목소리 들으면 울음 터지실까봐🥲"
"I'm afraid you'll burst into tears when you hear my voice on the phone."
어쩌면 귀찮아서…가능성이 없지 않아
Maybe I'm too lazy to...It's a possibility.
"안잔지 25시간째 졸려죽기 직전"
"I haven't slept for 25 hours. I'm about to die of sleep."
나 닮아가네
You're starting to look like me.
"다이어트 작심 3일째 배가 너무 부르다..."
"I've been so full for 3 days since I decided to go on a diet."
"...이거 인용 맞아...?
점심 너무 많이 먹었다는거였는데 ㅠㅠㅠ"
"...is this a quote...?
I was saying that I ate too much lunch."
아주 잘하고 있어 다이어트란 건강한 음식을 배부르게 먹으며 운동을 열심히 하는 것
You're doing great. Diet is to eat healthy food and exercise hard.
"여지니는 이두집착걸 계속 할꺼야??😂"
"Are you going to keep doing these two things?😂"
손가락 괜찮아지면 다시 하기로 했어 지금 운동을 할 수 있는 몸 상태가 아니라서 말이지.. 쩝..
I decided to do it again when my fingers got better because I'm not in the physical condition to exercise. Oh, my.
노래 불러달라는 사람이 많아서
There are a lot of people asking me to sing.
근데 상태가 영 아니네
But I'm not in the best condition.
I'm sorry..🥲🥲
"여지니 사랑해🧡🧡🧡🧡"
"I love you, Lee Know. 🧡🧡🧡🧡"
Me too ❤️❤️💙💙
"여진 요새 빠진 이모지 이써 ?!"
"Yeojin, are you into this emoji these days?"
요즘은 곰이랑 하트,.? 염색한 이후로 머리색이랑 비슷한 💙이거 많이 쓰는듯해 주황색이랑 파란색하트 팹에도 많이 올리는 것 같아!
These days, bears and hearts? Since I dyed my hair, I think I use this a lot 💙 I think I put it on orange and blue heart fabs a lot!
Lunch menu recommendation.
오늘은 말이죠
"진아 몸도 안좋은데 차 타고 다니지ㅜ"
"Jin, I'm not feeling well, but I'm driving around."
오늘은 픽업이 안 된다 그래서 걸어 가는 중이야
They said they can't pick me up today, so I'm walking.
"진아~~~~~ ㅠㅠ 옷은 따뜻하게 입었지?"
"Jin! You dressed warmly, right?"
긴바지에 반팔!
Long pants and short sleeves!
지금은 좀 덥네
It's a little hot right now.
조금이따 비 온다고 그래서
I heard it's going to rain a little later.
우산도 챙겼어 걱정마!
I got my umbrella, too. Don't worry!
집에 갈땐 매니저님이 데리러 오셔 괜찮아
My manager will pick me up when I go home. It's okay.
그냥 걸어서 숨 찬거 뿐이야!
I'm just out of breath on foot!
호떡 맛나겠다
It must taste like hotteok.