2022 08 15 2765
나는 이제 끝나고 숙소왔당!
I'm back to the dorm after finishing this.
오늘 무대 어땟어
오늘 무대 정말 크더라 그래서 더 신났어!
How was the performance today?
Today's stage was really big. So I was more excited!
재밌어써 오늘
It was fun today.
I worked out.
선생님이랑 같이 운동했어!!
I worked out with my teacher!
무슨 선생님..?
컨디셔너 선생님!
What teacher...?
Conditioner teacher!
매일 매일 하기로해써
I decided to do it every day.
무슨 운동 했는데??
유산소랑 팔운동!
What kind of exercise did you do?
Aerobic exercise and arm exercise!
프로틴 먹구
I ate protein.
이제 씻어야지!!
I'm going to wash up now!
몰라 뭔지 모르겠는데 먹으라고하셔서
I don't know what it is, but they told me to eat it.
I ate it.
투어 잘 하려면 체력 길러야지 내일도 하기로 했어!
If I want to do well on the tour, I need to build up my stamina. I'm going to do it
아빠한테 물어봤는데 프로틴 더 먹어 된다고 해서 내일 부터는 조금씩 더 먹어보려구!
I asked my dad and he said I would eat more protein, so I'm going to eat a little more from tomorrow!
아빠한테도 운동 팁 자주 물어보는 편이야??
우웅ㅇ 아무래도 아빠가 계속 운동을 하시니까!
Do you often ask your dad about exercise tips?
Since my dad keeps working out!
근데 나 운동하는거 안 좋아해서 아빠한테 많이 물어보지는 않아 오늘 오랜만에 물어봐써
But I don't like exercising, so I don't ask my dad a lot today.
가끔 본가가면 아빠가 발목 마사지 해주시거는 그거 짱 시원해
When I go home sometimes, my dad massages my ankle. That's so cool.
방금도 팹에 오기 전에 엄마 아빠랑 영통하고 와써 까망이도 보고!!
I just had a video call with my mom and dad before I came to Fab, so I saw Kkamang!
까망이는 모하면서 지낸대??!
개껌 씹고 계시던데…
What does Kkamang do?
You were chewing gum...
우리 까망이 가만보면 참 부러워
I'm jealous of you.
까망이 보고싶당
I want to see you black.
까망이는 왜 귀여울까.,,?
Why is Kkamang cute?
이제 다 씻었다
I'm done washing up now.
머리 말리고 자야지!!
I'm going to dry my hair before I go to sleep!
이제 공포의 머리말리기 해야겠네
맞아 공포의 머리말리기…
I'm going to dry my hair now.
That's right. Dry your hair...
진짜 머리 바로 말리고 잘껀가료.?
Are you really going to dry your hair and go to sleep?
I fainted.