2022 05 14 1235


오늘은 지하철 여행
Today, I'm going on a subway trip.

마실 나간다
I'm going out to drink.

마실을 누가 그렇게 이쁘게 하고가는데

뭐래 쌩얼인데…쩝쩝 혼자 나가는거야 뭐 살거 있어서
Who is going to drink so beautifully?

What are you talking about? I'm not wearing any makeup.I'm going out alone because I have something to buy.

요즘 내가 좋아하는 왕리본 핀
The big ribbon pin that I like these days.

엄마가 사준 왕리본
My mom bought me a big ribbon.

만나는 사람도 없는데 화장은 사치다
I'm not seeing anyone, but makeup is a luxury.

사실 네일을 보여주고 싶었던거 아니야?

Didn't you want to show your nails?


아니 사람 너무 많다
There are so many people.

생각보다 쌀쌀하네
It's colder than I thought.

오랜만에 외출하는듯
It's been a while since I went out.

아 근데 이제 집 들어가고싶다
But I want to go home now.

사람 너무 많다
There are too many people.

집 가야지
I have to go home.




🌟루파리 모임중
🌟 During the Lupari meeting

막시묘스묘끼 아니 이름이 왜 이모양이래?
What's wrong with the name?

아니 참 이름이 길어
It's a long name.

곧 부기브라더스랑 상견례 예정이라고 들었어

아니 부기브라더스가 아니라 북이브라더스임
I heard you're meeting Boogie Brothers soon.

No, it's not Boogie Brothers. It's the North Brothers.

우리 아빠가 맨날 북이브라더스라고 불러
My dad always calls me "Bukyi Brothers.

이름이 참 막시묘스묘끼
It's called "Maksimosomikki.

요즘 우리 자주 모이긴 하니
We get together often these days.


아니 오늘 택배 뜯다가 칼로 내 손가락 같이 뜯었어
No, I was opening the package today and I opened my finger with a knife.

그냥 좀 따가워
It just stings.

I'm sleepy.

good morning
good morning

어우 근데 요즘 좀 일찍 일어나는것 같지?
But don't you think I wake up early these days?

You see?

평소에 5시나 6시에 느적 느적 일어났잖아
You usually wake up at 5 or 6 o'clock.

오빛들!!!!! 모르는거냐???
ORBIT!!!! You don't know?