2022 08 24 2875

그래서 곰곰이 행방이 궁금하지?
So you're curious about where he is, right?

곰곰이는 말이지…
I'm going to think about it'sorrying.

나랑 떨어졌어…
He fell off from me...

지금쯤 비행기타고 오고 있겠다
He's probably on his way by now.

회사 직원 언니가 데리고 오고 계시대!
A staff member is bringing her here!

Think carefully...

회사분이 곰곰이 찾으러 다시 돌아간거야?

아니 아니 오는 시간이 달랐어 좀 늦게 오셔서 부탁했지ㅠㅠ
Did the staff go back to look for you?

No, no. The time I came was different. I asked you to come a little late.