2022 06 11 1611
혹시 곧 있음 아침인데 아침메뉴 추천해주실수 있나용 ??
포슬포슬한 계란찜
It's morning soon.
Can you recommend a breakfast menu?
a fluffy steamed egg
추어탕이나 콩국수 같은 계절 별미 같은 것도 많이 먹는 편이야????
비상이다 삐뽀삐뽀 너무 싫어
Do you eat a lot of seasonal delicacies like chueotang or kongguksu?
It's an emergency. I hate it so much.
콩 말구 다른 곡물 중에 좋아하는거 있어??
Do you have a favorite grain other than beans?
이번컨셉포토 어느버전이 개취야?
다 예쁜데 A랑 음 핑크 버전 모르겠어 근데 핑크
Which concept photo version is your personal preference?
They're all pretty, but I don't know the pink version.
살면서 새벽5시까지 음식취향 알려주는 아이돌은 처음봐 ㅇㅅㅇ 그래서인지 더 이끌려……💖
I've never seen an idol in my life who teaches me food preferences until 5 a.m. ㅇㅅㅇ Maybe that's why I'm more attracted...…💖
This is fun.
보리밥도 좋아해
I like barley rice, too.
음식얘기하다 갑자기 꺾어서 미안한데🤣
여진이가 생각했을때 이번 컴백에서 우리가 이것만큼은 진짜 다 뿌순다! 싶은게 있어??
니 심장
I'm sorry that I suddenly turned it around while talking about food, but 🤣
Yeojin, what do you think about this comeback? We're going to break everything! Is there anything you want?
Your heart.
여진이의 라면취향이 궁금합니당
I'm curious about Yeojin's ramen preference.
Jin Jjambbong Ramen💖
강된장보리밥 먹고싶다
I want to eat doenjang barley rice.
My favorite💖
여진이의 서브웨이 레시피가 궁금합니다
저 서브웨이 안 먹어요..
I'm curious about Yeojin's Subway recipe.
I don't eat Subway.
퀸덤때 부서진거 열심히 붙여놨더니 또 뿌셔지게 생겼네 큰일났다ㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
더 넘어서 갈기갈기 산산조각 아니 가루가 될거야
I put the broken one on during "Queendom" and it's going to break again. Oh no.(T)(Laughs)
It's going to go further and fall apart. No, it's going to be powder.
여진이는 특별한날 꼭 먹는거 있어?? 생일이나 그런때!
Yeojin, what do you always eat on special days? On your birthday or something!
해장은 주로 무슨 음식으로 하나요??!
해장을 묻는다면 대답할 수 없네요 해보지 않아서 해장국을 먹지않을까요
What kind of food do you usually eat for hangover?
I can't answer if you ask me about hangover. I haven't tried it, so I'll eat hangover soup.
최근 들어 가장 행복했던 일을 물어봐도 될까용?
Can I ask you the happiest thing I've done lately?
Comeback 👍
이달소 공식 황금귀 임여진씨가(나한텐 공식임!) 요즘 많이 듣는 달소노래 탑5 알려주세요!
LOONA's official golden ear, Lim Yeo-jin (It's official to me!) Tell us the top 5 Dalso songs that you listen to a lot these days!
- Flip that.
- Flip That (Forced) 3.Flip comment (semi-forced)
- Flip comment (half forced)
- Flip comment (half and half forced)
여지니는 국물파야 건더기파야?
Do you like soup or ingredients?
The soup!
꼭 정말정말꼭완전 나가보고 싶은 예능이 있다면~~?
미노이님 요리조리!
Is there a variety show that you really want to go on?
ID Mino, here and there!
캡틴큐 마신 비하인드 궁금해요😂
I'm curious about the behind story of drinking Captain Q.😂
다들 밥은 먹었어?
Did you all eat?
빨리 밥 먹어야지 다들
You have to hurry up and eat.
I ate it!
새우랑 익힌 낙지는 괜찮아
Shrimps and cooked octopus are okay.
여지나!!! 진이는 멤버들 솔로곡 중에 탐나는 곡 머야????? 키스는 다음에 말고🐸🐸
Yeojina!!! What is Jin's favorite solo song of the members???? Not kiss next time 🐸🐸
Beep song.
여진아, 너 덕분에 교복이 투표에서 이기고 있어.
Yeo-jin, thanks to you, school uniforms are winning the vote.
^^오빛들 감사합니다 드디어 소원이 이루어졌네여
^^ ORBIT, thank you. My wish finally came true
한성여중 교복 진짜 오랜만에 보고싶은데
이거.. 교복 없어..
I want to see Hanseong Girls' Middle School uniform after a long time.
This... There's no school uniform.
혹시 만약에 우리 교복을 입는다면 나 혹시 서공예 시금치 하복 입어도 괜찮을까,,?
If we wear school uniforms, is it okay for me to wear the spinach summer uniform of SOPA?
우리 하복 예쁜데
Our summer uniforms are pretty.
This is it.
아유 교복은 한림이지 무슨소리야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그냥 교복 안 입어 다들 너무해
School uniforms are all about Hanlim. What are you talking about? (Laughs)
We don't wear school uniforms. You're so mean.
안 입어
I don't wear it.
나 삐졌어
I'm pissed off.
우리 교복이 1등이야 제일 예쁜 교복 1등
Our uniforms are the best. The prettiest uniforms.
루비가 1등 예쁜 교복이야
Ruby won first place. It's a pretty school uniform.
여긴 임여진 말이 곧 법이니깐 따르세요
이거 고정하고 싶은데 고정기능 추천
What you say here is the law, so follow it.
I want to fix this, but I recommend fixing it.
로마에 가면 로마법을 따라야지 임여진방에 왔으면 여진이 말 따르세요
맞아 맞아
If you're in Rome, you have to follow Roman law. If you're in Im Yeojin's room, follow Yeojin's instructions.
That's right, that's right.
It's fun.
모든 사람들이 어떤 종류의 교복을 입을까요? 'Favorite'에 나오는 교복인가요?
잘은 모르겠어요…
What kind of school uniform does everyone wear? Is it the uniform from "Favorite"?
I don't know...
판사 선고 하겠습니다
임여진법 1조 1항 [모든 권력은 임여진으로 부터 나온다]에 의거하여 여진이의 말이 반대하는 자들은 모두 추방하겠습니다 땅땅땅👩⚖️👩⚖️👩⚖️
옳소 옳소
I'll sentence you as a judge.
In accordance with Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Lim Yeo-jin Act [all power comes from Lim Yeo-jin], all those who oppose Yeo-jin's words will be expelled. Slap, slap! 👩⚖️👩⚖️👩⚖️
You're right. You're right.
임여진 방에서 임여진 말 반대하면 강퇴하자
옳소 옳소
Let's kick him out if he opposes what he says.
You're right. You're right.
루비는 아주 화났어
Ruby is very angry.
루비 아주 화났어
Ruby is very angry.
Be ticked off.
혹시 아직도 삐졌어?
쳇 말걸지마
Are you still upset?
Don't talk to me.
( 말 안걸고 관전 중 )
본인이 그랬는데 관전이라..?
(Watching without talking to him)
You said it yourself, but you're watching?