2022 06 12 1635
사연있어보인다.. 포켓몬빵스티커가 중복으로 나온거같은 그런 가슴아픈사연
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ꙼̈ㅋ̆̎ㅋ̊̈ㅋ̌̈ㅋ̄̈ㅋ̐̈ㅋ̑̈ㅋ̆̈ ㅋㅋㅋ̤̮ ㅋ͈̮ ㅋ̤̥ ㅋ͈̥ ㅋ̤̻ ㅋ͈̻ ㅋ̤̫ ㅋ͈̫ ㅋ̤̯ ㅋ͈̯ ㅋ̤̱ ㅋ͈̱ ㅋ̤̫͚ ㅋ͈̫͚ ㅔ
There seems to be a story.
It's a heartbreaking story where Pokemon bread stickers came out in duplicate.
(Laughs)̤̮͈̤͈̥̮̥̤̻͈̤͈͈̤̻̤͈̤̤͈̫̤̤̫͈̯͈̤͈̯͈̤̤͈̮͈̱̫͚͚̫̤̱̱̤̮̯̤̯̥̫̱̻͈̻̥̫͚͚̮̥̫͈̫̮͈͈̤̤̤̤̤͈͈͈̤̤͈͈̮꙼̎̐̑ㅋ̤͈̫͚͚ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̎̆ㅋㅋㅋㅋ̫̱̱ㅋ̯ㅋㅋ̮ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ̯̥̫ㅋㅋ̤ㅋ̻̮̥̻̊̈ㅋ̤̫͈̤ㅋ̈ㅋ̥͈̥ㅋㅋ̻꙼ㅋ. Lol. Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.
오렌즈 글로이 브라운인가 블랙인가 임미다
Orlens Gloy Brown or Black? It's Immi.
…차라리 정수리를 보여달라해
…I'd rather ask you to show me the top of your head.
여진이의 오른쪽 얼굴도 궁금하다...
이 말에 대답한거야
I'm curious about YeoJin's right face.
I answered this question.
징아 나 슬슬 눈꺼풀이 내려온다……… 잘거야? 더 할거야? 더 할거면 바카스 마시고 올게……
잘게 카페인 마시지마
My eyelids are slowly coming down...…… Are you going to sleep or do more? If you're going to do more, I'll drink Bacas...…
I'm going to bed. Don't drink caffeine.
아직 안 갔어 걱정마
(I feel guilty because it seems like it stopped because of me)
He's not gone yet. Don't worry.
근데 나 졸려
But I'm sleepy.
I want to sleep.
눈 비비적 부비적
Rubbing eyes.
혹시 몰라
You never know.
다시 올지도
Maybe I'll come back.
What the heck
오빛들 자??
Orbit, are you sleeping?
아니 나 궁금한게 있어
No, I have a question.
그 뭐지 폭탄머리에
What is it? With bomb hair...
빗이 머리에 박혀있는
with a comb stuck in one's head
이름이 뭐지ㅠ???
What's your name?
아니 약간 파니팡 스트
No, it's kind of like panifangst.
뭔지 알지?
You know what I mean, right?
나 너무 궁금해
I'm so curious.
그 조금 폭탄머리에 빗이 있고
There's a comb on the bomb hair.
그 캐릭터
That character.
아 뭐지ㅠ
Ah, what is it?
아무도 못 찾았어ㅠ
I couldn't find anyone.
언니 그 혹시 초등학교 아이스크림 캐릭터 말하는겨..??
드디어 찾았다ㅠ
Are you talking about the elementary school ice cream character?
I finally found it.
이거 맞아
This is right.
아 눈물나
Oh, I'm crying.
이루다님 축하합니다
Lee Luda, congratulations.
이름을 몰라요ㅠ
I don't know the name.
What is the name of the character?
I don't know…
It's Smith.
핸드폰 케이스 사고싶은데
I want to buy a cell phone case.
뭐가 좋을까
What would be good?
It's casei-fi.
🔥미러 고민중
🔥 Thinking about mirror
디즈니 라인 귀여워
Disney line is cute.
나비도 예뻐
Butterflies are pretty, too.
( •︠ˍ•︡ ) 고민중
(•ˍ︡•︠) Thinking about it.
그 에리얼 예뻐 신데렐라랑 다들 공구하자
Ariel is pretty. Let's buy Cinderella and everyone else's.
여진이 얼굴 박아서 케이스 공구하자(?)
그래 좋아
Let's buy YeoJin's case by hitting her face.
Okay, fine.
역시 아무것도 없는게 깔끔하다
As expected, it's neat that there's nothing.
문구는 루비다
The phrase is ruby.
I don't want to do it.
갑자기 마음이 바꼈어
I suddenly changed my mind.
나중에 다시 생각할래
I'll think about it later.