2022 07 10 2135


향수가 말이지
The perfume...

살까 말까 아직 고민중이야
I'm still thinking about buying it or not.

이러고 내일 사겠지
And then tomorrow... I'll buy it.

이러고 까먹을듯
I think I'll forget like this.

나는 비둘기니까
I'm a pigeon.

나 오늘도 인터넷으로 옷 사야지 하고
I was going to buy clothes online.

지금까지 까먹음…
I forgot until now...

Oh, my God.

쇼핑몰 가야하는데 팹 중이잖어
I have to go to the mall, but I'm passing it.

지금 향수가 중요한게 아니야 옷을 사야해
Perfume isn't important right now. I need to buy clothes.

그럼 내가 대신 살게 쇼핑몰 이름좀

거기 예쁜거 많아 여자 쇼핑몰이긴한데 혹시 여자세요..?
Then I'll buy it for you. Give me the name of the shopping mall.

There are a lot of pretty things there. It's a women's shopping mall, are you a woman?

꼭 여자만 사라는법은 없잖아

그건 그래 맞지 맞지 다들 가자
You don't have to buy a girl.

That's right. Let's go.

잠깐 다녀옴
a brief visit


혹시 롯월에서 여진이 포카 떨어져있는거 발견했니? 그거 내가 잃어버렸는데…

못 봐쪄ㅠ
Did you happen to find Yeojin's photo card in Lotte Wall? I lost it...

I didn't see it.

그래서 임여진 웃기기대회 수상자 발표 언제해?

음 하고싶어
So when is the announcement of the winner of the Lim Yeo-jin Funny Contest?

I want to do it.

여진이 포카 제가 주웠는데 용산역 물품보관소에 냈어요 찾아가세요!

I picked up YeoJin's photo card and I put it in the storage room at Yongsan Station. Go find it!

That's what it says.


나 지금 네일샵
I'm at the nail salon.

네일 이번에는 좀 색있는걸로 했어
I got my nails colored this time.

올라갈거야 좀만 기다류
I'm going up. Wait a minute.

다했으면 이제 숙소에서 푹 쉬는거얌?? 회사가나 여징이??

아니! 아직 병원 가야혀!
If you're done, you're going to rest at the dorm. Company or Yeojing?

No! I still have to go to the hospital!

에 그런거 아니야 걱정마
Yeah, it's not like that. Don't worry.

아직 아니요 밥은 안 먹었습니다..
Not yet. I didn't eat yet.

좀 졸린걸..?
I'm a little sleepy.