2022 08 06 2624

오늘 짱 덥당
It's so hot today.

나 자는데 한시간에 한번씩 일어났어
I woke up once an hour to sleep.

왜인지 모르겠는데 덴버가 좀 그렇다더라
I don't know why, but Denver's a little weird.

지대가 높아서
high up in the air

숨 쉬기가 조금 힘들대
It's hard to breathe.

요즘 쿠키런 너무 재밌어
Cookie Run is so much fun these days.

쿠키런하고 나서 쿠키 먹으면 이상한 기분일듯

응 맞아 근데 나는 쿠키를 먹지요
If I eat cookies after Cookie Run, it'll feel weird.

Yes, that's right. But I eat cookies.

와아 여진이는 무슨 쿠키야-? 여진이라면 쿠키까지 세상 귀엽고 이쁜 쿠키일거 같애

나는 동물 3마리 있는거
What kind of cookie is Yeojin? If it's Yeojin, even the cookies are so cute and pretty.

The one with 3 animals.

이름은 몰라? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

기억이 안나
You don't know his name? (Laughs)

I don't remember it.

그거네 그거 쿠키멀즈!! 사자 여우 렛서팬더 친구들😆 다 귀여운 친구들이지만 곰이 없는건 쪼끔 아쉽다

구니까 곰이 없어서 아쉬워ㅜ
It's that! Cookie Mulls! Lion fox Let's Panda friends 😆 They're all cute friends, but it's a little disappointing that there's no bear.

It's a shame that there's no bear.

쿠키런 원래 했었어?

Did you always play Cookie Run?


요즘 게임은 쿠키런만해?

웅.. 스위치 안 들고 왔거든… 깜빡했어..
Do you play games like Cookie Run these days?

Uh... I didn't bring a switch... I forgot.

스위치 게임 뭐해???

What switch game are you playing?


포켓몬 고 로 대신하자😂

Let's do Pokemon Go instead 😂

That's what happened.

돌아다니지는 못해서 공연장 돌아다니는중
I can't go around, so I'm going around the concert hall.

곧 보자 덴버!
See you soon, Denver!

자 이제 올릴게 큐티 사진
I'll post a cute picture now.

Please look forward to it.

Phew 👍

마지막 방으로 넘어오기
Moving on to the last room.