2022 08 21 2828
밥 같이 먹어줘서 고마부
Thank you for eating with me.
다순이 짱 크지?
Dasoon is really big, right?
근데 다순이 내꺼 아니야
But Dasoon is not mine.
스타일리스트 언니꼬
It's our stylist.
내꺼는 머리 위에 올려있던 하얀 곰
The white bear that was on top of my head.
엥 나는 팬분한테 선물받은 줄
I thought I got it as a present from a fan.
It's not!
다순이 무섭긴해..
Dasoon is scary.
여진이 하얀곰은 이름 뭐야?
What's the name of Yeojin's white bear?
곰곰이가 여진이 애기 때 부터 같이 있었던 인형이야?
Gomgom has been with Yeojin since she was a baby?
맛보기 사진
A preview photo.
나 이제 잔다아ㅏ
I'm going to bed now.