2022 05 15 1267
와 내일 성년의 날이래
Wow, tomorrow is Coming-of-Age Day.
아니 오늘
No, today...
몰랐네 어쩐지 다들 향수 장미 이야기 하더라니
I didn't know. No wonder everyone was talking about perfume roses.
와 그럼 나 진정한 성인이야?
Wow, then am I a real adult?
난 지나ㅆ나?
Did I pass?
잠시만 나 02라서 이번이 맞나?
Hold on. I'm 02 so is this the right time?
Did it pass?
엥 ¯ࡇ¯ 몰라
I don't know.
나 만 19세긴해^^
I'm 19 years old. ^^
Maybe not.
솔직히 모르겠음 나 맞아?
Honestly, if I don't know, is it me?
작년이래.. 쏘리
Last year... Sorry.
나 아니랴
It's not me.
He said.
다들 저 아닙니다~~~~
It's not me.~~
하하하 나 잘게
Hahaha I'm going to sleep
머쓱해서 이만
I'm going to wrap it up.
오늘은 머하시나요 공주
What are you doing today? Princess
아 맞다! 성년의날 21살에 축하받는거 맞아!!
여진아 성년의 날 너무 축하해~! 어렸을때 부터 봤는 데, 어느새 성년이 되었네!! 너무 축하하고 많이 사랑해🧡🧡 항상 함께하자💖💖
그래서 나 성인이야??
Oh right! It is true that I am celebrated on Coming-of-Age Day when I am 21 years old!
Yeojin, happy Coming-of-Age Day! I've seen you since I was young, but you've come of age! Congratulations and I love you so much 💖💖 Let's always be together 🧡🧡
So am I an adult?
아니 성년의 날이야?
Is it Coming-of-Age Day?
맞으면 장미 이모티콘 보내줘
If it's right, send me a rose emoticon.
I'm so happy.
너무 누워있었나 머리가 띵해
Did I lie down too much? I feel dizzy.
오늘 날씨 좋네
The weather is nice today.
날씨 좋다
The weather is good.
나시도 안 춥고 시원하다
My sleeveless shirt is not cold and cool.
오늘의 추천곡 색안경
Today's song recommendation is colored glasses.
왜냐 지금 매니저오빠랑 같이 듣고있거등
Why? Because I'm listening with my manager right now manager.
It's home.
아니 갔다가 집에 왔다고
No, I went and came home.
뭐해 다들
What are you all doing?
난 지금 노래 들으면서 누워있는중
I'm lying down listening to music.
같이 듣자 뭐듣는지 알려줘
off the record
ab6ix님들 노래야
Let's listen to it together. Tell me what you're listening to.
off the record It's a song by ab6ix.