2022 07 14 2203
Good morning
날씨가 좋네
The weather is nice.
민증사진 찍었는데
I took an ID picture.
걍 다시 찍었어
I just took it again.
This is it.
잘 나왔는지는 머르겠어
I don't know if it came out well.
8장 있길래 매니저 오빠 한장 드려써
There were 8 so I gave one to my manager.
공주님처럼 찍혔어😆
You look like a princess. 😆
Is it right?
혹시 불러줬으면 하는 노래 있는 사람
Anyone who has a song you want me to sing?
더 없나요?
Is there any more?
막곡 추천
Last song recommendation.
난 이제 퇴근한다!
I'm going home now!
나 일어났다
I woke up.
모해 다들
What are you all doing?