2022 07 24 2378
Are you all right...?
후회되는 것 같기도…
I feel like I'm regretting it...
뭐 염색?
What? Dyeing?
정말 괜찮아? 마음에 들ન?
Are you sure you like it?
사실 걱정했거든…
I was actually worried...
마음에 안 들어할까봐
I thought you wouldn't like it.
Are you sure?
금방 다시 흑발로 돌아갈수도…
I might go back to black hair soon...
아이돌 머리야 이거
This is idol hair.
무슨무슨 법때문에 여진이 염색 머리 최소 한 달은 지나야한대
Yeojin's hair color needs to be at least a month old because of the law.
아마 투어까지는 이걸로 할 것 같기는 한데…
I think I'll probably do this until the tour...
흑발도 아이돌 머리고 지금 머리도 아이돌 머리야 왜냐하면 우리 루비는 아이돌이거든
Black hair is an idol's hair, too. Because Ruby is an idol.
That's right.
It's a dilemma.
나 탈색 4번 했는데
I bleached my hair 4 times.
피스랑 색이 달라서 한번 더 탈색했어
The color is different from the hair piece, so I bleached it again.
사실 탈색하고 오빛들한테 물어봤다…?
Actually, I asked ORBIT after bleaching my hair...?
탈색할까요? 하고 근데 반응이 하지 말라는 반응이 더 많더라고…
I asked if I should bleach my hair, but there were more people telling me not to...
사실 후회도 하는중
I'm actually regretting it.
여진아 혹시 염색 결심하게된 계기나 염색 중 있었던 썰 있어??? 뭔가 갑자기 하게된거는 아닐꺼 같은데
이유는 검은 머리 오래해서…?
Yeojin, is there a reason why you decided to dye your hair? Is there a story while dyeing it?
I don't think it's all of a sudden.
The reason is because I've had black hair for a long time...?
오늘 브이앱 할때 염색한거 뭐라할까바 조금 겁났어??🥺
What should I say when I dyed my hair during today's V LIVE? I was a little scared.🥺
Yes, a little bit?
원래 이렇게 파란끼 도는 색이 아니라 완전 연한 그레이가 시안이였는데 이렇게 나왔넹..
Originally, it wasn't a blueish color, but a very light gray color came out like this.
Good morning